Dragon subduing boxing

Although his words don't sound very loud, they are clear to the ear. People outside the room can hear them clearly through a wall, a hall and a door. He can't do it casually just by showing his hand.

It was Wang Yi standing in front of the Tongji clinic. He raised his hand and just wanted to knock on the door. Suddenly, the voice of Jia Jiansheng letting him in came from the stethoscope.

With a shrug, Wang Yi leads the delicately packed packing box and pushes the door in. Although this is his first time to deliver takeout, he is also a person who ordered takeout at least. He says, "Hello, here's your takeout."

Entering the Tongji clinic, Wang Yi was stunned. Just now when he heard the voice outside the door, he felt like someone was talking in front of him. But now he saw that there was no one in the empty hall. He could not help frowning and muttering. Did he hear it?

"Come in, it's in the back room." Jia Jiansheng's words came again. Wang Yi immediately looked in the direction of the voice and found that there was a small compartment with the door open, and the voice came from inside.

"Yes, I'll send it to you now." Wang Yi is polite. He doesn't dare to neglect. After all, this is the task assigned by Ye Chen himself. Who can guarantee that the master in the room has nothing to do with Ye Chen.

After all, I sent a small building to listen to the spring rain all night. Let alone Dongcheng City, there is only one person in China who can do it

At present, there is only one dish a day, and five people have to share it. Naturally, it is self-evident how high the economic value is.

Ye Chen is not interested in this, and he doesn't often stay in the store, so he doesn't know about it, but Wang Yi knows the value of it very well. Customers of Ye's fast food alone have more than once offered high prices to buy a small building to listen to the spring rain all night, and a lot of people spend a lot of RMB to buy the places to taste every day.

Even Wang Yi often uses V-letter to scan the QR code for lucky draw, hoping that he can get a place to enjoy the spring rain in a small building for one night. In this way, as long as he sells it casually, he can get a large amount of RMB. Now the lowest price offered by those who rush to buy the place is more than five digits. You know, they spend ten thousand yuan to buy it, It's only one fifth of a dish.

You can imagine how much this packing box is worth. It's a whole piece of small building. Listening to the spring rain all night, Wang Yi's heart can't help shivering when he thinks about it. What he sent is takeout, and what he sent is gold.

As soon as he was about to knock on the door, it was opened from the inside. After a glance, the man who opened the door was a middle-aged man, tall, thin, gentle, with a pair of gold glasses on the bridge of his nose and a scholarly face. He was the owner of Tongji clinic, Jia Jiansheng.

"Gee." Jia Jian frowned and said, "how are you? Why didn't Ye Chen come?"

Wang Yi said with a smile, "well, uncle, our boss is not feeling well, so he asked me to deliver this takeout for you. You can rest assured that this dish is fresh. I took a taxi and came here. It's still hot now

It's just that. "

Jia Jiansheng's eyes were slightly invisible. He seemed disappointed and said carelessly, "Oh, I know."

When he takes the packing box from Wang Yi's hand, Jia Jiansheng waves his hand to indicate that Wang Yi can go. Wang Yi scratches his head. He feels that he has been despised. He can't help but feel a little annoyed. But now it's hard to show it. He has to nod his head and turn around to leave.

Before Wang Yi left, he glanced at the room, but suddenly found Li Jiaying sitting at the dining table. His eyes widened, and countless thoughts sprang up in his heart. His eyes flickered. It was like discovering a big secret, and he suddenly realized“ I said that the old man's heart was so high that he looked down on me. It turned out that he was Li Jiaying's father. No wonder Ye Chen asked me to deliver the takeout in person. He trusted me. If two other people came, he had to tell the story about Li Jiaying and ye Chen. I said whose treatment was so powerful, Even if you listen to spring rain all night, you have to come all the way to deliver it. It turns out it's Ye Chen's father-in-law. "

"Tut tut." Wang Yi couldn't help smacking his lips when he thought of this. He finally glanced at Li Jiaying and gave her a reassuring look. The meaning was very obvious, that is to say, I would never say anything about you two.

But Li Jiaying is confused. She doesn't understand the meaning of Wang Yi's eyes. She is also full of things now. When she wants to ask Wang Yi, she stops him, frowns and asks, "is Ye Chen fighting again? Why didn't he

What about Ken

Wang Yi was confused by Li Jiaying's words. He looked at Li Jiaying at a loss and said, "no, I don't know."

"Just lie to me. Today, he was cut down and covered with injuries. When he left the clinic, I thought he didn't have any blood." Li Jiaying is not very angry.

"What?" Wang Yi was completely stunned. He widened his eyes and said, "it's impossible. I think ye Chen is still fierce when he goes back. There's nothing different when he's cooking. How can he get hurt?"

From Wang Yi's mouth to say such words, Li Jiaying is obviously not believe, she frowned and said, "come on, I don't want to listen to you, anyway, you never have a word of truth in your mouth, you take a word with Ye Chen for me."

"Er..." Wang Yi, who was severely despised by the beauty, coughed two times and said with an unnatural smile, "Hey, that, what I said is true. Don't you don't believe me. What do you want to say if you want to take a message?"

Li Jiaying thought about it and said to Wang Yi, "just tell him that I'm a policeman. Don't do anything stupid."

When she said these eight words, Li Jiaying's face was serious, her expression was very serious, and her words were loud and clear.

Wang Yi was stunned at first, then nodded his head with a smile and said, "ah, ah, Cheng, I will bring this word, I will bring it."

"Boy." One side of Jia Jiansheng get open mouth way, "Ye Chen will Kung Fu this matter, do you know?"

Hearing the old man's question, Wang Yi couldn't help holding his chest high. He said with pride, "I know more than that. I also fought side by side with Ye Chen. Old man, you don't know that ye Chen's Dragon subduing Luohan boxing was unfolded. Good guy, one punch at a time. At that time, I was silly. The scene was exciting and dazzling!"

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