It's going to plant

Grinning, ye Chen said with a smile, "this little brother is really interesting. If I say I'm not ye Chen, will you let me go?"

Wu Yanming frowned and sneered, "Ye Chen, smart tongue can't save you."

Ye Chen turned his mouth and asked, "Wow, then, brother, do you mean that clumsy tongue can save me?"

"..." Wu Yanming choked by Ye Chen's words, and he didn't know what to say.

On one side, Kitai Kotaro snorted with disdain and cheered in a cold voice, "nonsense, no, Chinese people just love to take advantage of their words. It's ridiculous."

Wu Yanming's eyebrows were raised. He didn't like these Japanese people. Now he was told that his country was ridiculous, and he became angry. But now the enemy is at hand, and it's not easy to attack, so he had to hum. Dissatisfied, he took a look at Kitai Kotaro and said to ye Chen, "boy, let's talk face to face. I'm not used to it. You'll lie on the ground for a while, I'll talk to you again. "

"Oh, I'll see." Ye Chen clenched his fist and stood up. He was cold eyed. Facing the five big men, he suddenly felt an invisible sense of oppression.

Jiang Xuan, who was standing on one side, was a little at a loss. She glanced at the reed marsh, where the jackals were hiding. She knew that, she said

Is also for this and jackal's battle plan, so just managed to lead Ye Chen here.

But now, on the way, a group of young people came out, which directly disrupted her original plan.

However, on second thought, Jiang Xuan gets excited. In her opinion, if the Jackal wants to deal with Ye Chen, it means that there are free thugs to deal with it. In this way, the Jackal will not only lose the risk of imprisonment, but also get a big advantage.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan takes two steps back. She gives the place to Ye Chen and Wu Yanming and others, and plans to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If these people can control Ye Chen, it's naturally the best. If they can't control Ye Chen, ye Chen will also be injured. At this time, it's very simple for the Jackal to start again.

Ye Chen and Wu Yanming can't guess her idea. Ye Chen thinks that Jiang Xuan belongs to Wu Yanming, while Wu Yanming thinks that Jiang Xuan is Ye Chen's friend. But they can't imagine that there is another force waiting in their battlefield area.

As one of the top fighters of the black dragon club, Wu Yanming not only has extraordinary skills, but also has a very hard hand. In the black dragon club, he and the other three people are known as the four King Kong, belonging to one of Feng Tao's most proud subordinates.

This time, Feng Tao pays more attention to the task of dealing with Ye Chen, so Wu Yanming doesn't intend to disappoint his boss. In his opinion, ye Chen is a slightly stronger ordinary man. Although he once fought two gangsters, it's no big deal in Wu Yanming's mind.

As for the incident that the killer lost contact, Wu Yanming even thinks that the unscrupulous killer ran away with a deposit and didn't work at all.

Originally, Wu Yanming was not suitable to appear this time. After all, he was also watched by the police. However, because of his lack of strength and unclear criminal record, the police who monitored him were not strong enough. When he changed shifts, he was negligent, which gave him a chance to make a move.

"Hey, hey!" Wu Yanming grins grimly. He jumps up, kicks his left foot, raises his right leg high, and slashes Ye Chen's head like a battle axe.

This is Wu Yanming's unique skill. He is the black belt of extreme vacuum handcraft. I don't know how many wrestlers have fallen down. He always disdains to use weapons, because in his opinion, his body is the strongest weapon. Ye Chen was absorbed in the attack of the five men, and didn't dare to be careless. Although Wu Yanming's leg was very fast, ye Chen's eyes flashed and instantly reacted.


At the critical moment, ye Chen used his best side sliding step. Just when Wu Yanming's foot almost hit his face, he dodged it dangerously.

"The action is very handsome, you also take my fist!" With a low roar, ye Chen clenched his fist and went up. At the same time of avoiding the next chop, his whole body ran forward and directly stuck to Wu Yanming's body. Without hesitation, he smashed it with a right fist!

"Well?" Ye Chen's ability to avoid his own chop surprised Wu Yanming. What surprised him more was that ye Chen could fight back quickly. However, although he was surprised by Ye Chen's strength, Wu Yanming was not flustered.

With the left hand pressed down, Wu Yanming quickly pressed Ye Chen's right fist like lightning. The entry point he chose was Ye Chen's wrist, which was the weakest part of the fist strength. Wu Yanming directly pushed Ye Chen's fist to one side, clenched his right hand by the way, and raised his fist.

Ye Chen's eyes jump. This is the first time that he has been attacked so lightly. You know, what he has mastered is the boxing skills of boxing champion Ali. Although he is only an entry-level fighter, his attack power is terrible.

Seeing the opponent's fist coming, ye Chen is in a hurry. He doesn't have a good way. His hands hurry back to defend, clench his fist on his head, squat slightly, and slide backward quickly.


Although Ye Chen hides fast, Wu Yanming's fist is faster and easier to use. This fist hits Ye Chen's arm in an instant. Fortunately, ye Chen hides in time and only bears three points of strength. Otherwise, his arm will be discarded, and he can't lift it for at least a few minutes.

"Damn it Ye Chen scolds secretly. He just wants to adjust his state, but Wu Yanming doesn't mean to give him a chance to breathe at all. Like a devil, he bites Ye Chen tightly.

"Bang!" After attacking seven or eight moves, ye Chen and his wife fought hard again, and both stepped back.

"Hoo Ye Chen rubs his chest. His eyes change slightly. He swings his body's strength. Wu Yanming is even stronger than Song Yang.

Wu Yanming also patted his chest and said with a smile, "it seems that I underestimated you before, but you're still a little capable."

"But..." Wu Yanming's face was ferocious. He said with a cruel smile, "that's it!"

Ye Chen is on guard instantly, he looks at the four swordsmen who have not started all the time, and suddenly his face becomes very ugly.

"Ha ha, it seems that this time... Will be planted." Ye Chen bitter smile, suddenly feel the chance of escape is slim.

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