Sword in hand

And the cooperation of these brothers is very tacit. It's just like rehearsal. Another swordsman grabs a long knife and cleaves to Ye Chen's head!

The long sword is bright and sharp. It's the Japanese swordsman's all-out effort. The next second, it will split Ye Chen's head in two. At this moment, ye Chen has no time to think about anything. He turns it over and over. Now he has only one idea in his heart - I'm finished!

There is no accident, this sharp samurai sword directly cut on Ye Chen's head, but let the swordsman who wield the sword to his astonishment, his sword is like cutting on an iron block in general, not only did not easily cut the opponent's flesh and blood, but shocked his arms numb.

"How can it be?"

All the people present were stunned. They couldn't believe that they looked at Ye Chen. Ye Chen was also stunned. He widened his eyes and had a feeling of survival. He took a deep breath. For the first time in his life, he felt that the ordinary air smelled so good. Just now, he almost left the world forever.

"Ding, as we found that you are in danger, we have specially launched the emergency plan for you."

Ye Chen's ear suddenly spreads a machine female voice that doesn't resemble human voice, his facial expression a change, immediately understand come over, this must be his God of food system saved oneself.

"Great!" Although I don't know what the emergency plan is, ye Chen is thankful to be able to escape from the sword.

"Baga road!" The Japanese who cut Ye Chen with the knife yelled at him. He didn't believe in evil again. With this knife, he tensed his muscles and used 120 points of strength to split Ye Chen's head. He wanted to see if there was iron in it. Why would it be so hard!

"Oh, I'll go!" Ye Chen, who would be silly to wait for others to cut him with a knife, although he is also very curious about what the so-called emergency plan is, but it's too stupid for him to experiment with his own life.

Turning around, ye Chen Ran without hesitation. His strength was almost exhausted in the fight with the three Japanese swordsmen just now, and now he was scarred. If he fell into the siege again, it would be very bad.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Roar, three Japanese swordsmen in the back of the pursuit, although they are now almost exhausted, but in the pursuit of victory inspired, still inspired their bones of ferocity, howling on Ye Chen.

"No!" Takataro Kitai and Wu Yanming look at each other and frown tightly. If ye Chen runs away, the efforts and struggles just now will be meaningless, and their blood and injuries will all be wasted.

Wu Yanming looked at the reed marsh warily for the last time and roared, "let's chase!"

Takataro Kitai understands what he means. At present, the man in Reed Marsh has never shown his intention. The main attack method is throwing throwing knives. If the distance is long enough, the throwing knives will lose their lethality.

In other words, they can completely ignore the people in the reed marshes. After all, as long as they are far enough away from the reed marshes, there is no need to care about being attacked by flying knives. Of course, if the people in the reed marshes rush out, it just saves them forcing them out.

Since joining Feng Tao's command, Wu Yanming has never failed in any task. He doesn't want to be planted in Ye Chen's hands this time. As soon as he bites his teeth, he turns his head and runs to Ye Chen.

Similar to Wu Yanming, for the sake of samurai's honor and faithfulness, Kitai Kotaro also can't let Ye Chen escape. He holds the dagger in his hand, which is 40 or 50 cm long. The cold light polished is frightening, and it looks extremely sharp. In Japan, this kind of dagger is called rib chage, which is the most reliable personal weapon for samurai“ For the shame of Taidao being robbed, I will wash it with the rib difference in my hand and your blood. Ye Chenjun, you are dead! " Kitai Kotaro low roars, unexpectedly after sends first, has surpassed Wu Yanming, takes the lead to run to the leaf Chen.

Ye Chen didn't dare to look back, for fear that he would delay his running time as soon as he looked back. The wind at his feet ran faster and faster, and he scolded, "son of a bitch, you're chasing me so hard. Do you want to propose?"

The nearest behind Ye Chen are the three swordsmen of Beichen. They are only one or two meters away from ye Chen's back, but they can't catch up. They are very tired, but they don't dare to stop. They can only chase after ye Chen.

Ye Chen's scolding, these Japanese naturally do not understand, the great Chinese culture is broad and profound, with their knowledge or can not understand the meaning of this, Wu Yanming is not willing to fall into the limelight, roared, "bastard, wait for grandfather to catch you, want you to live as if you were dead!"

"It's a pity you don't have that chance, grandson!" Ye Chen didn't forget to fight for his life. He opened his legs at full speed. His whole body was like flying on land. He swished forward and ran away. He was half a meter away from the three Japanese swordsmen behind him.

"Baga!" Kitai Kotaro gasps heavily. He doesn't see the way to go on like this. Taking advantage of the desolate river beach, if ye Chen runs to someone's place, the charges of several strong men with swords on his side will be carried out.

Kitai Kotaro secretly has a headache. If he commits a crime and falls into the hands of the Chinese police, it's useless to take out his Japanese passport.

"Asshole, I'll let you run!" Takataro Kitai's eyes flashed with cruel and fierce light. He inserted the rib difference back into his waist and took out a piece of iron of the size of a black palm from his back waist. This piece of iron was like a ninja dart made of five side knives. The blade was extremely thin and sharp.

In fact, in Japan, this kind of dart is also called Ninja dart or hand sword. It is a very famous concealed weapon in Japan. In ancient China, it was called meteor dart, which is a kind of hidden weapon that is difficult to control.

At present, there are not many schools in Japan to practice such concealed weapons. Among them, Kazuo Shinto flow is one of them, while taketaro Kitai's sword skill is to exchange skills with Kazuo Shinto flow swordsmen who are good at it. It took him a long time to learn it.

"Hey, hey! Fall down for me Takataro Kitai sneers. He quietly raises his hand. The sword in his hand emits dangerous sharp light. His eyes are slightly narrowed like a snake. He stares at Ye Chen and takes aim at his back heart. Then, with a flick of his wrist, the sword in his hand cuts through the air and comes out of his hand, directly to Ye Chen's back heart!

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