Angry Jiang Xuan


With a loud noise, Wei Qinghu's head was thrown and confused. The Jackal who landed at the same time was not much better. But the Jackal had been prepared for a long time. He launched an attack immediately after landing. With his buzzing head and bloody thighs, the Jackal broke away Wei Qinghu's hand and grabbed his opponent's neck. He took a fruit knife from his waist, Without saying a word, put it in Wei Qinghu's eyes!

Wei Qinghu's pupil shrank. Although his eyes were full of stars, he still didn't dare to delay. He grabbed the Jackal's wrist and resisted the fruit knife stabbed by the Jackal. He gasped in his mouth and growled, "jackal, I'm a demon who once ranked 75th. Do you think you can kill me?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" The Jackal's arms were full of tendons. He grabbed the knife in one hand and pinched Wei Qinghu's neck in the other. His forehead was full of sweat and he bit his teeth. He tried his best to stab the fruit knife in his hand and tried to crush Wei Qinghu's throat with the greatest strength.

Wei Qinghu grabs the Jackal's wrist. His throat is very painful, but he just goes to carry the Jackal's knife, regardless of the Jackal's hand attacking his throat.

"I see!" The Jackal's eyes jumped. He released Wei Qinghu's throat. He grasped the fruit knife in both hands and pressed it down. "You practiced hard Qigong. No wonder I kicked you just now. You don't hurt or itch. Now I can't hurt you by pinching your Adam's apple. But anyway, you can't practice your eyes, can you? Watch me stab you in the head from your eyes

"Are you kidding?" Wei Qinghu's neck blood vessels burst up, he lay on the ground hard, the situation is very passive, but he was biting his teeth, hysterical low roar, "with you such scum, also want to kill me? Less Italian Silver here! "

Said, Wei Qinghu's arm muscle a contraction, two arms fiercely expanded a circle, jackal complexion a change, see Wei Qinghu cruel smile, cold voice way, "secret technique - bear arm!"

"No!" The Jackal screamed in secret. He stopped his hand and wanted to retreat. But before he left, he just felt the pain in his wrist. His arm bones all gave out a squeaking sound. In the Jackal's frightened eyes, Wei Qinghu's hands were like steel tongs holding the Jackal's wrists. Then he slowly exerted himself. The more he grasped, the more tightly he grasped, That kind of overwhelming power made the Jackal hard to resist. His hands trembled. He clenched his teeth and resisted bitterly.

"Aren't you arrogant just now? Show me how arrogant you are, asshole. You let me use my secret skills. You are so angry that you want to kill me Wei Qinghu said with a grim smile that he obviously enjoyed the Jackal's painful expression, which made him feel particularly enjoyable.


With a crisp sound, the Jackal's fruit knife fell down. Wei Qinghu slightly tilted his head, and the fruit knife fell on the concrete floor.

"Hey, jackal, jackal, what? Can't even hold the weapon? " Wei Qinghu smacked his mouth and opened it sarcastically

I thought you were a tough guy, my little boy. What's the matter? It's just that this kind of power can't stand it? Just give up? Ha ha ha, sure enough, waste is waste. I'm looking forward to your strength. "

One of the reasons why Wei Qinghu, who used to be the S-class killer of the dragon soldier organization, defected from the organization was his fierce and aggressive character. Whenever he met the strong, the militant would always attack, whether he was an enemy or a companion. It was because he killed his companion that he would face the pursuit of the dragon soldier organization.

This encounter with jackals is a chance that can't be missed for the belligerent Wei Qinghu. However, he didn't expect that the guy in front of him could even find out his details. Wei Qinghu, who is very clear about the organization, was immediately worried. He had to get an answer from the jackals. He had to know who exposed his identity, Only by killing all the insiders can we be truly safe. The Jackal's wrist bone was deformed by this irresistible force. He was in a cold sweat with pain. He knew that if he went on like this again, his arms would be wasted like this.

"Jackal." Wei Qinghu stares at the man's eyes and says in a cold voice, "if you don't tell me everything I want to know, I'm afraid you will die."

"Is it?" Jackal pain straight suction cool air, he through the eyelids on the cold sweat to see Wei Qinghu, grinning, "I'm so afraid of yo."

"It's very unpleasant, you ignorant thing!" Wei Qinghu's pupils are full of violence. He uses his hands fiercely to crush the Jackal's wrist bone and give the tough man a little pain

Eat, but did not wait for him to start, but suddenly came a cold chide behind.

"Let him go!" Jiang Xuan came to her as like as two peas, and the two steps came, and she was holding the fruit knife in the same way as the Jackal's customary knife. It was clearly from a man's hand. Wei was lying on the ground. Before he could get up, he pressed the wolves on his body, and the two wolves were pinched by him. But the sudden arrival of Jiang suddenly broke the situation.

Jiang Xuan, with the murder weapon in her hand, has half the temperament of a weak woman. She seems to be possessed. She is like a mad leopard, roaring and rushing towards Wei Qinghu.

As soon as Wei Qinghu's face changed and he was worried, he wanted to push away the Jackal first. However, the jackal, who was extremely experienced in fighting, was not willing to let go of this opportunity. His legs were like the roots of a tree, tightly coiled on Wei Qinghu's body. He forced himself down to prevent Wei Qinghu from getting up.

In a twinkling, where does Wei Qinghu still have the chance to do the action again? Jiang Xuan has already jumped under his eyes at this time, and has no hesitation to raise the fruit knife.

"Ah! Son of a bitch! "

With a scream, Wei Qinghu blocked the fruit knife in Jiang Xuan's hand with his right hand. His palm was stabbed in the opposite direction. Just now, he couldn't manage so much. He released one of the Jackal's wrists and reached out to block the fatal knife. Suddenly, blood gushed into his arm and dyed it red.

Jiang Xuan grabs the knife with both hands. She blushes and tugs back. But she can't pull out the knife, Wei Qinghu

Enduring the severe pain, he strained the muscles and bones of his palm, tightly controlled the weapon that could threaten his life in the wound.

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