It's all food

"Ha ha." The middle-aged doctor shook his head. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "my name is Jia Jiansheng. I'm the attending doctor here."

"Er..." Ye Chen quickly steps up, reaches out his hand to Jia Jiansheng and says respectfully, "Hello uncle, my name is Ye Chen."

Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and jokingly said, "young man, if you don't want a son-in-law's face to see my father-in-law, don't give my baby daughter any advice."

"Er..." Ye Chen scratched his head awkwardly. He was tongue tied and didn't know what to say.

Jia Yingying was blushed with a pretty face. She stamped her foot angrily and said, "Oh, Dad, what are you talking about again?"

With a shrug, Jia Jian naturally said, "isn't it? With my daughter's appearance, who dares to say that she doesn't like it? "

"I dare not." Ye Chen shakes his head repeatedly. He feels Jia Jiansheng's bubbling eyes and replies with a bitter smile.

Seeing that Jia Yingying is going to attack again, Jia Jiansheng just gives it up and takes a look at Ye Chen. He digs off the topic and says, "boy, did you fight with someone?"

Ye Chen scratched his head and said with embarrassment, "well, how to say, the situation is too complicated, but it's almost the same,

However, I'm not a gangster. Don't look down on me. "

"No way." Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "I don't think you're a hooligan. Just now I smelled a light oil smoke on you. Is it the chef?"

Ye Chen rubbed his nose and looked at Jia Jiansheng in surprise. He said, "my husband's nose is really smart. That's right. I'm a cook. I'm working in Ye's fast food now."

"Oh? Ye's fast food Jia Jiansheng said in front of his eyes, "I heard that there is a chef in your shop who can cook a famous dish and ask Xiaolou to listen to spring rain all night. Do you know?"

"Amount..." Ye Chen some helpless smile, he did not expect that now the speed of news dissemination is so fast, casually met a person, all know about the small building night to listen to the spring rain.

"Well, I know." Ye Chen didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he had to say so.

"I wish you knew. I won't charge you for this treatment, but you have to promise me one thing." Jia Jiansheng said with a smile.

Ye Chen suddenly feels cold in his heart. A guess suddenly comes out of his mind. He twitches the corners of his mouth. He asks tentatively, "doctor Jia means to have a chance to listen to spring rain all night?"

Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said with awe inspiring righteousness, "how can it be? I heard that it's hard to get a share of spring rain in a small building all night, ye

's fast food only gives you five tasting opportunities every day, and it's a rare opportunity to share a dish. I won't embarrass you. '

"Well?" Ye Chen didn't expect that Jia Jiansheng was so particular, but before he had a reaction, Jia Jiansheng's next words broke Ye Chen's tall image.

"Besides, I'm not used to eating the same dish with people. In this way, you can help me get a small building and listen to the spring rain all night, and we'll get the diagnosis money out." Jia Jiansheng looks very atmospheric and seems to have made a considerable degree of concession.

Your sister

Ye Chen's heart seems to have ten thousand grass mud horses running by, he can't help but white Jia Jiansheng one eye, secretly scold: good-looking... Really black... "Cough." One side of Song Yang is dry cough two, put in a word to come in, "I say ye Chen, this is not difficult for you, after all, Xiaolou..."

"Shut up Ye Chen stops Song Yang in a hurry and looks at Jia Jiansheng with a scared face. This guy doesn't know that he can make a small building. He dares to turn his mouth when he listens to the spring rain all night. If he knows his identity, he has to ask for the price directly. It's frightening to let him cook dishes for several months in a row.

However, even so, Jia Jiansheng is aware of looking at Ye Chen and says, "boy, what are you hiding from me?"

"Where there is, there is." Ye Chen shakes his head in a hurry. He dares not admit that he has created a small building to listen to the spring rain all night. Otherwise, this free cook will be appointed.

Jia Jiansheng looks at Ye Chen discontentedly and says, "how? Do you agree to my terms just now? "

"Er... Mr. Jia, first of all, at Ye's fast food restaurant, you can only listen to the spring rain overnight. Every day, there is only one portion, and one portion is divided into five parts, which is distributed as a reward for lucky diners. Therefore, it's really not easy to get. To say the least, even if I really bring this dish to Mr. Jia, you can't finish it." Ye Chen explained patiently.

"What? cannot eat out? You don't think much of my appetite Jia Jiansheng said with disapproval.

"Well, that's not what I mean."

When it comes to the famous dish he created, ye Chen becomes serious. He says seriously, "listening to the spring rain all night in a small building is a very magical famous dish. It has the power to make people feel sad. If ordinary people eat one fifth of it, they are already full of tears. They can't help themselves to feel sad. If they eat one directly, they will feel sad, That kind of sadness is not something that ordinary people can bear

Jia Jiansheng's eyes widened. These days, whether on the Internet, on the street or the people who come to see a doctor, all kinds of strange events about listening to the spring rain in the small building all night are spreading everywhere. At this time, Jia Jiansheng hears Ye Chen's saying again, which makes him more curious. He itches to eat this dish immediately to see what's going on.

"You get it. I'll see what's great about it, just a dish." Jia Jian snorted coldly. He blinked his eyes, obviously not convinced.

"Er... Well, thanks to Miss Jia for saving me today, otherwise, I will suffer. Since Mr. Jia wants to eat a small building and listen to the spring rain all night, I will do my best."

Ye Chen does not like to break his promise, so every time he makes a promise, he is always reluctant to fill it up. Of course, in addition to the oath of guarding Ye's fast food.

Jia Jiansheng didn't have much hope for ye Chen. In his opinion, ye Chen may be just a handyman or apprentice of Ye's fast food. It's impossible for him to get a core dish like listening to spring rain all night. But I don't know why, after seeing ye Chen's firm eyes, he even believes it.

"Well, I'll wait here. I hope you can do it. Good luck." Jia Jiansheng nodded and said.

After hearing Jia Jiansheng's words, Song Yang chuckled, "poof, ha ha, doctor Jia, maybe this boy doesn't need your good luck."

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