Bai Menghan's help

Just when ye Chen meditates, there is a sound of footstep outside the door. Then, someone knocks on the door twice.

"Who?" Ye Chen frowned, his thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door, but the tone didn't like to ask.

"Boss, it's me." Outside the room, Wang Yi stood there and said, "I have something to ask for you."

Ye Chen touched to touch a nose, don't have good spirit of say, "you this kid, isn't talk nonsense again?"

"How dare I? If I dare to spread some rumors, I'm afraid our boss ye will be unhappy. Then he will cut me every minute and take down my small body." Wang Yi came in from the door outside the room with a bad smile and said with a smile.

"Cut." Ye chenbai glanced at Wang Yi, touched his chin, and said, "you'd better take care of your mouth, or I'll cut off your tongue and throw it into the big frying pan of the back kitchen to make a dish, and then serve it to the front as a working meal for people to share."

Although Ye Chen said carelessly, Wang Yi was thrilled. He said with a dry smile, "don't, boss, please forgive me. Don't you dare

Wang Yi has a big mouth. When he talks, he doesn't have a voice at all. Listening to the wind is the rain. Now it's all over the place

Ye's fast food is spreading all kinds of jokes of Ye Chen and Lin Wan'er. Among these jokes, 80% are made up by Wang Yi, and the remaining 20% are changed again according to Wang Yi.

So when ye Chen sees Wang Yi now, it's like seeing a walking loudspeaker. He wants to dig out his battery now.

"Cut the crap. What can I do for you? Do you want to inquire about the relationship between Lin Wan'er and me again? I'll tell you for the last time that Lin Wan'er and I don't have any relationship of the kind you think. We just have an ordinary, ordinary relationship between the superior and the subordinate The more Ye Chen said, the more excited he was. He couldn't help staring at Wang Yi and said word by word.

Wang Yi is scared like a quail. He shrinks his neck and says repeatedly, "OK, OK, I understand, I understand. I will never talk about this again. OK, whoever says that is a dog."

"You wait. As long as I hear that you are still spreading rumors, I will take out your bones and drink eight stews." Ye Chen said viciously, "do you want to taste my dragon subduing Luohan boxing?"

Ye Chenyang raised his fist and threatened Wang Yi.

"Okok, I'll take it. Brother, please take my knee." Wang Yi scratched his head and said with an embarrassed smile, "well, boss, I really have something to tell you this time."

"Come on, don't change the subject." Ye chenbai glanced at Wang Yi and said, "you come to me all day to say that you've got something to do. I'm sorry

If I haven't reported any serious business related to my work, either tell me that a young woman wants to see me, or tell me that the police flower has sent an invitation. When have you ever had a serious business

In the face of his black history, Wang Yi could not help but say nothing. He said with a dry smile, "well, hehe, that's really something. Our competition with Zhang Baichuan has been settled. It's in Dongcheng gymnasium. The scene is very grand. The organizers are delicious food every day, and we have ye's fast food and Hu's hotel."

"Well?" Ye Chen frowned. He didn't expect Wang Yi to bring the news, but he had already been psychologically prepared for the game and had the confidence to win, so he didn't worry about it. He just nodded and asked, "the stadium in the city is very large. If you want to rent it for an event, it will cost a lot of money, I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on daily food and two restaurants? "“ Well, you're right. You're the boss. Your brain is fast enough. This problem originally existed. " Wang Yi nodded convincingly and said slowly, "because of the funds, every day's food has decided to change the venue. However, Lin Wan'er of Ye's fast food insists on choosing the site of the city stadium, and even adds a large amount of sponsorship fee. Besides Lin Wan'er, there is another person who also contributes a lot. Otherwise, Whether the venue of the competition can be fixed in the City Gymnasium is a matter of two opinions. "

Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "who?"

"Miss Bai Menghan." Wang Yi looked at Ye Chen with a strange look and said, "boss, you can't blame me for saying that. You don't know where the magic comes from, and you can attract so many beauties to help. I heard that Miss Bai Menghan said that she wanted to praise you. Now the recommendation channel of daily food, about your recommendation articles, is on the headlines every day

Some people in the blog even commented that the name of Tiantian food should be changed to Tiantian yechen. "

"Well?" Ye Chen is also frightened by this kind of thing, he stares big eyes to say, "true false, I and Bai Menghan young lady also just just meet."

"Who knows that?" Wang Yi takes a sour look at Ye Chen. He can't hide the envy and resentment in his eyes. He says indignantly, "if Miss Bai Menghan hadn't brought in a lot of sponsorship and solved the problem of funding, I'm afraid that every day's food is still unwilling to spend money on this kind of competition between us and Zhang Baichuan. So, if you have a chance, you have to thank others."

"Bai Menghan... Why do you want to help me?" Ye Chen murmurs and whispers. He is stunned for a moment.

Bai Menghan is sitting in her office chair on the spot of Dongcheng daily food program. She leans on the back of the chair and has a glass of water in front of her, but it has been cold for a long time.

Her watery eyes looked straight at the glass of water, slightly stunned, speechless, she lost consciousness for a long time, no one knew what she was thinking.

Suddenly, a voice came and interrupted Bai Menghan's thought, "eh, Menghan, what are you thinking here? We've been off work for an hour. I've been waiting for you downstairs for a long time, but I can't wait for you. I'm ready to leave, but I'm still worried about you. I just came up to see you. What's the matter with you? "

Disturbed by the train of thought, Bai Menghan couldn't help but frown. She raised her eyes and gently glanced at the speaker. Her long eyelashes shook and said faintly, "well, I'm ok. You can go."

The questioner is a very young man. He is white and wears a pair of gold glasses. He is quite scholarly as a fresh graduate. He is obviously stunned. He didn't expect that his obvious care would get such obvious indifference.

"But..." the young man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Bai Menghan turned her head directly. She turned on the computer of her desk and went to play with her own.

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