Ignore this bad old man

When he heard Li Jiaying say this, Jia Jiansheng was stunned. He touched his nose and thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out who ye Chen was. However, he always felt that the name was so familiar. For a moment, he fell into deep meditation and his eyes flickered.

"Yes." Li Jiaying doesn't understand why Jia Jiansheng has such a reaction. In her opinion, ye Chen's most famous place should be his cooking skills. As for his fighting ability, it's really average. At least, like her master Jia Jiansheng, or her boss, Chen Jiang, the former vice captain of the Criminal Police force, she can easily beat him.

However, Li Jiaying appreciates Ye Chen's unique views on fighting. For example, three days ago, she had a fight with Ye Chen in Ye's fast food. After all, it was quite amazing that ye Chen could fight with a semi professional boxer of Yang Xin's level at that time.

And he just in deal with Jia Yingying under the split, the brain will be a flash, thought of before and ye Chen exchange some fighting content.

In Ye Chen's words, when a person attacks you with his legs, his body is most likely to lose balance. After all, all people rely on his two legs to support his body. When he attacks you with his legs, he will lose half of his support.

In order to prove that what he said was right, ye Chen also gave several examples, including the example of hitting his opponent's chest with his shoulder.

Although in the practice just now, Li Jiaying didn't knock down Jia Yingying, it's because Li Jiaying used this technique for the first time, which is unavoidably unfamiliar. What's more, Li Jiaying only used half of her strength for fear of hurting Jia Yingying. Otherwise, I'm afraid Jia Yingying would not just go back a few steps.

"Ouch." Just as Jia Jiansheng is still meditating, Jia Yingying finally recovers her strength and struggles to sit up from the floor. She first stares at Li Jiaying angrily, and then looks at Jia Jiansheng with the most aggrieved eyes.

"Well, Dad, how can you help outsiders to deal with me? What's the heavy hand? Oh, I see. Because my mother is gone, I don't have any pain or love. So now you use domestic violence against me, so you don't like me at all. Well, well, since I don't have any pain, I'll walk well and go far away, so I don't have to stay here to hinder your eyes. "

Jia Yingying's tears were spinning in her eyes. The more she thought about it, the more sad she felt. At last, she really stood up and went to the door crying.

"Stop!" Jia Jiansheng raised his eyebrows and cheered.

"Yingying, don't go!" Li Jiaying saw that Jia Yingying was so wronged. She also felt a pain in her heart. She quickly ran up and hugged Jia YingYing and said, "Oh, Yingying, we are not angry. Just now, we were all joking. We all blame me for being bad. You are so heavy handed. That's why you are forced to do it. I know that."

Jia Yingying gently wiped a tear, sighed and said, "idiot Jiaying, I don't blame you. It has nothing to do with you. It's all my father's fault. He just doesn't love me. He doesn't like me anymore. It's really annoying. He's so annoying. I don't want to be with him anymore. Can I go home with you?"

"Well, let's ignore him. Let's live together, play together, eat snacks together, and let him play alone." Li Jiaying goes on following Jia Yingying's words. They are chatting with each other. They even begin to plan where to play for a while and how to cook and eat in the future. They don't find out at all. Jia Jiansheng is so depressed that he can't speak.

"Cough, I said, it's none of my business. You two are fighting, OK? I'm just a tug of war. In the end, you two were OK and folded me in, right? Jiaying, won't your conscience hurt when you do this? I've cheated my baby daughter from me, but now I've cheated her. Now I'm the only one left to live on my own. What a pity. " Jia Jiansheng said with a speechless face“ Come on Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying just ignore him and continue to chatter endlessly. However, after being disturbed by Li Jiaying, Jia Yingying no longer talks about leaving. Instead, she talks more and more happily and starts to talk about star gossip and other news, and forgets to leave.

Looking at a pair of happy enemies, Jia Jiansheng shook his head helplessly, but there was a glimmer of happiness in his eyes. In his opinion, it's better to stand here and listen to the two girls talk about some interesting things than to have a cold and quiet family. Although, he doesn't know what is the dead chicken and what is the Luhan.

In the office of the boss of Ye's fast food, ye Chen is sitting on the sofa in a daze. In front of him, there are 20000 yuan, bright red banknotes, dazzling, giving people an unreal impression. When ye Chen was doing chores before, he was only a month old

Two thousand yuan, plus all aspects of full attendance, subsidies and so on, no more than three thousand at most.

This money is still quite a lot in the countryside, but in the big city of Dongcheng City, it can only survive by itself. At this moment, under Ye Chen's eyes, there are 20000 yuan cash lying quietly, which ye Chen did not dare to think about before.

After all, in terms of Ye Chen's saving speed, if he takes out 20000 yuan in cash, I'm afraid he'll have to live frugally for a year, and there won't be any emergencies, such as getting sick or buying something valuable. I'm afraid that year's time is not enough.

Ye Chen thinks about it and pushes the money into the drawer of his desk. He doesn't have much interest in this kind of thing now. In his opinion, with the God of food system in hand, this kind of colorful banknotes can be as many as he wants. Thinking of this, ye Chen has a wonderful feeling in his mind.

Not long ago, I was just a loser in a fast food restaurant. I was scolded by all kinds of diners every day. I was tired like a dog for a little rent every month.

But in the twinkling of an eye, he has become a waste of money, and his cooking skills are directly superior to those of famous chefs. He has a heart to heart relationship with Lin Wan'er, who is beautiful and charming to the bone. He has changed from a scum with five combat effectiveness to a good guy who can fight several times.

"These are all given to me by the God of food system..." Ye Chen whispered to himself, feeling a lot for a time.

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