Emergency plan

For no reason, ye Chen, who is running, is cold all over, just like falling into an ice cave. He shivers all over, his scalp explodes, and a sense of extreme danger devours him in an instant.

Just when ye Chen is in danger, an invisible barrier blocks Ye Chen's back heart and blocks the sword in his hand.

This barrier is like a shield made of air. It is as transparent as water, but as hard as iron. Although the sword in Kitai's hand is very sharp, it can't break the defense of this degree at all, and is directly knocked away.

"What?" All the people were shocked. Takataro Kitai kneaded his eyes in disbelief and blinked several times. He couldn't believe this evil thing.

After feeling the threat of death, ye Chen immediately turns his head. Yu Guang in his eyes just sees the scene of the sword being knocked away, and he can't help but be stunned.

"Ding, I'm sorry, because of your lack of mental strength, the emergency plan system will not be able to use. Please be careful and pay attention to your own safety."

Just when ye Chen couldn't figure it out, the mechanical female voice suddenly came to his ear. The news made him suddenly realize that it was also cool in his heart.

The original emergency plan system is to build an energy shield, right?

This function seems to need to use mental power, but after quickly mastering the recipe, I'm lucky

The number of spiritual strength soared to 460, which was already a huge number. However, this level of energy shield, 460 points of merit can only be used twice?

I took a deep breath. Now I can't count on the energy shield. My life can only be entrusted to me. From the current situation, I'm afraid it's not so easy to win. However, if I just want to escape, I don't have no chance.

"That's good. The three swordsmen on the other side are a little tired. The swordsman can throw darts. I have to be careful. As for the empty handed one, I must not let him get close to him. I'm afraid I can't beat him." Ye Chen Mou son inside pure light twinkle, murmur to analyze the current situation.

Wu Yanming took advantage of this time, approached a few steps forward, shortened the distance between himself and ye Chen, sneered, "although I don't know what you've done, or what's wrong, I will never let you go today."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is not a heresy. I used to be a disciple of the Dragon subduing warrior. I not only learned the Dragon subduing Luohan boxing of the Dragon subduing warrior, but also learned how to recruit the overlord to remove the golden bell shield. How are you afraid?"

"Oh, really?" Wu Yanming looked at the wound on Ye Chen's body with half faith and half doubt, and said sarcastically, "then why do you still get hurt?"

"Er..." although Ye Chen saw that the brag was forced to blow through, he continued to ramble, his face was not red, and he was breathless. "What's this? Although my overlord's armour removing golden bell cover can be used to attack, I can't use it several times a day

Therefore, it will only be used when it really threatens the safety of life. "

"Oh..." Wu Yanming nodded and said thoughtfully, "according to what you said, if I tie you to a tree and cut you a hundred knives, will you also die?"

"..." Ye Chen a brain son black line, don't have good spirit of scold a way, "silly fork, if chop me 100 knife all chop don't kill me of words, I still run what now, directly with you hard work."

Wu Yanming's eyes darkened, his mouth grinned and said, "I thought you were really invulnerable. I was so scared that my pants were wet. Now I just want to kill you. As long as I can kill you, it's just a small problem to cut you 100 or 1000."“ Wow, how terrible Ye Chen deliberately made a pair of exaggerated expression, and then very cheap said, "then you come to chop me, come to chop me, chop me!"

"You... Want to die!" Wu Yanming roared, suddenly put out his strength and pushed his feet on the ground. The whole person rushed out like a hurricane and came to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen turns around and runs. He doesn't want to fight Wu Yanming. After all, there are four swordsmen on the side. If one falls into a tight encirclement, he will die very ugly.


Just when ye Chen is ready to run for his life again, a sharp brake sound comes. People quickly look at it and find that it's a black Yamaha motorcycle with a strong man in a black helmet and leather coat.

"Get in the car!" The rider yelled at Ye Chen, pulled out a baseball bat from one side, pointed at Wu Yanming and others, and was on guard.

Ye Chen was overjoyed. He jumped to the car in three or two steps, patted the rider on the shoulder and said with a big laugh, "let's go!"

"Want to go?! Isn't that hard? " Wu Yanming's eyes jumped. Of course, he didn't want to let Ye Chen, the cooked duck, fly away. He wanted to kill the motorcycle rider on the ground. With a roar, he ran up and tried to catch up with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen grinned and joked, "hard? Why don't you go? If you are willing to ask us to do a big health care, I can still consider it. "

"Baga!" Kitai Kotaro roars angrily. He shakes his hand and throws the sword again. Ye Chen's eyes shrink, so he doesn't dare to carry it. He raises the samurai sword in his hand, aims at the sword in his hand and cuts it down. He just cuts it on the sword in his hand and knocks the dart to one side.

"Hold on, let's go!" As soon as the motorcyclist turned the throttle, the Yamaha heavy-duty locomotive with large displacement made a deafening engine roar. The tires were ground twice on the sand of the river beach, and then they rushed out with a buzzing sound, leaving only a mass of black exhaust in place. In an instant, they climbed onto the road and walked away without hesitation.

"Damn it Wu Yanming felt that he almost caught Ye Chen's clothes, but still watched his task target swagger away under his eyes. He became angry and angry, staring at Ye Chen's back more and more far away, and said in a cold voice, "you wait for me!"

Takataro Kitai and the Japanese look worse than their dead parents. They look at each other and see the humiliation and unwillingness in each other's eyes.

After a while, Kitai Kotaro said slowly, "Mr. Wu, do we have any more opportunities?"

Wu Yanming shook his head and said, "there are still opportunities, but it will not be as easy as this time."

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