I'll use it later

"Although I won't do it to you, I don't want to let you go so easily!" The young security guard covered his chest and breathed the fierce cold light in his eyes.

Yang Xin doesn't care much about the idea of security. In his opinion, Mao can't hurt him at all with such a low level of social workers.

Along the way humming a little song, Yang Xin quickly swayed to his own residents downstairs. He took out the key and went to open the door drowsily and drunkenly, sobbing, "eh, where's the key eye?"

Just as Yang Xin was busy unlocking the lock, two people came out from behind an osmanthus tree nearby. Yang Xin was still lying on the door looking for the keyhole. With the dim starlight, Yang Xin hummed with the key to the lock.

"Pa!" Suddenly, Yang Xin's shoulder over a hand, but also a hard squeeze Yang Xin.

"Who? You want to die? " As soon as Yang Xin frowned, he turned his head and roared.

As soon as he turned around, a big fist of casserole came over, and he subconsciously stepped back. However, the alcohol paralyzed his reflex nerve, and the fist directly hit his nose, which immediately tilted the bridge of his nose. Yang Xin's painful tears came out. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and he screamed and stepped back half a step!

The pain made Yang Xin wake up a lot. He widened his eyes to see who was attacking him, but he didn't wait for his reaction

Come on, the stomach is a deep pain, he bent down, bent like a shrimp, mouth spray on the ground of food and wine residue, suddenly a strong smell sent out.

"Hey, hey." Taking back the fists on Yang Xin's stomach, Song Yang laughs unkindly, "this guy is quite resistant to beating. If ordinary people were hit by me like this, I'm afraid they would have fainted."

Covering his stomach, Yang Xin struggles to look at Song Yang. His pupil shrinks. He sees that the two men standing in front of him are black sportswear without brand. What's more strange is that the two men are wearing masks on their faces. The strong man who beat himself is wearing a mask of iron man. The expressionless mechanical face exudes a chill.

But another person, wearing a clown mask, with a strange smile on his face, has goose bumps all over Yang Xin with empty eyes.

"You... Who are you?" Yang Xin hoarse voice, he wiped the corner of the mouth saliva, canthus straight jump said.

Ye Chen, with a smile, clapped his hands and deliberately lowered his voice, making his voice extremely low. He said slowly, "is it important who we are? If it's important, we won't tell you. If it's not important, what's the use of telling you? So... Let's not talk about it. "

"Well! Put on airs Yang Xinqiang shakes his head and tries to dispel the alcohol that paralyzes him. He clenches his fist and sneers, "look, I've pressed you to the ground and stripped off the skin on your face. Are you still playing with this mouth?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Oh, then you can try it, Mr. Ye."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yang Xin's heart sank. He knew his family's affairs. He was drunk now, and he could not stand steadily. No matter how big his ability was, he might not be able to give full play to it. However, people made it clear that he was staying here to block himself. He was absolutely prepared to come here.

Song Yang impatiently step forward and said, "why talk so much with him? Just take it away."

As soon as his voice fell, Song Yang stepped forward and raised his right hand high. His shoulder swung and his fist smashed.

As soon as Yang Xin's face changed, he didn't expect that Song Yang would start his hand when he said something. He would start his hand decisively and fiercely. At first sight, he knew that he was an old hand“ Ha Yang Xin didn't dare to be careless. He raised his left arm to block Song Yang's fist. He clenched his right hand and hit song Yang's heart without any compromise.

"Hey, hey, it's so interesting that a drunkard learns to fight Song Yang sneers and opens his mouth. He turns his fist into a claw and opens his five fingers. Like an eagle falcon, he grabs Yang Xin's fist. At the same time, he holds Yang Xin's throat with his other hand!

This series of actions is extremely fast, let alone the drunken Yang Xin. Even ye Chen is dazzled, and Yang Xin, who is caught in the key, is scared. He blushes, raises his hand and grabs the wrist that locks his throat. He bites his teeth and tries to break away from this hand.

"Ha ha, dream!" Song Yang's skill is not inferior to Yang Xin's. in terms of fighting ability, Yang Xin may not be able to win him even if he goes all out. What's more, Yang Xin drinks like a shrimp with soft feet. Under Song Yang's hand, he is even weaker, like a little sheep.

His left hand holds Yang Xin's neck hard. Song Yang turns around and sticks his back to Yang Xin. As soon as he pulls Yang Xin's wrist with his right hand, his left hand pulls up. Song Yang twists his body and moves smoothly and naturally. As soon as he bends down, he throws Yang Xin, whose face has changed greatly, and smashes him to the ground!

Yang Xin's heavy body had a close contact with the solid ground. He snorted. In front of him, Venus appeared in disorder and nearly fainted on the spot.

Ye Chen shakes his head. He takes a look at Yang Xin and smacks his mouth. "Ah, I have to say that Yang boxing champion's action is so windy. Even if he is thrown to the ground, his elegant temperament is still unstoppable. It's cool. It's really cool."

Squeezing his eyes, Yang Xin gasps and looks at Ye Chen. He not only suffers from falling all over, but also the alcohol in his stomach starts to churn. He feels very uncomfortable. Let alone fighting with others, he even has difficulty standing up now.

"What do you... What do you want?" Yang Xin said hatefully.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said carelessly, "champion Yang, we are just helping others. As long as you are obedient and cooperate with our work, we will never embarrass you."

Yang Xin is a Leng at first, then rolled a white eye, cold voice says, "don't embarrass me? It's not hard for you to throw me to the ground

I? I'm sorry, I didn't learn Chinese well when I was a child. Please explain. What does that mean? "

"Explain? Explain your paralysis Song Yang is not as good-natured as ye Chen. He steps forward and without saying a word, kicks Yang Xin fiercely. Yang Xin holds his head in both hands and groans with his eyes closed.

Seeing song yang beat harder and harder, Yang Xin was hurt all over by him, and his blood all flowed a lot. Ye Chen frowned. He didn't sympathize with Yang Xin, but he was afraid that he would make things worse, and it would be a bad end if people died. So he coughed and stopped Song Yang and said, "OK, let him go for the time being. You can save your strength and use it for a while."

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