Suddenly a housekeeper appeared

"What do you mean?" Jia Jiansheng scratched his head and said in doubt.

Song Yang points to Ye Chen unkindly and says with a bad smile, "because the guy standing in front of you is Ye Chen, the head chef of Ye's fast food. That's the guy who created the famous dish that stirred the whole Dongcheng city - Xiaolou listening to the spring rain all night."

Hearing this sentence, Jia Jiansheng immediately froze. His first feeling was that he didn't believe it. He widened his eyes, looked up and down at Ye Chen for several times, smacked his mouth and said, "tut Tut, it's impossible, isn't it?"

Song Yang said with a smile, "doctor Jia, don't you believe what I said?"

As a frequent guest of Jia Jiansheng, Song Yang certainly knows Song Yang's personality very well in many contacts.

Although Song Yang often scarred himself and secretly took part in fighting and killing all day long, and he didn't answer many questions, he never lied and said what he could. He was a reliable man.

"Good boy, how dare you fool me?" Jia Jiansheng's face immediately became gloomy, and seemed to be dissatisfied with Ye Chen's performance.

"Er..." Ye Chen first glared at Song Yang angrily, then said with a smile, "didn't Mr. Jia ask me?"

"Hum." Jia Jiansheng shook his head and said, "hide your head and shrink your tail. It's a tough guy."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "well, since Mr. Jia doesn't like me, let's just make the agreement. I'd better pay the consultation fee. How much is it?"

Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said in a hurry, "no, no, how can it be like this? A man should keep his word. He said that he would give me spring rain for a night in the small building, and you would have to give it to me. Otherwise, you would be a son of a tortoise, a son of a bitch."

"Huh?" Ye Chen's eyes widened, and he couldn't help saying, "doctor Jia, you are really childlike, and you act like an old urchin."

Jia Jiansheng hugged his shoulder and said leisurely, "I'll do whatever I want. Do you want to take care of it?"

"All right, all right." Ye Chen helplessly waved his hand and said, "what I promised you will be done. Well, you'll go to Ye's fast food tonight. When you get to the door of the restaurant, you can call me directly. I'll have you arranged in the VIP room."

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "it's almost the same."

"Well, since we've all agreed, I'll leave." Ye Chen nods with a smile and turns around to go.

At this time, Jia Yingying suddenly took half a step, can't help but ask, "Hey, you haven't left the number


"Oh, Song Yang knows my number. Song Yang, leave one for Miss Jia." Ye Chen a shake head, first is gentle toward Jia Yingying smile, and the complexion is not good to see Song Yang one eye, cold voice way.

Song Yang is not comfortable with Ye Chen. He leaves the number behind with a smile. He stares at Jia Yingying with a little deep meaning and says with a narrow smile, "Miss Jia, the number is written here for you, but don't call too late."

"You... Pooh!" Jia Yingying's face turned red and spat at Song Yang, but she didn't know what to say.

"Well, well, you go away. I hope you can walk in next time you come back, and you don't have to be carried in." When Jia Jiansheng saw that his daughter had some problems with snacks, he immediately ran out to chase people out with a bad complexion. When ye Chen and Song Yang come out of the door, Jia Jiansheng says to Jia Yingying with a smile, "how? Are you excited? "

"Where is it? It's just one side. I don't know what kind of person he is, how can he have so many thoughts. " Jia Yingying blushed, but now there is no outsider present, she is not too embarrassed.

"It's OK. Let's get to know it. Let's get to know it." Jia Jiansheng said with a playful smile that he was like an old urchin, who could be worthy of his elegant image.

"Oh, Dad, you are not serious." As soon as Jia Yingying stamped her foot, she turned around and ran away.

At this moment, Jia Jiansheng was the only one left in the big front hall. He rubbed his nose and said with a low smile, "Hey, ye Chen? Let me see how good you are... "

When ye Chen returned to Ye's fast food, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. He was sitting in his office. Song Yang had left, and he didn't know where to go.

However, ye Chen doesn't care about this problem. After all, Song Yang is a professional killer with a bad smell that can't be changed. That is, he has to hide himself well to breathe comfortably. Otherwise, he doesn't feel safe even when he breathes.

Take out the mobile phone, ye Chen point open the mobile phone God of food, the door of the office has been locked by him, the God of food system is absolutely can't leak out, otherwise, God knows what he can't control, such as being robbed of his mobile phone, being sliced by the Academy of Sciences, or being handed over to the State

No matter what the situation is, ye Chen doesn't want to see it. In his opinion, this kind of thing is better to make a fortune. The less people know about it, the safer he will be. It's like Song Yang with an occupational disease. Only when he hides himself well can he be regarded as the safest. After all, no one can see you, and naturally he can't hurt you.

Click on the mobile phone God of food, then now can't wait to know what happened on the beach.

"Ding! Welcome to the God of food system, I will serve you wholeheartedly. "

Different from ye Chen's previous startup interface, this time when he turned on the God of food system, a small robot suddenly appeared on his mobile phone screen, and the mechanical female voice came to his ears, just like the voice he heard on the beach.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen doubts of ask a way, his in the mind also can't help getting nervous, facing the unknown thing, the mankind always can be very afraid.

"I'm your God of food steward. You can give me a nickname. Of course, you can call me steward directly."

The robot on the screen of the mobile phone is very strange, with upright bodies and slender limbs. It looks like a children's toy, but its round eyes emit a bright blue light, which is very flexible when speaking.

"Er..." Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "how did you appear? I mean, why haven't I seen you before? "

"I can understand your doubts, but I don't know how I was born, but I know what my mission is." The sound of the robot is mechanical and clear, reaching Ye Chen's ear.

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