Drunk champion

Jia Jiansheng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "is that so? That's really interesting. Let me ask you, how old is Ye Chen this year?"

Wang Yi's eyebrows pick, he can't help but secretly scold Ye Chen for his unreliable work. He only knows how to send his father-in-law to eat famous dishes, but he doesn't come to see a parent or something. Now it's OK. He's like meeting his father-in-law. He'll be asked questions as soon as he meets him.

However, although Wang Yi thought so, he didn't dare to neglect it. He thought about it and said, "well, I can hear that clearly. Last time we went to the Internet bar together, I saw his ID card. If I remember correctly, he should be 21 years old now."

"Oh..." Jia Jiansheng's eyes twinkled. Behind the glass lens of gold glasses, a pair of deep eyes twinkled with sharp light, but his tone did not change. He said faintly, "well, that's great."

"Great? What's great? Is it the right age? In fact, I think, age is not a gap, height is not a problem, this kind of thing, two people get along well is the best, the old saying is good, ten years to build the same boat, thousand years to build... "Wang Yi mouth a grin, he took this opportunity to express his own words, and try to give ye Chen points.

"Enough!" Wang Yi is wordy and noisy. Jia Jiansheng has a headache. He interrupts Wang Yi's words with a wave of his hand and says discontentedly, "where did you get so many words? Stop talking."

"It's over." Wang Yi felt tight in his heart. He said bitterly in his heart, "is it not that I made a mistake and offended the master

Son, if ye Chen's life-long affairs are ruined, he will have to peel me alive! "

Frightened by his own thoughts, Wang Yi licked his lips and stood aside with a dry smile, afraid to speak more.

Jia Jiansheng's eyebrows and eyes closed slightly. He sat at the dining table, his fingers beating the table rhythmically. For a long time, he didn't say a word. His face was expressionless and he was lost in meditation.

Seeing Jia Jiansheng like this, Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying look at each other. They look at each other and see a little bit clearly from each other's eyes. Sure enough, the old man still thinks about it.

For a long time, when Wang Yi was standing with numbness in both legs, Jia Jiansheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him. He made up his mind and said, "take a message to Ye Chen. I want to see him."

Ye Chen leans on his office chair at this time. Opposite his desk, Song Yang sits on the sofa, holding a red apple in his hand, biting it without a bite.

"Hello." Song Yang a loose black sportswear, waist bulging with a lot of equipment, he squint at Ye Chen asked, "who is our goal this time?"

Ye Chen put his feet on the table. He lay on the chair and said, "it's just a big fool."

Hearing Ye Chen say so, Song Yang is obviously not very satisfied. He wants to bite an apple and says, "this information is too general. I don't know the detailed information. How can I make a plan? We don't have a reliable plan. Don't we go to give our heads away? If you're caught, it's serious enough to be executed. If you want to die, I won't be with you. "

Ye Chen opens the drawer beside him, takes out 20000 yuan cash from it, grabs it in his hand and knocks it on the table. The 100 yuan banknote that has been compacted makes a heavy dull sound. Seeing the red and gorgeous RMB, Song Yang's eyes are suddenly bright. He grins, "OK, if you have enough money, I will accompany you if you want to die!"

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "come on, even if your whole family is dead, I don't want to die. I don't want to do anything stupid or losing money. Take the money and listen to me. It won't be difficult for you to do this action." As soon as the voice fell, ye Chen threw out the cash in his hand. As soon as Song Yang's eyes brightened, he grasped it and got it in his hand. Song Yang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Hey, don't mention it. This kind of feeling of cash in hand is really solid."

"Twenty thousand in all. You can count it." Ye Chen touched to touch chin, smile to say.

Song Yang eyebrow tip a pick a way, "isn't say good to give me fifteen thousand?"? Why did you give me 20000? "

"Last time you went to jiangtan and saved me, it was your attendance fee." Ye Chen said faintly, in his opinion, if there is no Song Yang's hand that day, I'm afraid I can't see today's moon. It's not a loss to spend 5000 yuan to buy my own life. What's more, this 5000 yuan is also from an Yulan, not my own money, so I don't want to spend it

they hurt.

"Hey, hey." Song Yang didn't speak much, so he took the money with a smile. He touched his chin and said, "Ye Chen, although I promise you that I will help you deal with the enemy tonight, you should remember that. If you want to die, don't take me with you."

"Are you so worried about me?" Ye Chen turns his mouth a way, "that I still use the same answer to answer you, suffer a loss and make stupid thing, I absolutely won't do."

Song Yang nodded and said, "I hope so."

"Ha ha, what a disagreeable fellow." Ye Chen helplessly shook his head and said, "I'll tell you about my battle plan now."

As one of the famous restaurants in Dongcheng City, baojilou often attracts many diners to satisfy their appetite, and Yang Xin is one of them.

The seafood of baojilou is very famous and characteristic. The chefs in their back kitchen are all from coastal cities. It's really hard to say how to make seafood.

Since Yang Xin went to the police station last time because of a street fight with Ye Chen, although he accepted the punishment by taking advantage of his relationship, and only after losing face and making money did he get rid of himself, he still didn't learn to be restrained, and he still ran rampant in Dongcheng city


Today, he invited the guests to dinner, and decided to stay in the baoqilou. A group of people were eating and drinking in the giggling box. The whole box was in a mess.

There are seven or eight men around a big round table. There are seven plates and eight bowls on the table with all kinds of seafood. Under the table are all empty wine bottles. If you don't pay attention to one under your feet, the wine bottles will roll and crackle.

It was Yang Xin who was sitting in the right room. He shaved his head. Maybe he was hot after drinking. He was bared and showed his strong flesh. There were dragons and tigers carved on his chest. There was a big green dragon on his back.

"Hey, hey!" Yang Xin was a little drunk. His face turned red and his neck was thick. When he opened his mouth, he let out two liang of wine. He put his arms around his friend and said with a big smile, "it's not my brother's boast. When I was fighting, if I hadn't been greedy for a while, I would have been the champion now if I had asked for the two money given by the Thai people and made a fake fist."

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