spent force

The river breeze blows, the reeds flutter, the wild ducks and waterfowls flutter and hiss in the distance, and Wu Yanming's roar spreads all the way to the river, but no one answers for a long time.

Ye Chen couldn't fight with the three Japanese swordsmen. Now these goods seem to have taken medicine. He was so desperate to greet himself that he couldn't bear it. One of them couldn't dodge, so he was slashed on the shoulder, and his face changed.

"Grandma, it's really hard to start. Old ladies, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges recently. Why do we have to deal with me as soon as we meet?"

Ye Chen's mouth Baba says his grievance, but the action on the hand doesn't relax at all. It's a joke. He can't stand the injury even if he uses his sucking strength. If he dares to relax for half a second, I'm afraid half of his shoulder is gone.

Wu Yanming saw that no one in the reed marsh paid attention to him. He frowned and pretended to be disdainful. "Dare you throw a knife at me and come out to see me?"

In fact, Wu Yanming is eager for him not to come out. If he comes out half a minute late, he is more likely to take ye Chen. After all, from the current situation, ye Chen has not been long.

"Hum." Takataro Kitai doesn't think so. He has a unique Japanese way of thinking and says with a grim smile, "our work is to burn all the reeds. No matter whether he can get out or not, burn him to death!"

Wu Yanming jumped out of the corner of his eyes and said in his heart, you are really provoking wasps. It's not too big to cause trouble. It's not good for you to force people out of the reeds, OK?

However, looking at the wound in his hand, Wu Yanming's heart also surged with anger. He wanted to drag out the man who attacked him with a knife and press him on the ground to live a hundred times, so as to satisfy his desire for revenge.

Thinking of this, Wu Yanming directly took out a lighter from his pocket. The reeds in April are still withered and yellow. At this time, arson is going to burn. By virtue of the roaring river wind, it is enough to set off a sea of fire. At that time, even if the people in the reed pond think of it, they will never get out.

However, Wu Yanming did not think that the people hiding inside could be burned by fire. After all, as long as the people inside were not fools, they would certainly be able to run out when the fire was small.


Wu Yanming ignited his windproof lighter and walked to the reed marsh with a grim smile. Aiming at a reed, he was about to burn down.

"Be careful!" At this time, Wu Yanming's back suddenly came the warning sound of Kitai Kotaro. He had been keeping a high degree of vigilance. At this time, he heard the cry of Kitai Kotaro, and immediately shrank into a ball and rolled back.


When the frictions between metal and sand ring, Wu Yanming stands up in a hurry, looks alert and looks at his position just now, and his face suddenly changes.

At this time, at the place where Wu Yanming stood just now, a fruit knife was inserted in the sand. Due to the great power of the thrower, the blade of the ordinary fruit knife had gone deep into the ground completely, and the handle was still shaking.

"Hateful..." Wu Yanming's heart was cold, and he was afraid. If he had been half a step late at that time, he would have had a knife on his body.

"Damn coward, you have the ability to come out to me!" Wu Yanming bent down. He leaned forward slightly and made the most alert gesture. He roared at a large reed marsh aimlessly.

Although Ye Chen is under the siege of three swordsmen, the situation is not too bad. If Wu Yanming and Kitai Kotaro also join in and attack themselves together, they will not be able to bear it. Therefore, there is a mysterious guy who doesn't know whether he is a friend or an enemy. He somehow attracts Wu Yanming and shares a lot of pressure on himself, which makes Ye Chen's mind sprout the idea of retreating completely. If his opponent has only these three swordsmen, then he may not be able to run away.

With this idea, ye Chen retreats while fighting, gradually opening the distance between Wu Yanming and ye Chen, in case he is blocked by the two guys again when he is running away.

At this time, Jiang Xuan was crying. She was 100% sure that it was the Jackal who threw the throwing knife from the reed marsh

Ming is a good chance not to use jackal's hands. He would rather be taken as a hostage. But he doesn't know which one of jackal's tendons is wrong. He does it foolishly. What's more, he doesn't attack Ye Chen, but attacks Ye Chen's enemy.

"What the hell are you thinking, you idiot?" Jiang Xuan was very anxious, but she didn't have any way. She didn't dare to show it. Instead, she clenched her fist and prayed secretly.

In the reed marsh, the expressionless jackal took a fruit knife from his special belt again. He gently put the knife in front of him and took a gentle breath. He covered the cold blade of the fruit knife with a layer of steam, blurring out the original smooth and mirror like blade.

Murmur, jackal has always been not good at expressing their ideas, he whispered, "who dares to touch her, who died..."

Wu Yanming took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the reed Dang, for fear that a knife would fly out of the reed Dang in the next moment. He did not dare to turn his head back and asked Kitai Kotaro, "Mr. Kitai, what should we do now?"

Takataro Kitai has not been so subdued since he was born. He growled, "I want to kill him now!"

"I want to, but the point is, the most important thing now is not to kill him!" Wu Yanming frowned.

Speaking of this, they subconsciously look to Ye Chen.

At this time, ye Chen has retreated to the place more than 20 meters away from Wu Yanming and his sword covers the left and right

But now everyone can see that he is in danger.

His chest, back, two arms and ye Chen have been injured several times. The blood has dyed his clothes red. The wounds involve his muscles and nerves. His strength is getting weaker and weaker. His speed is getting slower and slower, which makes his reaction more and more dull. Although he has tried his best, it is obvious that he has lost. Maybe he will be knocked over in the next second.

All of a sudden, ye Chen is unable to block. His left shoulder is scratched once more. His eyes jump. His hand shaking violently, and his movements are also distorted.

"Hey, hey." A Japanese swordsman seized this opportunity, without saying a word is a knife cross cutting, knock fly Ye Chen grasp unstable hand long knife.

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