Who taught you?

"Well, I'm afraid you can't come as soon as you come?" Li Jiaying also stood up without any compromise, spread out her hands and put on an attack posture.

Jia Yingying drinks a clear, two steps rushed over, raised his long leg is a split, hard to Li Jiaying's shoulder hit.

Although the girl quarreled fiercely, she couldn't fight hard at the critical moment, so her attack only aimed at Li Jiaying's shoulder, not her head.

"Ha ha!" Li Jiaying's eyes narrowed slightly, her feet moved, cleverly avoided this fierce split, and then, she took the opportunity to close to Jia Yingying's body, shoulder side, directly against Jia Yingying's chest, Li Jiaying chuckled, incense shoulder shake, directly hit Jia Yingying's body.

"What?" Jia Yingying's pretty face turned white, and she couldn't help getting flustered. While Li Jiaying was leaning on her shoulder, Jia Yingying only felt that a surging force like the waves hit her body. She stepped back several steps and widened her eyes in disbelief.

Without waiting for Jia Yingying to keep her feet steady, Li Jiaying rushed up again. With a low drink, she raised her leg and used her unique skill. She stepped on the first two steps, stepped on the ground with both feet, and flew up. Her right foot kicked Jia Yingying like an iron bar. This is exactly the skilful skill she used to deal with Yang Xin that day - kick in the air.

"Be careful!" Jia Jiansheng, who is watching the battle on one side, is very nervous. He immediately opens his mouth to warn, and takes two steps forward. He can't help trying to stop it.

"Mind your own business!" Jia Yingying blushes and drinks back Jia Jiansheng. She takes a half step back and leans forward, just like a rattlesnake waiting for an opportunity. Her eyes are slightly narrowed and her expression is more serious.

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Jia Jiansheng can't help but smile bitterly and shake his head. Whether it's Li Jiaying or Jia Yingying, the two little girls' Kung Fu is taught by him. After seeing the state of Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying at this time, he knows that the two little girls seem to be on fire.

"Did you even use the snake style?" Jia Jiansheng looked at Jia Yingying's leaning forward like a poisonous snake, and immediately sighed, "is this the move to use?"

Finally, Li Jiaying's front kick has already kicked Jia Yingying's body. The huge power is about to kick Jia Yingying to the ground, but here Jia Yingying sneers, as if waiting for an opportunity. Her step slips and her body bends strangely, just like a clever green snake. She avoids Li Jiaying's foot at the last moment.

"Three unique kills of spirit snake!" Jia Yingying's eyes twinkle. She drinks fiercely. Her arm swings. She slips past Li Jiaying's long leg and hugs Li Jiaying's waist at a speed that is hard to see.

Li Jiaying's face suddenly changed and she could not help saying in secret, "it's over!"

Jia Yingying hugs Li Jiaying's small waist and raises her shoulder without hesitation. She carries Li Jiaying's petite body and smashes it to the ground smoothly.

"Ah!" At this time, Li Jiaying's feet haven't fallen to the ground, and now she is directly controlled by Jia Yingying's actions. She can't help but scream in horror, and subconsciously hugs Jia Yingying's body, but it obviously doesn't work. Even if a stone is held high and falls on the hard floor, it won't be easy, let alone a human?

The fight between the two is as fast as the wind. It's just two or three moves for you to come and I'll go. It's only in an instant that the victory and defeat will be changed. Seeing that Li Jiaying is about to be broken, Jia Jiansheng finally can't help it.

"Don't stop it When Jia Jiansheng yells at her harshly, he steps out of the room. As soon as he shakes, the whole person rushes in front of them and reaches out his hand. He grabs Jia Yingying's shoulder, pinches her, shakes her arm and pulls her back and forth. Jia Yingying only felt half of her body numb, and was caught by an irresistible force on her shoulder. She even couldn't stand. She was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Li Jiaying lies in Jia Yingying's arms, also has the feeling of escaping a disaster. She patted her chest with lingering fear, and stirred up a layer of surging waves. Her small face is very white and whispered, "it's very dangerous. I thought it was over this time."

Jia Yingying is still lying on the ground and can't get up. As if all her strength had been drained, she gasped, but she still heard Li Jiaying's words and rolled her eyes. Her eyes were shining with pride.

"Hum!" Jia Jiansheng snorted heavily. He stamped his feet, pointed to the two little girls and said, "you two, you two, what do you want me to say about you? It's OK to fight and make trouble in normal times. Now it's OK. Fight as soon as you meet. Fight as soon as you fight. What's the revenge? What about your feelings? What about your friendship? "

Li Jiaying asked Qu Baba to look at Jia Jiansheng and said, "master, you old people have seen that. Stupid Yingying doesn't welcome me. Just now, she wanted to use the snake's three best kills to deal with me. This is not a contest. This is murder. Master, you old people want to make decisions for me."

"Don't be pathetic in front of me." Jia Jiansheng was not angry and said, "don't think I don't know. You did your best just now. You both tried hard to see each other make a fool of yourself. I'm afraid the move you used to crack Yingying's cheating was already ready? Tell me the truth, where did you learn it from? "

Looking at Li Jiaying being scolded by Jia Jiansheng, Jia Yingying can't help grinning. Although she is paralyzed and can't make her strength, she still says secretly: you deserve to be scolded, stupid Jiaying, let you hit me with your shoulder.

"Er..." Li Jiaying lowered her head and said with a small mouth, "people just can't stand the way that stupid Yingying looks down on me all the time. It's just that she has learned more than me for several years. If I had been under the master's door earlier, I would have been much more powerful than her. As for the shoulder bump, I learned from a man named Ye Chen."

"Cut." Without waiting for Jia Jiansheng to say anything, Jia Yingying rolled her eyes first. Although she was so weak that she couldn't speak, she still expressed her thoughts in her eyes: stupid Jiaying, if you want to win me, it's too early.

"Well?" Jia Jiansheng frowned. He looked at Li Jiaying and said, "who taught you? Ye Chen

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