The security guard's frustration

A friend on one side was also very social. He patted Yang Xin on the shoulder and rolled up his vest from the bottom to the top, revealing his huge belly. He said with a smile, "brother, I want to be open. What boxing champion is not boxing champion, three money is not worth two money. Now what we are doing is people's money. As long as we have money, boxing leaf is a fart!"

"Ha ha!" One of the people on the table all coaxed and echoed, "yes, yes, that's right!"

"Alas." With a sigh, Yang Xin waved his hand and said, "it's no use thinking about these now. If you don't say anything, everything is in the wine. Everyone has done it!"

Then he took the lead in the glass, and the glass of Baijiu was drunk.

Not to be outdone, they all followed Yang Xin's rhythm, frowning and swallowing wine.

In the underground garage of Bruce Garden community, ye Chen and Song Yang hide in the shadow. They stare at the entrance of the garage, but they never see the target come in.

"Well, I said Although Song Yang is very patient, he can't help but ask, "the information you get is accurate. We've been waiting here for an hour. Is he coming?"

Ye Chen frowned. He learned from an Yulan that today, Yang Xin's old friend's birthday, he made a circle of friends and went to baojilou to drink. Yang Xin lives in building 502, building 12, Bruce Garden community.

As for why an Yulan knows so clearly, it's more interesting. Yang Xin likes to bask in the circle of friends. It's cold some time ago, and the air conditioner should be turned on more, so the amount of his electricity bill is much higher. So Yang Xin basks in the circle of friends with an accompanying article saying: baby doesn't want to say anything

In the screenshot of an Yulan's mobile phone, ye Chen can't help feeling a little chilly when he sees the news of the circle of friends. You are a strong man who claims to be a baby. Does his conscience really hurt?

"The message can't be wrong." Ye Chen definitely nodded, he pondered for a moment, thought about it and said, "however, now that the inspection of drunk driving is so strict, he will not be able to drive when he goes to baoqilou to drink. If he asks for a substitute driver, we can't do it. Let's change places to block him."

"Where to?" Song Yangdao.

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen laughs but does not speak, took the lead to stick the corner to leave.

Song Yang saw that ye Chen had gone, and quickly followed Ye Chen and walked out of the underground garage.

When Yang Xin returned to the community, it was already more than 12 o'clock at night. He was sleepy and drunk, and moved to the residential building where his house was.

Just as ye Chen guessed, now the drunk driving inspection is very strict, so Yang Xin didn't dare to drive back and took a taxi to the gate of the community.

Looking at Yang Xin's picture, the night security guard of the community rushed forward to help him. He was kind-hearted and wanted to help him, but Yang Xin pushed him all the way. He raised his hand and knocked the hat off his head.

"Who are you?" Yang Xin glanced at the security guard and said with disdain, "do you know who I am? I'm Quan Ye. Do you understand? Blow up your head

This security guard is a young man, dressed in neat security clothes. He bent down to pick up the hat that had been knocked off, patting the clay on the hat, and said with a smile, "brother, you are drunk, shall I take you home?"

"Roll the calf!" Yang Xin turned his lips and said, "you're drunk, Ma Le Gobi. Will I be drunk? I'll give you a set of fists to have a good look. I'm drunk or not! " With that, Yang Xin took a horse step. He made two punches and raised his foot to think of some difficult movements. However, he tilted his foot and fell to the ground, throwing his feet to the sky.

"Ouch!" Yang Xin couldn't help shouting. He fell so hard just now that he almost broke his waist. The pain made him sweat.

Although the security guard on one side felt funny, but out of kindness, he went to Yang Xin and helped him up. He said with a smile, "well, brother, you are really drunk. Stop making trouble and go home to sleep."

"Drunk?" As soon as Yang Xin's eyes opened, he glared at the security guard and slapped him in the face!

The security guard obviously didn't expect Yang Xin to get drunk like this. He didn't want to be beaten. He raised his arm to cover his right and left, and kept saying, "big brother, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, don't do it!"

"Teach you a lesson." you don't know how old Lao Tzu is. Let's try the strength of the fist, boy! " With that, Yang Xin's face was covered with a random fight, and the young man who was a security guard felt a burst of frustration.

The security guard stepped back a few steps and wanted to stay away, but he didn't want Yang Xin to find the right chance. He hit the boy on the forehead with one punch and immediately knocked him to the ground. He fainted with a concussion.

"Spicy next door!" Although Yang Xin was drunk and knocked over the boy, he still couldn't get rid of his anger. He continued to kick the security guard and said in a hateful voice, "let you look down on me, let you look down on me, I'm Quan ye, do you understand?"

Unfortunately, the young man was knocked down by the tall and strong Yang Xin. He held his head desperately and begged for mercy under Yang Xin's raindrops of fists and feet

Yang Xin did not give up and kicked for a long time. When he felt bored, he spat fiercely and went away, muttering, "big silly B, just a watchdog. How dare you look down on me? I'm a boxing leaf. Are you drunk? Drunk, you are paralyzed

"Huhuhuhuhu -" the young man struggled to get up from the ground. He covered his chest. His neatly dressed security clothes were covered with dust. He opened his mouth and spat blood foam. He grinned and gasped for breath. It took him a long time to recover. He picked up his hat from the ground, knocked down the dust lightly, and shivered to put it on himself.

"Ye Badan..." the young night guard took a deep breath and limped back to the guard box at the door. Before he left, he looked at Yang Xin's back with resentful eyes. This crazy guy swayed along the road and hummed a little song. Under the wind of night, he was very comfortable.

The young face of the security guard was full of humiliation and indignation. He slowly clenched his fist and hung a pair of electric batons around his waist. If he rushed up now, he would have full confidence that he could put the drunken fool to the ground.

However, he felt his security certificate hanging on his chest. It was a brand-new Certificate in the brand-new leather case, which meant that he had just taken up his post. If he did something stupid now, he was afraid that he would lose his job. Thinking about his father who was sweating in the Loess field, he closed his eyes heavily.

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