
"Hehe, you deserve it?" Song Yang said with a sneer, "I'm very curious, where do you know the existence of the organization? As for the whole Dongcheng City, there are only a few people who know the existence of us."

Yang Xin hesitated for a moment. He sighed and said, "this... I got it by chance."

With a flash of cold light in Song Yang's eyes, he raised his leg and kicked Yang Xin's stomach. With this kick, Yang Xin's intestines were nearly broken. He was cold and said in a cold voice, "don't talk nonsense. You can say whatever I ask you. Now that you know that we are the people of the organization, you should know that we kill you like a dog, Don't make a scene in front of me. "

"Cough!" Yang Xin had a sharp pain in his abdomen. His facial features were twisted and he bit his lips hard. He tried not to let himself cry out. He bent down. He was soaked in a cold sweat.

After coughing for a long time, Yang Xin slowed down. He said with a bitter smile, "my brother's strength is not small, and he deserves to be a member of the organization. However, if I kill my younger brother, my brother will never know who disclosed the existence of the organization to my younger brother."

Ye Chen is also very interested in the existence of the organization Yang Xin talks about. Song Yang arranged the plan to deal with Yang Xin.

Originally, according to the plan, Song Yang would threaten Yang Xin to leave Dongcheng City, otherwise he would be killed, but Yang Xin was so immortal that he could not die

However, he said something about the organization. In this way, he completely angered Song Yang.

Ye Chen doesn't know if Song Yang will carry out the task according to the original plan. He frowns and says in his heart that if Song Yang doesn't kill Yang Xin lightly, he must stop him, or he will have a lot of fun.

Ye Chen, the organization Yang Xin talked about, heard Song Yang mention it when he first met Song Yang. When he asked Song Yang, Song Yang kept silent. Unexpectedly, Yang Xin even knew the organization. Judging from the performance of Song Yang when he first mentioned the organization, it should be a top secret organization that should not be leaked. However, how did Yang Xin know.

"Do you want to live?" Song Yang takes a breath and suppresses his violent emotion. He pinches Yang Xin's neck and asks word by word.

Yang Xin grinned and felt the strength of his throat fingers. He frowned and said, "there's something wrong with my brother's words. Even mole ants are greedy for life, let alone human beings."

Song Yang slowly clenched each other's neck, he said indifferently, "since you want to live, then take out the capital that can let you live."

"Hey, hey." Yang Xin couldn't breathe when Song Yang pinched him, but he still laughed and said, "brother, I want to live, but I'm not stupid. I'm willing to save my life just to get the secret in my heart. If I tell the secret now, I'll die. So, if I want to share the secret with my brother, Let's show some sincerity first. "

Song Yang frowned. His eyes flickered, and he seemed to be struggling. He opened his mouth. He wanted to speak, but ye Chen grabbed his shoulder and shook his head. Then ye Chen said to Yang Xin in a deep voice, "since you know that we are organized, you must know that the iron law of the organization can't be disobeyed, otherwise, you or we can, You can't live

These are ye Chen's guesses. In Ye Chen's opinion, since it is a killer organization with strict rules, there must be such rules.

Sure enough, Yang Xin was silent for a long time. Finally, he said in a deep voice, "my news is very valuable, even more valuable than my life. Therefore, this news is enough to buy my life. You can find someone who can negotiate with me. I believe this news can make the iron law of your organization open to me." Song Yang sneered, shook his head and said, "I think you are too naive. You don't understand what iron law is. Since it is iron law, it is just like steel. It can't be disobeyed and irreversible. How can you overthrow the highest law of the organization because of your words."

"Hey, hey." Yang Xin said with a low smile, "as I said just now, there is no knot in the world that cannot be solved. There is no business that has to be done. How can we know if we don't try something? Right? "

Ye Chen and Song Yang look at each other and see the dignified news in each other's eyes. What is the news that can make Yang Xin so confident?

For a moment, both of them were very curious.

Xue Fulong, who had been tied to one side, had been hearing this all the time. Now, his eyes were wide open. Although he didn't understand what the three people were saying, this mysterious topic still attracted his curiosity. What kind of organization, iron law and so on gave him a sense of seeing, and the whole person was excited in an instant.

Ye Chen stares at Xue Fulong. Naturally, this kind of secret affair is less than a pair of ears, so he has more security. He waves his hand. Song Yang on one side understands and sneers and seals Xue Fulong's mouth again.

Then Song Yang untied the rope on Xue Fulong, grabbed him by the back of his neck and dragged him out. He walked down the mine and found a place in every corner. Then he tied Xue Fulong to a mummy.

But even if the distance is so far away, Song Yang is still afraid that Xue Fulong will hear something he shouldn't hear. Seeing Xue Fulong lying in the corner, Song Yang gives a grim smile, takes out the black tape that seals Xue Fulong, and wraps it around the guy's head seven or eight times.

Brush la la, song yang to his two ears are completely sealed, this time to put down the heart, hey, laugh, Song Yang turned and left, leaving Xue Fulong alone in the dark wind.

When Song Yang returns to the mine cave, ye Chen is sitting on a stool meditating. Yang Xin, who is wearing a black plastic bag on his head, doesn't speak either. He seems to be waiting for ye Chen and song yang to consider this question before giving him an answer.

"Hello." Song Yang seemed to have made up his mind. He patted the table, gritted his teeth and said, "I can give you a chance. If your news is as important as what you said, we are willing to give you a chance to live, but you have to leave Dongcheng and give up your name to let our employer think you are dead, otherwise,

Such damage to the reputation of the organization can never be allowed. "

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