Do something

Ye Chen lazily picked up the phone, the old God in the smile, "boss song, how to consider?"

Song Yang now has the heart to kill Ye Chen. He glances at the bill on the table and roars to the phone in an irritable mood, "less nonsense, since you want to share half, give me fifteen thousand. No matter how low, I'd rather go to the construction site to move bricks than do it."

Ye Chen understands that this is the bottom line of Song Yang. Considering Song Yang's skill and his professional skills, ye Chen still thinks that Song Yang is the best person to do this job, so he nods and says, "OK, let's meet at ten o'clock tonight. I'll wait for you in the Office of Ye's fast food."


Hang up the phone, ye Chen turned to an Yulan, said with a smile, "miss an, I just found a professional friend to talk about, he is willing to use his professional skills to talk to Li Xin, but he needs a professional price."

An Yulan used to be a university teacher. Her ex husband left him a large amount of car accident compensation. In other words, she is not poor in money. Although Li Xin is her current boyfriend, she can't stand this cruel guy.

When Li Xin and an Yulan first met, their relationship was quite good. They came together through the introduction of friends

But since Li Xin proposed to make a bed with an Yulan, and an Yulan refused, Li Xin exposed his true colors. He repeatedly ran to an Yulan's house to make a big scene, and had to force an Yulan to live with him.

But the more Li Xin is like this, the more she hates him. Just last time, Li Xin made a big noise at an Yulan's house, which scared an Yulan's child into a heart attack, which further led to an Yulan's fear and resentment towards Li Xin.

"How much is it?" An Yulan some nervous drink tea, she is not a little girl who is not familiar with the world, for ye Chen mouth said professional, she has a guess, maybe a thug, maybe the big brother in the society.

Ye Chen thought and said in a soft voice, "twenty thousand will do."

An Yulan breathed a sigh of relief, her account has a large amount of compensation, 20000 for her like drizzle.

She is also a decisive person, immediately took out 20000 yuan of cash from the bag, put it on the tea table, pushed it in front of Ye Chen and said, "whether you can do it or not, the 20000 yuan is a thank-you gift. If you can completely solve this problem, I am willing to pay more money."

Ye Chen scratched his head. He didn't want to ask for money from an Yulan. In his opinion, RMB is of little significance. What he wants is the spiritual value of being able to buy things in the God of food system.

But he doesn't need it. It doesn't mean Song Yang doesn't need it. Song Yang depends on it. If he wants to hire him, he will definitely need this Commission.

Ye Chen does not ink, he will be 20000 yuan in cash, said with a smile, "don't worry, my friend is professional."

An Yulan nodded with a smile, but she was still worried. There was a trace of worry in her eyes. She said in a low voice, "it won't kill people. I don't want you to have an accident because of this."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "how can it be? We are all good young people who abide by the law. So are my friends. He will help you persuade Li Xin in the most gentle way. However, I hope Li Xin won't make my friend angry. I'm afraid that he will start a fire."

"Er..." an Yulan opened her mouth and said with a smile, "well, it's up to you. If you need my cooperation, you can contact me directly."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "well, of course I won't be polite to you, miss an."“ Don't call miss an. Call me Yulan or sister an. I'll call you ye Chen. " An Yulan said with a smile.

"All right, sister Ann." Ye Chen nodded, he couldn't find the reason to refuse.

In Tongji clinic, Li Jiaying crunches a packet of potato chips. In front of her, Jia Yingying is eating spicy chips,

Xiaozui is full of oil, but she is very happy. She squints her eyes and enjoys the spicy flavor, as if she is eating something delicious.

"Cough." Jia Jiansheng helplessly glanced at the two girls and said, "Hey, it's bad for your health to eat less junk food."

Li Jiaying glanced at Jia Jiansheng and said, "master, if you want to eat, come to eat. Don't suppress your inner thoughts. If you don't eat now, when you are old and toothless, you can't eat these delicious snacks again."

Jia Jiansheng shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "well, well, you're right. Is that ok?"

"By the way, Jiaying, how are you doing with the kung fu I taught you? The most taboo thing in learning martial arts is exposure to cold. We must persevere. " Jia Jiansheng asked.

When Li Jiaying heard the question, she immediately got up in spirits. She stood up, raised her face and said arrogantly, "now my 'six Wing Butterfly legs' can be said to be perfect. Even if she is a fool Yingying, she can't compare with me."

"What are you talking about?" When Jia Yingying heard Li Jiaying say this, her face changed. She stood up angrily and said in a bad tone, "who gave you the courage to say such a thing, stupid Jiaying."

"I'm just telling the truth, stupid Yingying." Li Jiaying raised her small face with pride, squinted and said with a smile, "do you want to compare with me?"

"Cut, compare, who's afraid of you." six Wings Butterfly leg "is the skill of our Jia family. How can it not compare with you?" Jia Yingying said angrily.

"Come on, hurt each other." Li Jiaying picked up a napkin from the table, wiped her fingers and corners of her mouth, and gently wiped away the residue of potato chips.

Jia Yingying is also the same clean mouth spicy oil, two steps to the hall, to Li Jiaying hook fingers, disdain said, "come on, come on, stupid Jiaying."

"You wait for me, stupid Yingying." Li Jiaying did not hesitate. Instead, she rushed to the hall with the same vehemence and put on airs. They were about to fight.

"Hello, hello." Jia Jiansheng couldn't sit still. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "how can we fight again?"

Li Jiaying snorted and said, "master, you can see that she said she wanted to fight me. If I don't satisfy her, she thought I was afraid of her."

"All right, all right." Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "you two are really a couple of enemies. They will fight each other as soon as they meet."

Jia Yingying waved her hand and said to Li Jiaying, "idiot Jiaying, don't worry about the old man. If you really think you are better than me, then come and have a try."

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