Buy your own life

"Boss ye, what are you going to do with this guy?" Song Yang turns his head slightly. He asks Ye Chen.

Ye Chen thought about it and said, "how to deal with him is just a small problem. We can't keep her here for new year's Eve dinner. So, people must release it, but before releasing it, we must ensure that we have transformed it."

"Well, I've been transformed by you now. Now I swear to be a good man. I'll honor my parents, work hard, be a good man and benefit the society." Xue Fulong didn't want to stay here for a second. He was tied up in the dark cave and was treated like a fat pig to be slaughtered. It was unbearable for anyone. So when he heard Ye Chen say that, he immediately raised his voice and cried out.

Ye Chen frowned. Although he knew that Xue Fulong would say that, to a large extent, he was forced to be helpless, but he had no good way to make him repent from the bottom of his heart, so he sighed and said, "well, I'll trust you again. When this thing is finished, I'll let you go."

"Are you really going to let me go? You can't regret it Xue Fulong in front of a bright, excited said.

Ye Chen touched his nose, shrugged and said, "don't worry, I've never regretted doing anything."

Xue Fulong opens his mouth, he wants to say something more, but Song Yang glares at him, and then whispers to Ye Chen

"Yang Xin wakes up."

Ye Chen raised his eyes and saw that Yang Xin, who was tied to the chair, frowned. He shook his body and was about to wake up.

"Act as planned!" With a word, ye Chen strides to Yang Xin. He takes a black plastic bag out of his pocket and puts it on Yang Xin's head.

This kind of black opaque plastic bag is cheap and easy to use. It's really a must for home travel.

Yang Xin's eyelids swayed a few times when he was put on his head by the special black large plastic bag in the supermarket. Finally, he opened his eyes difficultly. First, he looked around in confusion and immediately realized his situation. He raised his arm and found that he couldn't move at all. The rope was tightly tied and almost strangled into Yang Xin's flesh.

"Hoo." Yang Xin took a deep breath, then spit out, trying to blow the plastic bag on his head, but it was futile, because the plastic bag was close to his face. Although he tried hard to blow it, it still had little effect and had no effect.

Standing in front of Yang Xin, ye Chen picks up a belt from the side table and raises his arm. Without saying a word, he pulls on Yang Xin.

This kind of black artificial leather belt costs 9 yuan and 9 yuan. It's cheap and easy to use. The biggest advantage is that it's durable. It's still able to play a good role when ye Chen takes it as a whip.

"Hiss, ouch!" Yang Xin was in pain when he was drawn. He couldn't see who was beating him outside. He was so angry that he couldn't beat him out. Moreover, because of the unknown, he couldn't help but have a trace of fear in his heart.

Yang Xin is afraid that people outside will start again. He is busy and says, "brother, slow down. I don't know where I offended my brother. Let my brother treat my brother so angrily. But no matter what, even if I let my brother die, I have to let my brother die. Understand, can my brother tell me where I offended my brother?"

Ye Chen stands in front of Yang Xin. He can't help grinning and shaking his head. "Yang Xin, Yang Xin, I thought you were a hero. Although your character is not very good, at least you are a man. What's the matter? That's just the beginning. Did you give advice? "

Because he was afraid that Yang Xin would hear his voice, ye Chen deliberately lowered his voice to make his voice sound hoarse and low. He sarcastically told Yang Xin that his belt was up again. Since he retired from the Sanda Team, Yang Xin, with his fighting ability, has been mainly fooling around in Dongcheng city. He has been wallowing in the society for so many years, and he can be regarded as a veteran.

At this moment, Yang Xin can't help laughing when he hears Ye Chen's words like this, "where does my brother say? People are under the eaves, so I have to bow my head. At this moment, the knife is in my brother's hand, and I'm tied to the ground. It's my brother who decides whether to kill or cut me. Let alone struggle, I can't move even if I want to do something else, so I say, What if I open my mouth and say something hard? That's not the same. It's even worse. On the contrary, it seems that I'm an idiot. "

"Oh, you seem to have a point." Ye Chen smiles a way, "however, even if you again how say, today you also can't escape this skin and flesh of sufferings."

"Oh, it's too heartless for my brother to say that. There is no absolute thing in the world. If my brother can deal with me like this, it must be that my younger brother has done something wrong. As long as he has done something wrong, there must be a way to compensate him. This time, I will admit it. My elder brother might as well draw a line, and my younger brother will do it." Yang Xin, of course, understands how unfavourable the current situation is for him. Without thinking about it, he said it directly.

Ye Chen a Leng, he didn't think Yang Xin unexpectedly so cool gas, more didn't think, this seemingly simple mind of silly big unexpectedly still have so clear mind.

"Hey, this guy's a smart guy." One side of Song Yang also came to interest, he raised his finger to knock Yang Xin's head, hehe said with a smile, "Hey, Yang Xin, right? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. You've offended people you shouldn't have offended. Someone has offered you a good price for your head. "

"Er..." in a black plastic bag, Yang Xin can't see everything outside. He doesn't know who's talking to him, who's beating him, what it's like outside, and what it's like. It's because of the unknown that envelops him that he has an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Shrouded in the dark, Yang Xin's heart turned, and he hastened to say, "don't do it first, brothers. If you have something to say, there will be no knot in the world that can't be solved, and there will be no business that has to be done."

Ye Chen sneers and says, "how? Are you educating us now? "

Yang Xin accompanied with a smile, "dare not dare not, just according to the younger brother's point of view, the elder brother's technique is very professional, should be

It's the people in the organization. In this case, I don't say much about it, but I still say that although there are rules in the industry, there is no business that has to be done in the world. If you can, you can consider letting me bid for your own head. "

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