Ye Chen's distress

"Well?" Ye Chen some don't understand what this means, but the other party is just a virtual robot, want to also can't ask what, simply open mouth asked, "what's your mission?"

The robot in the mobile phone screen answered without hesitation, "as your God of food steward, I was born to help you use God of food more easily and effectively."

"Er..." Ye Chen scratched his head. He waited for a long time to make sure the robot didn't speak any more. Then he frowned and said, "is that all?"

"Yes, sir." The voice of the robot doesn't have any emotional fluctuation. It's mechanical and standard. The tone is not urgent and slow. "I can help you use the God of food system better. Believe me, my help will never let you down."

"Er... Well, I don't have any choice after all." Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "well, now you can tell me what the so-called emergency plan system is?"

"As you wish, sir." "As the name suggests, the emergency plan system is an emergency plan set in advance. When the God of food system detects that you are in danger, it will forcibly start the emergency plan without asking for your opinions. This is the so-called emergency plan system."

"Well, I don't quite understand." Ye Chen scratched his head.

"For example, sir, when he was attacked not long ago and found that you were about to be threatened with life safety, the emergency plan system automatically started. As the default emergency plan is energy shield, you can see that the attack threatening your life is blocked by the transparent energy shield."

"Oh." Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully and said, "in other words, the emergency plan of this emergency plan system can be changed?"

"It's like this." The robot replied, "in addition to the default energy shield form, there are three other forms that can be activated at your current level: iron block form, spike form, and mirror form."

"Wait, wait, wait." Ye Chen rubbed his temple and said, "elder sister, your words are too informative. Can you let me digest them for a while?"

"Certainly, sir." The robot said coldly.

Ye Chen tidied up his mind for a while and asked, "you just said rank, right? What grade? Why don't I know I have a grade? "

"Well, since you are the controller of the God of food system, you have to understand that the God of food system is also hierarchical. From low to high, the God of food system is divided into four levels, namely, heaven and earth xuanhuang. Your current God of food system is the Yellow God of food." Machine humanity.

Ye Chen thought carefully, frowned slightly, and gradually twisted into a small knot in one's heart. He said slowly, "well,

What's the use of this level? What do I need to upgrade? "

"The higher the level of the God of food system, the more open functions and items you can buy, and the more powerful it is. If you reach the level of the God of food, you can even break the barrier of immortality and immortality. With the various functions of the God of food system, you can cross the three realms!"

Although the voice of the robot is still cold and heartless, but hear ye Chen's ears and eyes, still let his blood surging, heart excited to the utmost.

"It's becoming an immortal?" Ye Chen, who has read many books on the Internet, is no stranger to this kind of routine, but he did not expect that he should also have this incredible opportunity.

"Sir, your heart rate is too fast. Please take Jiuxin Pill. Otherwise, your life will be in danger." The robot's cold voice came again, breaking Ye Chen's wishful thinking“ Well, it's OK. " Ye Chen took a deep breath, wiped the saliva that came out of the corner of his mouth, hit ha ha, and continued to say, "you first tell me how to upgrade the God of food, do you download the update package?"

"No, sir." Robot seriously denied, "you must use enough spirit to upgrade your God of food system."

Ye Chen's face immediately drooped down, he frowned and said, "spirit? I don't have enough spirit to buy things. I can't upgrade the God of food. "

The robot said, "your current mental value is 0. If you want to upgrade the God of food, you still have 100000 mental values to work hard."

"Oh, your sister." Ye Chen said angrily. When he heard that the God of food wanted to upgrade the spirit of 100000, his eyes almost glared out. "Is there any mistake, 100000... I don't have ten now. Eh, I remember when I was on the beach, the emergency plan system consumed 230 points of spirit every time I started it, so I only opened the energy shield twice and then it went out, that is to say, the energy shield, It's 230 after a drive? "

The robot explained, "sorry, your understanding is ambiguous. As I said just now, the emergency plan system of the Yellow God of food has four forms. Among them, the default form of energy shield consumes the least spirit. Its operation mode is that it consumes 200 spirit per second after it is turned on. When the attack is too large, it will not be able to withstand, The spirit of consumption will be more

"Well?" Ye Chen frowned and said bitterly, "so, whether I'm chopped or the dart I'm thrown, it's all because the attack power is within the acceptable range, so it's just the minimum consumption. If I'm hit with a gun or other more terrible attack methods, does the energy shield need to consume more spirit?"

"Yes, sir." The robot replied coldly.

"Er... So..." Ye Chen gets the answer, but he is not happy. His main opponent and the most powerful enemy is Feng Tao, the underground vassal of Dongcheng city. If he sends stronger people to attack him one day, ye Chen will not be surprised at all. However, with his current ability, today's situation will not be able to hold up. If he can't do it any more

To master, I'm afraid it's time to die.

"Well, what can I do?" Ye Chen thinks hard about the way to solve the problem, but there is no result. Unless he gets a large amount of mental value now, there is no super powerful artifact like the God of food system, but there is no way to take out the things inside.

"Tut Tut, up to now, we have to go one step at a time. In order to gain spiritual value, there is no other good way except to complete the task of system release, but now it's not a good way to wait for the task release." Ye Chen murmurs and murmurs, a time distressed of don't work.

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