

Suddenly, ye Chen shakes the mobile phone in the palm of his hand. He quickly raises his eyes to see that it's actually a phone call.

Ye Chen rubs his nose and takes a look at the number of the call. It's very strange and there's no comment, but the local number of Wujiang is good. The tail number is 6988.

"Hello, that one?" Hesitated for a while, ye Chen still pressed answer key.

A woman's voice came over the phone and asked softly, "is it Mr. Ye Chen?"

The influence of heilonghui in Dongcheng city is very large and has a long reach. It has its own influence in many industries. With the accumulation of time, the influence of heilonghui in Dongcheng city is more and more profound.

In the suburb of Dongcheng City, there is a very remote village. In the village, there is a private club of the dragon people. This is the headquarters of the black dragon club and the residence of Feng Tao.

In the hall of the clubhouse, Feng Tao is leaning against the sofa, holding a game handle in his hand, playing video games. The 60 Inch smart TV shows the game interface of ancient scroll 5. The vivid and delicate game scenes seem to completely attract Feng Tao's attention.

Behind Feng Tao, Wu Yanming, Kitai Kotaro and his party of five stood there, dejected, drooping, with no face to speak.

After a full ten or twenty minutes, when Wu Yanming and others' legs were almost numb, Feng Tao impatiently put down the game handle. He peered at the game interface, and then looked at Wu Yanming and others.

"Why?" Feng Tao suddenly woke up and said, "Yanming, Mr. Beijing, when did you come back? Why don't you call me? And you guys, my brother is here. Why don't you tell me? "

Speaking of this, Feng Tao widened his eyes and glared at several of his subordinates. These people were scared by him. They all looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

"Don't blame them, boss. I told them not to disturb you." Wu Yanming explained with shame, "because we have no face to disturb you this time."

Feng Tao's eyes jumped and his brows wrinkled. He asked in disbelief, "failed?"

"Well." Wu Yanming and others were full of shame and nodded, "although there are many reasons, we don't want to find a reason for our failure. Whether it's me or these Japanese friends, we all think that this is the biggest stain and shame in our life."

"Tell me in detail, what happened? Ye Chen's strength is so strong, with your five person's ability, all defeated by him? " Feng Tao rubbed his nose and said strangely.

"Here's the thing..."

Wu Yanming pondered for a moment. He reported the whole incident to Feng Tao.

When Wu Yanming finished, Feng Tao said thoughtfully, "well, it's all because of the motorcyclist, which leads to the failure of the task?"

"So to speak." Wu Yanming nodded and said, "Ye Chen doesn't have much ability. In terms of fighting ability, he can't beat me alone. Moreover, in the scuffle on the beach, three Japanese friends joined hands, and he was also seriously injured. However, it's a pity that he ran away."

Wu Yanming gritted his teeth and continued, "in fact, the guy who sneaks in the dark is more hateful. Although I still don't know who he is, it's just because he has held me and Mr. Beijing back. Otherwise, five of us will surround Ye Chen, and that guy will be abandoned every minute."“ Ha ha. " To everyone's surprise, Feng Tao chuckled. He stood up, patted five people on the shoulder one by one, and said, "it's OK, it's OK, everyone's OK. No matter how hard Ye Chen is to catch, he can run away. The monk can't run to the temple. I'll send someone to watch him immediately. As long as he's still in Ye's fast food for a day, we have plenty of ways to deal with him."

"Well, it's hard work for you this time." First he said it in Chinese, then he said it in Japanese, "Yanming, Mr. Beijing, I'll arrange a personal doctor to treat your injury. This time, I'm really troubling you."

"Brother Tao... I..." Wu Yanming was moved. He choked and blushed. "I'm useless. I'm sorry for you!"

"I'm very sorry!" Takataro Kitai and other four Japanese are also taut face, like a dead father, Qi Qi bow, they bent down to express their shame.

Feng Tao laughed and said, "what are you doing? If you still look up to me, listen to me. Now go back and have a rest. I'll find a way to deal with Ye Chen. "



This is a two-story teahouse. The decoration style is antique. There are two red lanterns at the door. On the front of the door, there is a deputy signboard with four characters: juxiao tea house.

In front of the street and by the window, ye Chen, dressed in a white shirt, is sitting there. In front of him is a pair of tea cups filled with amber top-grade Tie Guanyin, curling up with hot air, which turns into a refreshing fragrance of tea in the air.

Opposite Ye Chen, there is a dignified young woman in a broken flower shirt. She has a delicate face and naturally exudes a unique charm. Compared with Jiang Xuan, although they have different looks, this dignified young woman has a kind of nobility and elegance that Jiang Xuan does not have.

"Long time no see, Mr. Wang." This dignified young woman is an Yulan. She blinked her clear eyes like autumn water and said slowly.

Ye Chen nodded and then shook his head with a smile. "Miss an, we haven't seen each other for just a few days. It's not a long time."

Although you can hear that ye Chen doesn't mean anything else, an Yulan's face is slightly red, and her cheeks are flushed. She says in her heart, "an Yulan, an Yulan, what are you talking about? Isn't it obvious that you're telling people that you've wanted to see them for a long time?

"Er..." an Yulan gently sipped the tea in the cup to ease the embarrassment. She said with a straight face, "Mr. Wang, in fact, I'm calling you for two things this time."

"Oh?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "if have what thing I can help you of words, I will try my best."

An Yulan nodded and said gratefully, "in fact, if Mr. Wang hadn't acted bravely and stopped Yang Xin that day, I'm afraid my son would have been in real danger. If my son had any problems, I wouldn't have lived. So, you saved our lives."

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