It's going to kill people

With a grin on his face, Song Yang is like a Nazi in white during World War II. He stands in front of Xue Fulong, playing with the syringe in his hand, and continues in a tone of indifference, "if your body absorbs this toxin, then soon your nervous system will be damaged, with drooping eyelids, diplopia, strabismus, dysphagia, dizziness, dizziness, etc If the dosage is enough, you will die of respiratory paralysis. "

"Gulu." Xue Fulong swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He gasped heavily and looked straight at the syringe in Song Yang's hand. He stuck his neck and leaned back desperately, trying to stay away from the evil and vicious bacteria.

Seizing Xue Fulong's hair, Song Yang gives a cruel smile and stabs the syringe in his hand into Xue Fulong's arm. The bright needle gives off a cold luster. With the power of death and evil, he stabs Xue Fulong straight down!

Ye Chen really couldn't see it any more. He didn't expect that Song Yang really dared to do it. He quickly drank, "stop! It's going to kill people! "

"Tut tut." Song Yang stopped when the needle was about to pierce Xue Fulong's arm. He gave a sinister smile and said softly in Xue Fulong's ear, "young man, are you ready to meet death?"

Xue Fulong felt the tingling sensation of the needle sticking on his skin and the cold feeling that went straight to the bone marrow. He swallowed his saliva, breathed heavily in his nose, and glared at his eyes. His whole body was soaked with cold sweat, his mouth was purring, and he didn't know what to say.

Looking at the venom and fear in Xue Fulong's eyes, Song Yang gives a strange smile, which is as evil as a ghost. He gently draws a circle on Xue Fulong's arm with the tip of a needle. Xue Fulong's whole body is so scared that he doesn't dare to move a little, for fear that the needle will pierce his skin and lead to his own death.

"You know what?" Song Yang gently opened the tape on Xue Fulong's mouth and said slowly, "if you don't hear the scream of the prey before death, it's the biggest loss for the hunter, because that kind of boredom will destroy a hunting."

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Xue Fulong licked his lips. He finally had the opportunity to open his mouth and talk. His eyelids kept blinking. He was so nervous that he said weakly, "you're so... Illegal..."

Song Yang turned his lips and said, "hey hey, breaking the law? I believe there are many ways to kill people, but there are only two ways to kill people. One is to kill people without brain, and the other is to kill people with brain. Do you know why I injected you with Botox? Because the canned food and meat you usually eat may contain this kind of bacteria. I can disguise you as food poisoning and let you die in the way I arranged for you... "

"I... I don't eat..." Xue Fulong makes the last effort, he wants to let Song Yang give up the idea of poisoning him.

However, although he heard Xue Fulong say so, Song Yang still shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not up to you. In order to cover up the traces I left on you, I will not only force you to fill your stomach with mashed meat, but also throw you into the river, which can cause you to feel dizzy and fall into the water after poisoning, and you are just a little gangster, The police will not investigate you carefully at all. "

"Then... Then you just throw me into the river. I'd rather drown than be poisoned by you!" Xue Fulong clenched his teeth and said with fear.

"Ha ha." Song Yang smiles and shakes his head. "You are really naive. If you throw you directly into the river, you will surely swim away. If you drown yourself, you will struggle. If you scratch your skin, you will leave my evidence in your fingernails. It's even worse to tie you with a rope. After the blister, the traces of the rope will be more obvious, So... "

Xue Fulong thought to himself that he would not be able to live today. He gritted his teeth and said, "you inhuman son of a bitch. You dare to harm Laozi. Even if Laozi is a ghost, he will not let you go!"

"Is it?" The corner of Song Yang's eye jumped, and he immediately started. Ye Chen hurriedly takes two steps, grabs Song Yang's shoulder and says in a soft voice, "or forget it. He is my once good friend after all. Although I don't want him to go on like this, I don't want him to die!"

Song Yang shakes his head. He takes a look at Ye Chen. Just as he wants to speak, Xue Fulong, who is tied on the chair, starts to speak first. He says in a hateful voice, "Ye Chen, you're young and special. I've already said that since you entered the detention center and the black dragon club, you know what a real brother is. You scum in the kitchen like you don't deserve to be my friend! Not worthy!! If you have seed, you will kill me. If I call you, you will raise me! "

The words of Ye Chen's heart fire, also let Song Yang sneer and smile, "Hey, hey! See, boss ye, people don't care about your friendship at all. Do you feel deeply? Old fellow iron, I want to say, simply to keep secrets, and also for the sake of keeping secrets.

Happy heart, a needle to send his mother to the West

Ye Chen shook his head. Song Yang's cold-blooded style of looking at people's lives made him feel cold. He looked at Xue Fulong and said in a deep voice, "I'll ask you again for the last time. Are you going to change it or not?"

Xue Fulong stubbles his neck and hums coldly, "if I don't change, I will mix with society and die!"

"Well, you have seed!" Without saying a word, Song Yang pricked the needle tube down, and without hesitation he would inject liquid medicine into his arm.



This time, ye Chen and Xue Fulong are silly. They didn't expect that Song Yang was so brave, and they didn't expect that he was so ruthless. They said that killing is a killer. They didn't hesitate to start.

Xue Fulong's cold sweat came down from his head. When he grew up, his mouth was big and his eyes were wide open. A thought appeared in his heart: it's over, he's going to die!

"Hum." Song Yang put his finger on the injection handle of the syringe. He glanced at Xue Fulong and said in a cold voice, "before your brain is paralyzed by Botox, say the last words."

"You... You dare not kill me!" Xue Fulong trembled and opened his mouth. He was so scared that his whole body was shaking and his tongue was not sharp

I've been stuttering all the time.

Song Yang patted Xue Fulong's face and said with a grim smile, "is this your last words? Well, I'll remember it for you. Get ready. I'm going to die. Get ready... "

"Hello, Hello!" Feeling the stabbing pain of the needle piercing the muscle, hearing Song Yang's voice as cold as ice, Xue Fulong couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He knew that he had met the real evil star, and hurriedly opened his mouth. He repeatedly said, "don't make a joke, you will die!"

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