Little sister in white

"There are some things involved in this. I think it's better not to tell you. However, I can tell you that Feng Tao owes me a favor. He helps me deal with Ye Chen just to give me back the favor. But we didn't expect that ye Chen is so difficult to deal with." Jackal explained faintly.

Hearing the Jackal say so, Jiang Xuan suddenly nodded, and she said in a soft voice, "let's just wait and see now. Wait for Feng Tao to fulfill his promise to you and scrap Ye Chen."

"Feng Tao is a ruthless character. Similarly, he is also a very smart person. Ye Chen is like a wolf dog now. He can beat a dog. If he is going to be bitten, he will let go. At that time, it's time for us to do it." Jackal blinked his eyes, ordinary eyes seem to have seen through everyone.

"I hope not." Jiang Xuan prayed sincerely.

"I hope so." The Jackal muttered the same way.

In front of a small clinic in Dongcheng City, the windy heavy Yamaha locomotive slowly stops, and ye Chen jumps from the back seat. Although it's just a simple jump, the wound is also involved again, which is a deep pain.

After biting his teeth, ye Chen raises his eyes to see the clinic. He has a simple and clean front face. On the sign, there are four big words - Tongji clinic.

Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick, to one side from the car down Song Yang said, "Hey, OK, I say, Tongji University I know, but Tongji clinic is too bluffing?"

"Of course." Song Yang took off his helmet and boasted to Ye Chen, "the attending doctor of this clinic is a graduate of Shanghai Tongji University, do you know? Double top universities, do you understand? Cutting edge medical talents, do you understand? "

"Come on, stop it!" Ye Chen shakes his head and says with apparent disbelief, "Shao te Niang's nonsense is light. If you are really a top student who graduated from Tongji University, how can you open a small clinic in such a remote alley?"

"Oh, don't believe it. At the beginning, I thought the doctors in this clinic were just fooling around with the big flag. They could not be students of Tongji, but later they were calmed down by other people's medical skills. Oh, hey, that skill is definitely not built."

When he mentioned this, Song Yang immediately began to spit. This is the temper of the Chinese people. They are not only good teachers, but also proud of what they know.

Ye Chen a grin, half believe half doubt of say, "really have so cow?"

"More than cattle, I think they have reached the level of elephants." Song Yang said in his hand, "when I came here that day, I was hacked into my back with an axe. If the doctor hadn't saved me, I would have hung up."

"Well?" Ye Chen was Song Yang said to the doctor of this clinic from a strong curiosity, he is interested in more look

The front door of this clinic looks a few times, and then strides in.

Song Yang quickly pulls Ye Chen who goes straight in. He shakes his head and signals Ye Chen not to act rashly. He raises his hand. He gently knocks on the door, two short and one long, which is very regular.

Ye chenbai glanced at the goods and said, "when you came to do me that day, you directly broke the glass and rushed in. You are as arrogant as a Japanese soldier. How can you be as polite as a third grandson now?".

"Squeak --"

The door opened from the inside, and a young girl in a white coat looked over and asked softly, "what's the matter?" Ye Chen sees this girl, the heart can't help beating fiercely for a while, because the heartbeat accelerates, his pulse is also following forcefully, causing the blood of his wound to rush out a lot, frightening others.

"Ah, you are hurt!" The nurse girl quickly opened the door and said in a hurry, "come in, I'll bandage it for you."

Ye Chen laughs stupidly and walks in with the girl. The young nurse has a pair of big eyes. The eyes are dark and magical, just like black gems. When people look at them, they are addicted to them. Ye Chen just stares at those eyes and takes another look. He has a kind of heart beating feeling.

The leaf Chen arranges to wait on the chair, the girl is nervous busy, is to take gauze again, is to take disinfection water again, urgent

A brain sweat.

Ye Chen looks at her in a hurry. She can't help feeling funny. He laughs and says, "it's OK, beauty. I'm not busy. Don't worry."

"What's not busy? I think you lose too much blood and your brain is not working well." Blame of white leaf Chen one eye, the girl angrily hums of say, "you this person, really silly."

Ye Chen grins, really silly smile, he secretly scolds himself, ye Chen, ye Chen, you are really worthless, usually, small mouth is quite able to say, now the key moment is like a silly B, I can guarantee, now you grin, you must be very stupid.

When the girl is ready for everything, she frowns and looks at Ye Chen and says, "take off your coat. I'll help you deal with the wound."

"That's not good." Ye Chen has never undressed in front of a strange girl, let alone under the gaze of such a beautiful woman.

"What's wrong? You're still a big man. I'm a doctor. You're a patient. Listen to me." Although the girl is young, and her voice is waxy, very soft and tender, her voice is indisputable at the moment, almost equal to the tone of command.

Ye Chen is said to be on this duty, naturally it is not good to continue to knead down, the Song Yang of one side unkindly smile

He grabbed Ye Chen's shirt and pulled it off without saying a word.


Ye Chen doesn't care to be shy now, because most of the blood on the wound has dried, and even the blood in many places has formed rough scab skin, which is stuck with the clothes. At this time, Song Yang tore off Ye Chen's skin, which is equivalent to tearing off Ye Chen's skin. Ye Chen gritted his teeth in pain, and the wound that had already healed was also torn open.

"Don't be afraid. Bear it. It may hurt a little." The girl's long eyelashes trembled for a while. At this time, ye Chen sat on the chair with his bare arms, and the wounds all over his body were clearly visible.

Because of taking Hercules pill, ye Chen's figure is very compact, although there is no exaggerated body curve, but still has a clear visible six abdominal muscles and streamlined body lines.

On yechen's strong back and chest, there are five or six long and narrow knife marks, and there are also knife wounds on his arms. These are the masterpieces of those Japanese swordsmen.

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