fierce fighting

The river wind is blowing, and there is a trace of cold in the air. In the reed marshes, a pair of cold eyes are staring at the battlefield. There is no fluctuation in the eyes, just like death.

Since ye Chen got the God of food system, this is the first time he has faced such a situation. He takes a deep breath. He just feels numb on his scalp and says that if there is another time, he can never be so careless.

Licked the lips of lick dry crack, the leaf Chen has already lost the mind of escape, because those knife hands have already blocked their own retreat all, if escape of words, afraid they will be like a lion to tear oneself, rather than that, still want to go all out of revolt.

"Ye Chen, do you know? No matter how hard you struggle, it's useless. Give up. The more you fight, the more ridiculous it is. " Wu Yanming smiles cruelly, and his eyes are full of coldness.

"Yes? It's ridiculous. If I'm left to die, I'll feel even more ridiculous. " Ye Chen retorts.

"Hey, hey." Wu Yanming knew it would be like this for a long time. He sneered and rushed over again.

The cooperation of the four Japanese swordsmen was very tacit. After ye Chen was surrounded, he drew his sword from four directions at the same time!

For a moment, ye Chen is like a sheep in a wolf pack. He doesn't have the ability to fight at all. The fierce light in his eyes twinkles. As soon as he bites his teeth and his heart is horizontal, he pours at Wu Yanming!

Now the enemy is on all sides. Ye Chen can only choose to stand out and encircle from one direction. Wu Yanming is the only one without weapons. In Ye Chen's opinion, he is also the direction with the least possibility of injury.

"Well, do you take me as a breakthrough?" Wu Yanming sneered and aimed at Ye Chen's face with a punch. He roared angrily, "don't look down on me, fool!"

Ye Chen's pupil shrinks and feels the power of Wu Yanming's fist. He can't help but feel a little frightened. But now he's on the hook and has to fight.

Suddenly squat down, ye Chen bent over, his hands like a brown bear in North America, and strangled Wu Yanming's waist. Then, ye Chen roared and roared. He picked Wu Yanming up, raised his head and hit him on the ground!

This series of actions run like clouds and flowing water, complete at one go, speed and strength belong to the extraordinary play, perhaps under the threat of those bright long knives, ye Chen's potential also burst out at this time.

"Hoo Hoo." Ye Chen falls over Wu Yanming, but he doesn't even have the time to breathe. He doesn't dare to stay in the same place for a moment, for fear that the four swordsmen will seize the opportunity and it won't be fun to chop at random.

Quickly escape several steps, did not wait for ye Chen to make extra action, Kitai Kotaro rushed over for the first time, his hands holding a knife, his face as grim as a ghost, three steps and two steps approaching Ye Chen, not to mention a oblique cut down!

The sound of the blade tearing the air is shrill and shrill. Ye Chen feels the speed and destructive power of the knife, and his face changes greatly. His body, which is running forward, suddenly lies on the ground and bends down. His whole body rolls forward on the ground like a ball, and he is embarrassed to avoid the knife.

Failed to cut Ye Chen, Kitai Kotaro obviously some can't believe it, he first Leng a Leng, then again step forward, chase after the second knife.

As a swordsman of Beichen yidaoliu, his sword just now seems to be ordinary and simple, but it represents the highest level created by Kitai xiaotaro's ten years of sweat.

The sabre from the upper left corner to the lower right corner is called cassock chop. It is the basic Sabre move of Juhe kendo. It is also the entry-level Sabre style of Beichen yidaoliu. Every swordsman must master it skillfully and practice it diligently. Taketaro Kitai is one of the best among them. He inherits the dead brain of traditional Japanese. He wields his Sabre 1800 times a day, rain or shine, Finally honed the strongest cassock chop, so he is confident that under his own cassock chop, he is absolutely invincible. But did not expect, ye Chen in the back to their own time, still came to an ugly extremely lazy donkey roll, dodged his potential in must have a knife.

"Hey, hey!" Ye Chen turns around and sneers at Kitai Kotaro. At this time, the Japanese swordsman, who doesn't believe in evil, steps forward again. The speed of the sword is as fast as thunder. People can only see the cold light flash by.

"Look at my brother's coquettish move." Ye Chen shrinks his head, squats down and slides under his feet. His whole body makes the signature movement of boxing champion Ali, butterfly slide.

Dangerous and dangerous, ye Chen once again evaded Kitai's knife, and then, he took a step in a flash, two sliding steps in succession, directly close to Kitai's body, grinning, right hand punch is not hesitant to hit the past.

"How can it be?" Takataro Kitai screamed in his heart. He couldn't believe that his cassock cut could not hurt the Chinese in front of him. What's more, he couldn't believe that under such adverse circumstances, the Chinese dared to launch a counterattack.

However, no matter how surprised, taketaro Kitai is still a swordsman with rich combat experience. Although almost all his battles take place in Daoguan, he and his martial brothers come to fight with each other with bamboo knives, this does not prevent him from having the will to fight as a warrior.

"Hey Takataro Kitai's sword is long and thin. He has no time to defend it when he is close to him. In a hurry, he stops drinking and punches, trying to fight with Ye Chen.

"Baga road!" Takataro Kitai has a sneer in his heart. In his opinion, how can a weak Chinese fight for a warrior like himself? Although he practices Kendo, he has never relaxed his physical training, push ups or pull ups. He can fight for strength in dozens of minutes. He is no one at all!

"Bang! Ah! "

With a dull crash, Kitai Kotaro's face suddenly changed, and he could not help screaming.

Although Ye Chen's face was a little white, he still grinned and began to fight with the champion Ali,

The man with the knife is also full of urine in his head. He feels like he has a long life!

Takataro Kitai's wrist bone was directly broken by the destructive force under the fierce collision. His wrist was bent, showing an unnatural strange angle, and his arm was shaking slightly. He was cold with pain.

"Go to hell!" But ye Chen has no gentlemanly demeanor to speak of. Taking advantage of the fact that takataro Kitai has no power to fight back at this time, he pours on it and swings his fist on the cheek of this Japanese swordsman!

Kitai Kotaro's mouth and nose are bleeding. He almost falls to the ground when he is hit by this blow. He stares at Ye Chen with scarlet eyes. He is going to fight with Ye Chen with one hand. Ye Chen is going to go up again with a sneer, ready to kill him when he is ill!

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