The worst in China


Song Yang snorted discontentedly. He obviously didn't enjoy it, but he still took back his feet and spat. "I'll spare your life this time. Remember, young man, I hate you so much. You lie on the ground like a dead dog and ask for the voice of human beings. I really don't know what to say. If you listen carefully, a dead dog will have the consciousness of a dead dog, Lie down to me honestly, otherwise, I will make you even a dead dog. "

"Cough! Cough Yang Xin wiped the blood on his face. He held his hand on the ground and struggled to stand up. It took him a long time to get down on one knee. Song Yang was very cruel. Under this attack, Yang Xin could not stand up straight. He coughed violently and glared at Song Yang with bloodshot eyes. He was silent for a long time, just like a silent wolf.

This kind of look made Song Yang uncomfortable. He clenched his fist and looked at Yang Xin with a grim smile. "Hey, I said, what do you mean by this kind of look? Coincidentally, I was not good at language and literature when I was a child. Can you explain it to me? "

Yang Xin's right arm has been protecting his head, so he has suffered a lot of attacks. He has tried many times, not only can't lift it up, he can't even make a fist, which makes him feel cold. He knows that his right arm bone must be cracked or broken.

But even so, he still shook his left fist, staring at Song Yang with wild eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "son of a bitch, you will die in my hand..."

Song Yang's eyes narrowed slightly as his pupils shrank. There was light in his eyes, cold and sharp, like a cold night

In the sheath of the machete, flashing cold murderous.

This time, Song Yang really moved his heart to kill. He felt around his waist. There was a small cloth bag, which was also his treasure bag.

Ye Chen felt Song Yang's murderous spirit, and even the air around seemed to be affected by him. He lowered the temperature faintly. He couldn't help but look slightly changed. He quickly grabbed Song Yang's shoulder and shook his head, "Hello! Enough is enough. Don't forget our purpose here, and don't forget that the land under our feet is called China! "

Song Yang gives Yang Xin a look with his murderous eyes, but he still doesn't take out his treasure bag and takes a deep breath. He suppresses the murderous intention in his heart and says in a cold voice, "well, what do you say we should do with him?"

"Go ahead as planned, we'll take him away!" Ye Chen answers without hesitation.

"All right." Song Yang nodded slightly. He took out a syringe from his pocket. There was 3ml transparent liquid in the disposable syringe. He took a cold look at Yang Xin lying on the ground and said in a cold voice, "before that, let me turn him into a dead dog who can't talk. Relax, he can't die."

Ye Chen nodded. He looked around. The dark night was like ink, and the starlight was dim as candle. At this time, it was late at night. Almost all the people fell asleep. There was silence in the community, except for the wind.

"What are you doing?" Yang Xin looked at the slowly approaching Song Yang, also looked at the syringe in his hand, he could not help but face

But he is just like a lamb to be slaughtered. He has no resistance at all. Moreover, the attack just now seems to have hurt his heart and lungs, making him speak without strength, so it also deprives him of his right to shout.

Song Yang gave a grim smile, enjoying the fear of his opponent. He pressed Yang Xin, raised the syringe in his hand and pricked it down. Without hesitation, he pushed the liquid in the syringe into his body, and said with a cruel smile, "don't worry, you won't feel pain. You can have a good sleep right away."

In the dark mine cave, the old oil lamp sprinkles yellow candle light. Ye Chen and Song Yang sit opposite each other at a small table. The furnishings in this mine cave are very simple. Against the background of the candle light, you can see the wet ground and walls.

At this moment, not far away from them, Yang Xin was tied to a chair. He was still asleep with his head down.

And next to Yang Xin, another person was tied there, but he was sober, his mouth was sealed with black tape, and he could not speak at all. He could only look at Ye Chen with resentful eyes, as if he had to peel Ye Chen to vent his anger and shame!

Sitting opposite Ye Chen, Song Yang couldn't help exclaiming, "you really know how to find a place. How did you find such a good mine cave?"

"Well, when I first came to the east city, I couldn't find a job and had no money to rent a house, so I had to live in the cave. But then I got sick with a fever and had no money to see a doctor, so I went to the mountain to look for herbs. As a result, I found this cave. When I came in, I found that although there was no water or electricity, it was a good place to shelter from the wind and rain, And then I lived here for months Ye Chen light says.

Ye Chen's tone seems to be talking about other people's affairs. It seems that it has nothing to do with itself.

But these words fell into Song Yang's ears and eyes, and he immediately felt that the meaning was different. He took a look at Ye Chen, and it was hard to imagine that this young man, who is now famous, had such an unbearable past.

"Well, let's not talk about the past. We don't know if we brought people here. Even if someone wants to find out, we can't find out for a while." Song Yang digs off the topic and says.

Ye Chen nodded and cast his eyes on Li Xin, who was asleep. He said with some worry, "he won't have an accident, will he? It's going to be a big deal if people get killed. "

"Don't worry." Song Yang said carelessly, "it will be OK. It's just an anesthetic. Although the amount is not small, this stupid big man is so big that he can metabolize the drug."

Ye Chen sighed and said slowly, "I hope. Later, if he wakes up, we'll have a good talk with him. If we can talk together, if we can't talk..."

"If we can't talk about it, it must be that we didn't pay attention to ways and means. To deal with this kind of hard bone, you must be harder than him

For example, you can use some interesting tools to help you... "Before ye Chen finished speaking, Song Yang interrupted him, and Yin added.

Ye Chen grinned, "if it's you, I naturally have no problem. After all, your idea is much worse than mine."

"Cut!" Song Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "you don't want to pick up ideas. If you use your brain to make crooked ideas, you will be the worst in China!"

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