Wang Yi, the delivery man

Ye Chen slapped Wang Yi on the back of the head and said with a smile, "shut up, you are so wordy. Hurry to deliver it. If the local food is cold, I will break one of your legs."

"Ah, ah, ah." Wang Yi nodded and turned to prepare.

After Wang Yi was opened, ye Chen sent the address of Tongji clinic to Wang Yi's V letter. He said casually, "the address has been sent to you. I have something to do. If there is nothing important, don't disturb me."

"Yes, I see." Wang Yizheng is busy living with the packing box, and agrees without raising his head.

Turning back to the office, ye Chen locked the door. He leaned back on the chair, slightly squinting and dozing. He touched the bandage on his body. When he was cooking, he was involved in the wound. Now it may be bleeding and stinging.

However, ye Chen didn't pay attention to such trifles. In his opinion, there's no need to pay too much attention to this degree of injury. He stretched his waist. He wants to wait for song yang to come here. With a slight grin, ye Chen says, "Yang Xin... Ha ha..."

In front of the table of Tongji clinic, Jia Jiansheng's eyes widened. He looked at Li Jiaying and asked incredulously, "do you think ye Chen, the chef of Ye's fast food, knows Kung Fu?"

"Yes." Li Jiaying nodded, her eyes flashing a strange light, she also said with some emotion, "I really didn't expect that he could know you, the world is too small."

Jia Yingying is also slightly absent-minded. She can't help thinking back to the young man with a little song in her mouth and a lot of scars on her body. She said uncertainly, "that, stupid Jiaying, do you think that ye Chen is the one we recognize?"

Li Jiaying glanced at Jia YingYing and said, "idiot Yingying, is there a second person in Dongcheng city who can make a small building and listen to the spring rain all night?"

"..." Jia Yingying stopped for a moment.

Jia Jiansheng frowned. He looked at Li Jiaying and said, "Jiaying, according to what you say, ye Chen's skill should not be weak. But today I saw that he was chopped with blood. If Yingying hadn't dealt with him in time, I'm afraid he would have lost too much blood and died."

Li Jia Ying Teng stood up, small fist tightly grasp, her look changed sharply drink a, "what?! He's fighting again!! Ye Chen, it's too much. I'll find him! "

With that, Li Jiaying raised her leg and went out. Jia Jiansheng quickly grabbed her. Looking at Li Jiaying's anger and worry, Jia Jiansheng sighed. He said slowly, "Jiaying, don't worry. Although Ye Chen is scarred, the blade is not deep. It's just skin injury. It's nothing."

Jia Yingying also advised with her father, "yes, I know this better than anyone else, because it's the wound I treated for him. The deepest edge of the knife is only a little more than one centimeter. Now it's all wrapped up. As long as he convalesces, he can scab in a few days."

"Oh, you don't know that guy's temper." Li Jiaying is really worried. She doesn't know why she worries about the little gangster. But when she thinks that ye Chen is full of injuries, she can't sit still. The scene that ye Chen blocks Yang Xin's foot for herself appears in front of her eyes, and she is immediately upset.

Jia Yingying curiously asked, "his temper is very good, what's the matter?"

"Good?" Li Jiaying frowned slightly. She recalled the picture of Ye Chen blocking in front of her. She immediately shook her head and said, "he is a male chauvinist fool. He has a good temper because he didn't get angry. If you've seen how miserable the little gangster who was beaten by him is, you know why I'm upset."“ How could it be? " Jia Yingying still doesn't believe it. She shakes her head slightly, remembers the figure whistling in her mind, and her ears seem to echo the song moonlight in the sea of clouds. He doesn't want to believe that the big boy who smiles like moonlight will do such violent acts.

"Why not?" Li Jiaying asked back. She said angrily, "this guy is not a person who can suffer losses. I'm afraid the person who fights with him should be worse than him. No, I'll go to him and ask him clearly. I can't let him go on like this any more. He's playing with fire. He's challenging the authority of the law!"

With that, Li Jiaying's voice grew louder and fiercer. She frowned and turned to walk to the door. Her innate sense of justice and sense of mission as a policeman were calling her. She couldn't stay here for a moment.

"Sit down!" Jia Jiansheng slaps the table and says without salt. His tone is dignified and he is not angry. With an irresistible momentum, Li Jiaying retreats two steps. She can't help but lower her head and dare not look at Jia Jiansheng.

"Why?" Jia Jiansheng glanced at Li Jiaying and said faintly, "I can't speak to you anymore?"

Jia Jiansheng always looks like an old urchin. Most of the time, he laughs and seldom gets angry. He looks so serious, not to mention Li Jiaying. Even Jia Yingying sees it for the first time, and immediately frightens the two girls into silence. The air in the room is almost frozen.

"Master..." Li Jiaying said, "don't be angry..."

"Angry?" Jia Jiansheng shook his head and said, "what's the matter?"

Although Jia Jiansheng said so, Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying still drooped their heads and did not dare to speak for a long time.

"Well, Jiaying, what kind of Kung Fu did you say ye Chen knew?" Jia Jiansheng asked.

Li Jiaying took a look at Jia Jiansheng and said, "Er, dragon subduing Luohan Boxing..."

"Fake..." Jia Jiansheng curled his mouth and didn't believe it. He frowned and said, "anyway, he is

It's normal for a man to fight, so don't ask about him. "

"But..." Li Jiaying opened her mouth. She wanted to say something more, but noticed that Jia Jiansheng's face became worse and worse, and she didn't dare to speak.

At this time, the door of Tongji clinic was suddenly knocked, and the nearly frozen air in the room seemed to find a breakthrough. Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying both stood up, and they said with one voice, "I'll open the door, then turn around and go out.".

"Cough." Jia Jian frowned and coughed. "There's no need to go. The door isn't locked. Come in!"

Finally, he said it to the people outside the door.

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