do you have any pain?

Fortunately, with the help of Hercules Dan, ye Chen's physical strength is amazing, blocking many fatal injuries, and also has Ali's butterfly glide, so most of the attacks have been resolved, even if it is cut on the body, it doesn't have too deep blade.

The girl saw so many scars, immediately took a breath of cool air, holding disinfectant hands can't help shaking for a while, can't help murmuring, "does it hurt?"

"No pain." Ye Chen is a Leng at first, then shrugged a way.

"Deceiving." The girl seems to be a little nervous, with a layer of sweat on her forehead, and a layer of gravity on her plain little face. She firmly grasped the disinfectant in her handshake and picked up the medical cotton ball to disinfect Ye Chen.

"Don't be afraid. Take your time." Ye Chen can feel that this is a novice. He looks at Song Yang suspiciously. The meaning in his eyes is very clear: don't you mean there are top students in Tongji University? Is that all?

However, although he was dissatisfied with Song Yang's boasting, ye Chen still looked at the little beauty with a pleasant face. He said with a smile, "come on, just treat me as a mouse. It doesn't hurt. The wound is very shallow."

The girl bit her lips lightly and took a deep breath, but she didn't calm down. She poured the disinfectant on the medical cotton ball, and her fingers trembled and she was about to put it on yechen's wound.

Ye Chen is always afraid of being poked into the flesh by the girl's finger. Seeing this little girl trembling like Parkinson's disease, ye Chen

Can't help but want to shrink back, but don't want to hit the little beauty, had to smile and said, "beauty, what's your name?"

"You guy, don't you see that people are concentrating on cleaning your wound? What's wrong? " The girl was startled by Ye Chen's sudden voice, and immediately turned white with anger. Ye Chen looked at her, but still said, "my name is Jia Yingying. Do you have any questions?"

Ye Chen licked his lips, narrowed his eyes and laughed, but he didn't answer. He just pursed his lips and whistled.

"Woo, woo, woo, woo."

Jia Yingying just wants to stop Ye Chen, but her eyebrows slightly frown, and some don't want to interrupt.

This song has a very soothing tone, and the rhythm is pathetic and broad, tactful and melodious, which is thought-provoking. Listening to it, it seems that people are immersed in the memories of childhood. Jia Yingying's original uneasy mood is calmed in the low melodious sound, and her nervous feeling is also relieved.

Do a deep breath, in the song, Jia Yingying gradually serious up, grasp the disinfection cotton ball fingers gradually become calm, gently on Ye Chen's wound, gently wipe up.

Although Ye Chen's wound is irritated by disinfectant, he just frowns and continues to play Xiaoqu.

This piece is called moonlight in the sea of clouds. It is an interlude for the famous animated film "city of the sky" by Japanese composer Giuseppe HISHI. When ye Chen heard this piano piece for the first time, he was impressed by the thought-provoking sense of emptiness.

Before he got the God of food system, whenever he was frustrated or sad, and he could do nothing about the cold reality, he would always play this ditty, the moonlight in the sea of clouds. In that charming tune, he calmed his mood and let his soul indulge in it.

At this time for Jia Yingying blowing this song, ye Chen's whistle seems to be given some kind of magic, unexpectedly magic let Jia Yingying also calm down.

Soon, Jia Yingying slowly entered the state, she did faster and faster, debridement, medicine, bandage, action standard and fast, not long, ye Chen's upper body was covered with bandages, which represents the number of wounds on his body. Shaking his neck, ye Chen made a helpless face and said to Jia Yingying with a smile, "well, you see, I'm a mummy."

"Poof Pooh." Jia Yingying was amused by Ye Chen's funny expression. She also said with a smile, "your wound is not deep, so I didn't sew it up for you. You are so lucky. You've been stabbed so many times that none of them is fatal, or even too deep."

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's OK, but I really thank you. Without you, I'm afraid I'll really become a general in red."

Jia Yingying was a little embarrassed when she was praised. She blushed and said, "no, my medical skills are too bad. If you didn't try to calm me down, I'm afraid I'd really hurt you. Eh, what was the red general you just said?"

"The blood has dyed all the clothes red. What is not a general in red?" Ye Chen says jokingly.

Jia Yingying covered her small mouth and was amused. She said with a smile, "you are so funny."

"Haha, good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million." Ye Chen shrugged, half joking, half seriously said.

"Oh, do you want me to praise you for being one in a million?" Jia Yingying blinked her pretty eyes and said with a smile.

"No, actually, I want you to praise me for being the same." Ye Chen says with a bad smile.

"Bah, what a thick skin." Jia Yingying white Ye Chen one eye, said with a smile.

Song Yang stood and watched for a long time, but he was not satisfied. Finally, he scratched his head and said, "Hey, you two, when you are flirting, have you ever considered other people's feelings?"

"What a mess! You're flirting. Your whole family is flirting." Jia Yingying was Song Yang said so, immediately blushed a small face, embarrassed angry curse.

Song Yang was scolded a Leng, a Leng, the old half day back to God, after all, or helplessly spread out his hand, a wry smile on his face said, "get it, it's me in flirting, OK."

"Well, I don't care about you." Jia Yingying reluctantly twisted her face, unwilling to pay attention to him.

"Cough, that, Miss Jia, are you the only one in charge of this clinic?" Ye Chen also has some embarrassment, but he still changes the topic so to say.

Jia Yingying shook her head and said, "of course not. I'm such a scum of medical skills. How can I hold up the scene?"

"It turns out that our Miss Jia knows how to be modest."

At this time, accompanied by a hearty laughter, a middle-aged man in a white coat came over. He was gentle and elegant, with a pair of narrow glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked very gentle and elegant.

"Oh, Dad, you laugh at me again." Jia Yingying blushed and trotted to the middle-aged man, holding the middle-aged doctor's arm and shaking it.

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