It's not that terrible

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen said with a noncommittal smile, "OK, I'll give you the task later. By the way, I have a lot of emergency food and drinking water here. You can take it if you need it."

The corner of Song Yang's eye jumps. He can't help looking at Ye Chen in his heart. He says with a smile, "you really treat this place as a blockhouse. If you don't know your identity as a cook, I even suspect you are an agent."

"Well, it's just so so." Ye Chen stood up and said, "I enjoyed watching American blockbusters like walking dead and biochemical crisis for a while. Then I felt a sense of crisis. I didn't know if I had obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anyway, I took this mine as my private base. There were not only food and drink, but also weapons and daily necessities. Even if we didn't go out, You can stay here for a while, too. "

"It's tough." Song Yang nodded and joked, "why don't you do some private work with me? I think you are very talented. I need you to partner with me."

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "come on, you need me and your partner, but I don't need you and my partner. Wake up, sir."

Song Yang had never thought that ye Chen would agree. He glanced at the guy with black tape on his mouth and asked tentatively, "Er, by the way, who is this guy?"

Ye Chen said angrily, "it's just a poor guy brainwashed by Hong Kong brain damage movies. I brought him here just to calm him down."

Xue Fulong is the man tied to the chair with black tape on his mouth. Since ye Chen attacked him and Huang Mao last time, he was caught here by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen binds him every day, blocks his mouth, and forces him to admit his mistake. However, this tough guy is stubborn, which makes Ye Chen less and less know what to do. If you let him go now, first, you will expose your secret base. Second, you are not willing to give up like this. Third, if you let him go, He can't watch his former good friend turn into a little gangster who can't help him.

But if you don't let him go, you can't keep him here all the time. Although Xue Fulong and his family are very stiff, and they often don't contact each other for a long time, once there is a flaw that causes his family's suspicion, and the police catch him and imprison others, it's a big crime.

Naturally, Song Yang didn't know the twists and turns in it. He took out his treasure bag from his waist and said with a grim smile, "I think this guy seems to have been caught here for a long time. Before I take care of Yang Xin, I can take care of this guy for you. What do you want him to do?"

Ye Chen's eyes brightened at first, and then he sighed, "this guy is my friend. Although he was a friend, I can't be cruel."

"You can't do it, I'll do it. He's your friend, not mine!" Song Yang said with a gloomy smile.

After thinking about it, ye Chen pondered and said, "it seems that there is no better way now. It's not a way to solve the problem to keep him here. Really, I can't do it, so I have to trouble you."

"It's all right. It's no trouble." Song Yang said, then said with a smile, "say it, what do you want him to do."

Ye Chen bowed his head and thought for a long time. After all, he said, "I don't want him to mix with the society. I want him to be filial to his parents, work hard, be a good man and benefit the society."

"Huh?" Song Yang eyes almost stare out, he looked at Ye Chen one eye, can't believe of say, "brother, are you serious?"

Ye Chen nodded seriously and said, "yes, that's what I want from him."

Song Yang scratched his head and said, "this is a very challenging job. However, I can help you to have a try. If I can, it proves that my professional level is still very high." With that, Song Yang opened his treasure bag and took out some small glass bottles from the small cloth bag. All the glass bottles were filled with liquid medicine of various colors, and the labels of the glass bottles were written with English letters.

With a sneer, Song Yang takes out a disposable syringe again. He takes a sinister look at Xue Fulong and begins to match the medicine.

Xue Fulong couldn't help shivering. He widened his eyes. She heard the conversation between Song Yang and ye Chen clearly just now. Now he saw Song Yang's strange action again. He could not help but feel cold in his heart. He felt extremely afraid of his unknown fate.

As Song Yang dispenses medicine, he observes Xue Fulong with cold and excited eyes. The more scared Xue Fulong is, the more excited he is.

But Xue Fulong, who was tied to the chair, could not help shivering. He only felt that in the other party's indifferent eyes, he was like a fat pig waiting to be skinned. He could do nothing but struggle and groan.

Song Yang pumped the liquid medicine into the syringe, pretended to be gentle and looked at Xue Fulong. He said with a smile, "don't be afraid, young man. This kind of liquid medicine is not as terrible as you think. At most, it will make you infected with botulism. Do you know what botulism is?"

Xue Fulong swallowed his saliva. He shook his head and wanted to speak, but he remembered that his mouth was stuck. His eyes widened in horror. Although he didn't know what Botox was, he still had a deep sense of crisis, as if he was standing in front of himself, holding a syringe to himself. It was not a person, but a devil like fear.

Ye Chen, standing behind Song Yang, frowns. He opens his mouth and tries to dissuade Song Yang, because Xue Fulong doesn't know, but he has heard a little about the danger of Botox. In history, the Japanese army 731 and the Nazi concentration camp in Germany have carried out this kind of human experiments.

Ye Chen doesn't know exactly what the situation is, but he saw this kind of film when he was a child, and he knew this kind of bacteria deeply

Poison of terrible, think of here, ye Chen can't help but want to stop Song Yang.

"Hey, hey." Song Yang feels Ye Chen's worry. He looks back and winks at Ye Chen, indicating that he doesn't have to worry. Then he smiles and faces Xue Fulong and says, "Botox is one of the most toxic bacteria known at present. If you take a very small dose, it will cause muscle relaxation and paralysis. In the army, the crazy guys often use this toxin for biological and chemical weapons

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