Secret Art

However, before Wei Qinghu could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a sneer from the Jackal. Wei Qinghu turned his head in a hurry, but only saw two curved fingers go straight to his right eye!

"What? That uncle wants to see me? " Ye Chen sits on the sofa of his office, the brow tightly wrinkly asks a way.

Sitting opposite Ye Chen is Wang Yi. He blinked his eyes and said, "yes, when I delivered the takeout to Tongji clinic yesterday, the uncle in the clinic said that he wanted to see you. Ye Chen, don't worry. I will absolutely keep a secret about what you want to see your parents with Officer Li. I won't tell Mr. Ye."

Ye Chen looks at Wang Yi who winks at him, and immediately he is out of breath. He says with a smelly face, "roll rough, if you're blind, I'll knock your head into a concussion, and I'll be sent to the intensive care unit."

"Hey, hey, I know, I know, I don't know anything." Wang Yi said with a smile, "boss Wang, don't worry."

"I don't worry about peat!" Ye Chen grabs a pen from his side and throws it away.

At this time ye Chen does not know, in a building not far away from him, at this moment is carrying on a fight to death.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Wei Qinghu gasped. He tilted his head. Next to his head, two fingers of the Jackal stabbed the ground.

At the critical moment just now, if he didn't react fast enough, I'm afraid he would destroy an eyeball right away. If he was a master, his weakness could lead to defeat. What's more, once he was caught by the other side, I'm afraid he would not wait to scream and his body would be cold.

But even if Wei Qinghu evades such an attack, he is still in a very dangerous situation. At present, he is pressed on the ground by the jackal, and his right hand is abandoned by Jiang Xuan, who is killed suddenly. If he goes on like this, it's really not easy to take his life back from the Jackal.

"Brother demon, you don't look very happy." The Jackal grinned cruelly. He raised his fist again and hit Wei Qinghu in the face.

The fist was so fast that Wei Qinghu didn't have time to react. The Jackal hit him. But even so, the Jackal's face was still not very good-looking. He only felt that his fist which could break bricks was soft and he hit his opponent with all his strength. However, Wei Qinghu didn't react and looked at himself with a grim smile.

"What?" Jackal looked at Wei Qinghu in disbelief. He only felt that the man in front of him was not flesh and blood, but the Wolverine in the movie. His face was as hard as a stone, which made his hands ache.

"You used to be a member of the organization, and you used to be an S-level dragon soldier, so you must have heard of the secret arts?" Wei Qinghu

Said coldly.

"Is it the secret art of dragon soldier?" The Jackal was shocked in his heart, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. However, Wei Qinghu didn't give the Jackal any more words. He roared and struggled to get up from the ground.

"This kind of power..." the Jackal was frightened. He just felt that he could not hold each other down. The surging power was like the tide. He bit his teeth, growled and tried his best to hold Wei Qinghu.

"Ridiculous fellow, is that all you have?" With a low roar, Wei Qinghu sprang up from the ground. He pushed the Jackal away. His eyes were as cold as ice. He looked directly at the jackal, raised his leg and kicked Jiang Xuan out. Jiang Xuan still holds the fruit knife and tries to pull out the blade. However, she never thought that Wei Qinghu's sudden burst of power is as terrible as a beast. She not only pushes away the jackal, but also kicks her foot on her body. How can Jiang Xuan's weak body withstand such a fierce impact? Under Wei Qinghu's foot, she falls far away, He passed out on the spot.

"Jiang Xuan!" As soon as the Jackal's face changed, he rolled back, opened the distance from Wei Qinghu, and yelled in the direction of Jiang Xuan's fall.

Jiang Xuan is lying on the ground, her petite body is motionless, and the night is like ink. Even the sight of jackal is not enough to see the situation in front of Jiang Xuan. He can't help but feel anxious. He wants to run to check Jiang Xuan's injury immediately, but now

He was not allowed to do so in the current situation.

"Ha ha." Wei Qinghu stood up with a sneer. He shook the blood on his palm and slowly pulled out the fruit knife in his palm. He looked at the Jackal coldly. He said in a low voice, "what a stupid man. I can't believe that he was once listed as the S-level dragon soldier with a person like you. Do you really think that the same S-level strength will be the same?"

Jackal, after all, is an experienced killer. He calms himself down by virtue of his tenacious nerves climbing out of the dead. He leans forward slightly and stares at Wei Qinghu on guard. He says in a cold voice, "I have to admit that you really have seventy-five capital. I've heard about your secret skills. It's really amazing."

Wei Qinghu shook his head. He glanced at the Jackal with a playful look and smacked his mouth. "Tut Tut, to tell you the truth, you are a sympathetic guy. Under the dragon soldier's secret skill, ordinary people are as weak as paper. In fact, to tell you the truth, I am very curious that you, as a S-level dragon soldier, didn't learn the secret skill. Why?"

Jackal said with a wry smile, "I also want to learn, but I defected as soon as I was promoted to s level, so I didn't get taught."

"Oh, no wonder." Wei Qinghu suddenly realized and nodded, "your experience is really regrettable, but it doesn't matter. I'll be your teacher today and teach you for free!"

"Secret skill - instant step!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Qinghu roared and stepped on the ground. He stepped on the solid cement ground like cobwebs

Crack, powerful explosive force to reach his body, he is like an arrow, with amazing speed towards the Jackal has changed face.

"How can it be? How fast

The Jackal just felt that Wei Qinghu had already rushed to him in front of his eyes. He didn't have time to react. Subconsciously, he quickly raised his arms in front of his head to deal with this fierce enemy. Apart from protecting the key, the Jackal couldn't do anything for the time being.

"Ridiculous Wei Qinghu glanced at the Jackal contemptuously and hit him with a fist. His arm suddenly expanded in a circle at the moment of attack, and his high muscles contained extremely violent explosive force.

"The secret - bear arm!"

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