I'm impressed

"Childish guy, just like you, you want to come out and get along?" Song Yang grabs Xue Fulong's ear. He pinches it unscrupulously, but Xue does not dare to move, for fear that it will involve the syringe on his arm and let the liquid into his body.

Xue Fulong laughed two times. His face twitched unnaturally. He squeezed his eyes and said, "brother, there's no need to do this. What I want to do is not my freedom? Do you want to kill me because I don't listen to you? "

"Hey, hey." Song Yang picked his eyebrows and said indifferently, "killing you is like killing ants. It's too easy. As for whether you listen or not, it's just an excuse to kill you."

With that, Song Yang is about to start injecting liquid medicine into Xue Fulong's body. Xue Fulong's face turns pale, and his mind immediately becomes buzzing and confused. For the first time in his life, he feels that death is so close to him, and his brain twitches. His thoughts are flying like flying scraps of paper, and all his thoughts rise.

"No, I don't want to die! I'm only in my twenties. I haven't got married, I haven't had children, I haven't driven a sports car, I haven't slept with a foreign girl, I haven't been the boss, I haven't made a lot of money, I haven't... "

When he was dying, Xue Fulong realized that he had so many things to do, and that he had so many regrets that it was hard to make up for. His eyes were wide open, and his eyes were as dark as a dead fish. Suddenly, he cried hysterically, "no, I don't want to die, don't kill me!"

Song Yang laughs unkindly, "hey hey, don't you say that you want to mix up with society even if you die? Yes? Have you changed your mind? "

By this time, Xue Fulong could not care so much. He nodded busily, fearing that his attitude was not firm enough to make Song Yang unhappy. He pushed the syringe in his hand and let himself go.

"Are you sure?" Song Yang patted Xue Fulong's face and said with a smile, "but I suddenly changed my mind. Even if you promise Ye Chen to change his ways, I also want to kill you. Otherwise, it's too boring."

Xue Fulong's eyes shrank. He could not help yelling, "how can you do this?"

Ye Chen is also startled by Song Yang's words, but he doesn't mean to stop Song Yang. He doesn't believe that Song Yang is a lengtouqing who doesn't take things lightly or seriously.

"No, come on, I don't want to die. I'm young. I don't want to die like this. I don't want to die like a dog in this place." Xue Fulong is not willing to stare big eyes, he almost roars with a roaring voice.

Looking at Xue Fulong's unwillingness and resentment in his eyes, ye Chen can't help but take a breath. He didn't expect that a person would have such surging emotions before he died.

However, if you are in the position of Xue Fulong and tied up in this dark mine, you should not call the earth ineffective. If you die like a fat pig, you can't even struggle. If you are yourself, you will go mad.

"Don't howl. What a coward. I'll feel dirty when I kill people like you. It's bad for my reputation." Song Yang frowned and said.

Xue Fulong's eyes brightened. He felt that he had seized the chance to survive. He said in a hurry, "yes, brother, please forgive me. Don't affect your reputation. I'm a nobody who is not worth killing. Please let me go."

Song Yang thought for a moment, pondered for a moment, "it's not impossible for me to let you go, but you have to give me a reason, don't you say to let you go, then I have no face."

"Why?" Xue Fulong's eyes jumped. He faintly felt that something was wrong, but at the end of his life, he was so confused that he couldn't think much. He quickly said, "as long as you can let me go, it's OK to ask for money, things or anything, as long as I can give it to you." Ye Chen see this scene, immediately in the heart a smile, can't help but secretly shake his head, he now finally know those robbed people's mentality, in the face of death, no one can face calmly, as long as can have the chance to survive, that really is nothing can't give.

However, Xue Fulong has completely fallen into Song Yang's hands. Now he has lost his square inch, and the whole person has been firmly held in Song Yang's hands. It means to knead or pinch.

"Don't you want to mix with society? From now on, I want you to hang out with me. " Song Yang light said.

Xue Fulong raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Song Yang would make such a request. But as soon as he hesitated, Song Yang poked the needle tube into his flesh and said with a smile, "what? You don't want to? "

"No, no, no, I will, I will." Xue Fulong did not dare to say anything. He nodded his head and did not dare to be slack.

Song Yang just managed to smile a little more kindly. He patted Xue Fulong's face and said, "then my first order is..."

"What is it?" Xue Fulong said, licking his lips.

Song Yang dry cough two, put on a serious way, "cough, you listen well, I want you to respect your parents, work hard, be a good man, benefit the society."

"What?" Xue Fulong was stunned on the spot. He never thought Song Yang would say so.

But equally stupefied, is to stand aside and look at Ye Chen for a long time, he was surprised to open his mouth, silently gave a thumbs up to Song Yang.

Just ask, the knife edge is in front of the throat, at this time, people still say what is what?

Sure enough, although Xue Fulong was extremely surprised and depressed, he still didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to reply with a stuffy head, "well, I know."

"Well, I hope you don't cheat me, otherwise, you will be more miserable than today. Believe me, I will make you feel better than to die." Song Yang said gently, his tone is as plain as water, but the cold meaning in the words is straight into the bone marrow, making people shudder.

Xue Fulong nodded in a hurry and replied, "no, no, I promise you, I will do it."

"Well." Song Yang rubbed his chin and said, "I have finished my words. Now that you have promised me, I have nothing else to say. In short, remember what you said to me today. If there is any violation, even if it is just a little bit, I will make you suffer enough."

With that, Song Yang didn't go to Xue Fulong's reaction. He pulled the syringe out of his arm and put it in his palm to play. He looked casual.

For the rest of his life, Xue Fulong took a deep breath and looked at Song Yang with complicated eyes. There was fear, reluctance, anger, resentment and dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he did not dare to show it, because he knew that his life was still in the hands of others.

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