One enemy


Without waiting for ye Chen to do other actions, the remaining three swordsmen gathered around again, and at the same time, they cut at Ye Chen, leaving no dead corner for ye Chen to dodge!

The cold light is as cold as water. The blade reflects the cold eyes of the Japanese swordsmen. Ye Chen feels numb and murderous.

At this time, three Japanese Swords had sealed all the way back for yechen. He had no choice but to carry them hard.

At the critical moment, ye Chen clenched his teeth and frowned. It was too late to think about it. With a low roar, he snatched the injured Kitai Kotaro's samurai sword and blocked it against the three swords.

"Dang Dang" of a burst of gold and iron to hit the sound, ye Chen's right hand was shocked numb, he quickly put his left hand also, holding the long sword, this just barely stand the three swords.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Ye Chen's breathing sound is more and more serious, the three Japanese swordsmen are all eyes, red face, neck thick hard to press the knife down, ye Chen legs diverge, use the strength to carry.

If it is before, ye Chen can't hold up such a strong strength at all, but at this moment, he only feels that his body is weak

It was like an engine was installed, sending him great power.

"It's Hercules!" Ye Chen's eyes brightened, and he suddenly understood why he would be so seriously injured when he was fighting with Kitai Kotaro just now. It turned out that his own strength could not be compared with others.

The corners of the mouth a lie, leaf Chen feels the strength in the arms, murmur a way, "it seems that the medicine power of the Hercules Dan has already fully developed, elder brother now on the body more than a hundred jin of strength!"

"Aha!" With a low roar, ye Chen makes a sudden effort, and the power in his body breaks out completely. The three swordsmen just feel that they are fighting with a bull, but they can't hold him down for a moment. They let Ye Chen just leave the three swords open, slide back, and finally escape from the encirclement again.

"Damn it." As soon as ye Chen gets away, the three Japanese come up at the same time. They raise their swords impolitely and cut them. Ye Chen yells at him, and his heart is cold. Although he has Hercules Dan, his strength is rising, but his fists are hard to beat. What's more, they still have guys with them. How can they fight?

"If I can go back alive this time, I'll take some cutlery with me and fight these people with my fists. I'm really at a loss." Ye Chen in the heart secret way, brain door son a regiment black thread.

Wu Yanming, who had just been fallen by Ye Chen on the ground, also came around. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes twinkled with cruelty and anger. He said in a cold voice, "good boy, you are so strong that you can fall down on me. It seems that I underestimate you."

Ye Chen is engaged in a scuffle with three Japanese swordsmen. To be exact, he is carrying a broken knife in his hand and struggling with others

When he heard Wu Yanming calling himself, he immediately said, "don't talk nonsense. I don't have time to talk to you now!"

Just a moment when ye Chen was distracted, he was almost hurt by a Japanese swordsman's long sword. He was so frightened that he quickly shut up and didn't dare to be careless any more. He was fighting with his brute force and desperately waving the samurai sword in his hand. He didn't have any moves. He was just hiding from the left and blocking from the right.

Hercules Dan has increased Ye Chen's strength by more than 100 Jin. The calculation method of this strength is based on the weight of lifting objects, so it is roughly equivalent to the strength of an adult. In other words, although Ye Chen is only one person's body now, his body contains the strength of two people. Therefore, when ye Chen fights with these Japanese swordsmen, he takes advantage of them to a great extent. However, these Japanese swordsmen are very sharp. Ye Chen can't resist them just by his brute force. Although he seems to be able to fight back now, he is also full of crises and is very strong. Therefore, ye Chen's defeat will happen sooner or later, if nothing happens, It's hard to avoid.

However, although Wu Yanming saw this situation in his eyes, he was very anxious and wanted to take ye Chen down now. Suddenly, his eyes flashed. He took a glance at Jiang Xuan not far away and said with a sinister smile, "Hey, ye Chen, it seems that I have grasped your weakness."

At this time, Jiang Xuan stood watching the war, watching Ye Chen and Wu Yanming fight each other. She couldn't help but squint at her beautiful eyes. There was joy in her eyes.

In Jiang Xuan's view, whether ye Chen or Wu Yanming or others win, it's a big bargain for her and jackal. Therefore, it's really a happy thing to be able to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

However, before Jiang Xuan finished watching the development of the war, Wu Yanming came over with a grim smile. He shook his fist, his head shook, and the cervical spine in his neck crackled.

"Beauty, I'm sorry. I'll try to be gentle with you." Looking at Jiang Xuan's charming posture, Wu Yanming can't help but look at the corners of his mouth. His eyes are cloudy and throbbing.

Jiang Xuan's pretty face turned white. She couldn't help shivering. She widened her eyes and said, "what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much. You just want to finish it as soon as possible." Wu Yanming stood up and said helplessly, "you know, if I arrest you to threaten Ye Chen, it should play a lot of role, so, in order not to delay everyone's time, I need to do something I don't want to do."

"You got me? Threaten Ye Chen? " Jiang xuanxiu's eyebrows slightly frown, and she suddenly feels bad. It seems that she and ye Chen are here together. Wu Yanming has recognized that she and ye Chen are friends. Now she is going to be taken as a hostage. However, heaven and earth's conscience, the purpose of bringing Ye Chen here is to deal with him.

However, no matter what Jiang Xuan was thinking, Wu Yanming didn't know. He thought he was very gentlemanly. He opened his arms, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "beauty, please don't let me do it. Come here by yourself. Brother's arms are absolutely warm."

Jiang Xuan's mind is full of twists and turns, but she can't find any effective countermeasures for a moment. If she resists now, she will surely suffer under Wu Yanming's hand with her strength in fighting against the five dregs.

If jackals are attracted to fight, new changes will appear in the good situation. This is what Jiang Xuan doesn't want to see. The answer is very simple. If she doesn't break the law, she certainly doesn't want jackals to fight ye Chen.

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