Let's make a living


This time, Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying stood on the united front and said with one voice.

"..." Jia Jiansheng felt a little weak, scratched his head and said, "am I so untrusted?"

They looked up and down at Jia Jiansheng, nodded at the same time and said, "yes, I don't believe you."

Jia Jiansheng choked for a while speechless, Wei qubaba said, "you talk like this, I have no face, OK?"

Jia Yingying, who is busy snatching snacks, chuckles and says, "Dad, I'm not happy when you talk like this. Last time Jia Ying, a fool, brought snacks, you said you had to share them. Did you give you a chance?"

"Yes, yes." Li Jiaying, who was also full of resentment, nodded and said, "but you have failed our trust, and you have failed my master deeply."

"That's right." Jia Yingying snorted, not angry said, "you this comrade actually engaged in small action, the delicious all to their own."

Jia Jiansheng rubbed his nose awkwardly, and said with a dry smile, "well, there's no such thing. I just think, girls, it's easy to get fat if they eat too many snacks. What should we do if they can't get married?"

"Hum!" Jia YingYing and Li Jiaying hummed a way at the same time, "want you to manage!"

"Er... Cough!" Jia Jiansheng coughed twice and said deliberately, "well, Jiaying, what's the matter with you this time?"

Li Jiaying almost picked up snacks, she picked up an alpine lollipop, unwrapped it and put it in her mouth. What's wrong? Her mouth is full of milk fragrance.

"Can't I come to see you if I'm ok? Master, you don't like me anymore. I'll leave and never come again. " Although Li Jiaying said that she was wronged, she did not move at her feet. She was still eating a lollipop sweetly, which even made people doubt whether she was talking just now.

Jia Jiansheng's face was full of helplessness. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "you two are really a pair of ancient spirits."

"Cut, what does Master say? How can I be a couple with stupid Yingying?" Li Jiaying shook her head.

"That's right, Dad. I don't want to be a couple with stupid Jia Ying." Jia Yingying also snorted a way.

Jia Jiansheng was amused by these two little girls and laughed. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "you two, you really can't be taken."

On the second floor of juxiao tea house, near the window and in front of the oak tea table, ye Chen is shocked to hear an Yulan say such words.

An Yulan's reaction to Ye Chen was not unexpected. She had expected this for a long time, and sighed, "Mr. Wang doesn't need to answer me now. You can think about it. In return, I can hire you with a monthly salary of 10000 yuan. I just hope you can be my bodyguard and my child's bodyguard."

Ye Chen widened his eyes, breathed a long sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "Oh, miss an, how can she say it paragraph by paragraph? It turns out that she wanted to ask me to be a bodyguard. I thought it was..."

"What do you think it is?" An Yulan narrowly looked at Ye Chen and joked, "do you think I want to live with you?"

"Er..." Ye Chen opened his mouth and said with an embarrassed smile, "there is no such thing as that."

"Ha ha." An Yulan smiles and squints her eyes. Ye Chen doesn't notice. In an Yulan's eyelids, there is a glimmer of loss. Ye Chen thought about it. He scratched his head and said apologetically, "well, miss an, seriously, although I'd like to help you, you may not know that I'm working in Ye's fast food now. I can't spare myself to be a bodyguard."

"Well?" An Yulan's eyes can't help shaking violently, she said lonely, "so?"

Ye Chen frowned. He couldn't see anyone looking at him like this, especially a woman. He rubbed her chin. He said softly, "miss an, if you want, I can help you solve this problem."

After an Yulan is rejected by Ye Chen, the whole person is very helpless, at this time hear ye Chen say so, suddenly came spirit, she widened her eyes and asked, "how do you want to solve."

"Just a moment." Ye Chen takes out his cell phone from his pocket. He turns around and walks to a quiet place. He looks around and makes sure there is no one. Then he makes a phone call and goes out.

Soon, someone on the other end of the receiver picked up the phone and said in a low voice, "yechen, what's the matter?"

"I have a business to talk to you about." Ye Chen said with a smile.

On the other end of the line. Song Yang is sitting on the sofa teasing the dog. In front of him lies a pure American Doberman, which is famous for its ferocity. At his feet, this fierce dog is gentle like a kitten, whining like a coquetry.

"Business?" Song Yang eyebrow tip a pick, she didn't good spirit of say, "come on, ye Chen, I helped you escape from the river beach last time, you haven't paid my commission, now want to let me work hard for you, I just don't fall for you."

Ye Chen embarrassed dry smile two ways, "hey hey, you don't worry, commission can't do without you, we go to teach a big bad guy without conscience, do you want to go with me, have money to take."

"As heartless as you?" Song Yang rubbed his nose, he glanced at a stack of A4 paper on the table, that is

It's the credit card bill sent to him by the bank. Although his life seems bright now, in fact, in order to maintain his comfortable life, he has owed a lot of small money, and now nothing can attract him more than money.

"If I make a move, it will cost at least 30000 yuan. In addition, I want the specific information of the target. If it is difficult, I want to increase the money." Song Yang said so.

Ye Chen canthus a jump, he shook his head way, "no, no, no, if I go with you, then you can only get half, because I also want to take the other half, moreover, with our relationship, you must make a suitable discount to be worthy of our friendship, so, two thousand dollars, no more."

"I'll screw you, you idiot!" Song Yang immediately hung up the phone, angrily scolded, "what a shameless guy, he only gave me two thousand, it's better not to give me."

Ye Chen's face was red. He put down his mobile phone. Automatic speaking, he said to himself, "did I kill too much? Also Song Yang is really, the price is not good, you can talk about it, hang up a phone? If you really don't want to, 3000 yuan is almost enough. "

Just when ye Chen whispered, his mobile phone rang again.

Take over to see, it is song yang to hit to come over, ye Chen corner of the mouth a grin way, "you this kid or lack money to use."

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