
The Jackal only felt that he was patted by a fierce bear. Wei Qinghu punched him in the head. Although he was blocked by his arms, the strong impact was hard to resist. The Jackal gritted his teeth and stepped back to remove part of the impact. But his arms were painful and the bones of his forearm were bent, Obviously it was because he couldn't carry the blow and was almost broken.

"Damn it Jackal widened his eyes, he took a deep breath, just want to move, but Wei Qinghu's attack is endless sweeping over.

"Ha ha, jackal, I'll let you have a good experience today, the charm of dragon soldier's secret skill!" Jackal's fists fell like raindrops, his face turned red, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Bear arm combo!" Wei Qinghu roared and waved his arms. The Jackal's eyes were just like a piece of mirage. In a short moment, Wei Qinghu could hit the Jackal with seven or eight punches. The faster he hit, the faster he hit. The impact was like a bullet. After a few seconds, the Jackal burst out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.


Jackal paralyzed on the ground, the body kept spasmodic, he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood again, he was blue and purple, the wounds were full of hematoma, although such a powerful force can not be seen from the surface, but his internal body has begun to bleed, if it goes on like this, he will die because of this degree of serious injury here.

"But... Hateful..." the Jackal glared at his bloodshot eyes. He looked at Wei Qinghu, but he couldn't even speak.

Wei Qinghu sneered repeatedly. He slowly took back his fist, looked at the jackal, and murmured softly, "jackal, you can let me use the dragon soldier's secret skill, which is a kind of proof of your own strength. It's worthy of being the S-level dragon soldier. However, if you can't learn the dragon soldier's secret skill, you are doomed to die here."

"After all, you can only be regarded as half S-class. Jackal, jackal, open your eyes and have a good look. You look like a weak sheep without horns." Wei Qinghu's tone became more ironic. He shook his head, pulled out a knife from his waist, and said coldly, "although I'm very reluctant to do it, you are doomed to die today. It's a pity that you didn't die in my hands, but in your own weakness."

The Jackal's pupil shrank. Under Wei Qinghu's gaze, his body was slightly chilly, but he soon calmed down and said faintly, "it's not a very unjust thing to die in the hands of demons and ghosts, but I have a problem that I don't understand."

Wei Qinghu asked, "what's the problem? What do you want to know? "

"Why do you work under Feng Tao's hands? He's just an ordinary man. He doesn't deserve to be a servant at all?" The Jackal asked suspiciously.

Wei Qinghu shrugged and said, "many questions have no answers, right? Now, for example, you are just a dead man. Why do you know so much? "

"Oh, yeah." Jackal's face suddenly realized that he had already accepted his life. He said slowly, "demon... Hey, don't you want to know who told me your identity?"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Qinghu immediately narrowed his pupils. His face was as dark as frost, and he said coldly, "jackal, you used to be a member of the Dragon army. You should know that there are many ways to torture people in the organization. I don't think you want to try it?"

Although Wei Qinghu said it was frightening, the Jackal was not moved. He shook his head as usual and said with a smile, "you can't scare me. As you said, as a dragon soldier, hard bones are the standard configuration, right? If you can't bear a little torture, it's too bad. "

Wei Qinghu touched his nose and said faintly, "of course, I don't underestimate the willpower of an S-class dragon soldier, but please don't underestimate the means of a professional killer. You are a tough guy, but the lady who fell on the ground is much worse, right?"“ Well Jackal's eyes narrowed, and his murderous spirit was like the wind and clouds. He stared at Wei Qinghu and said in a cold voice, "let her go. She doesn't know anything. These things are none of his business."

Wei Qinghu grinned and said, "is that right? But what if I don't want to? "

The Jackal suddenly laughed. He looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. The corners of his mouth twitched and said indifferently, "if you don't want to, then I have no way. Now I'm like a prisoner tied on the gallows. I can't control whether I want to kill or cut, but... If I don't want to, then you can never get any useful information from me

It's over. "

Wei Qinghu was stunned. He looked at the man who was paralyzed on the ground. He didn't see the familiar fear and sadness in each other's eyes. He could only see the clear silence and indifference, which was different from the appearance of the explosion of murderous intention just now, just like he was not him just now.

"Ha ha, you are such an interesting guy." Wei Qinghu shook his head and looked at the Jackal with a strange look. After a long time, he said with a smile, "in my eyes, your calmness is worthy of my appreciation, but it's not enough to be the reason for your survival. If you have enough chips, I think you can buy the life of that woman. In my opinion, it's just a worthless ant."

The Jackal blinked his eyes, and he said softly, "if there is anything in the world that is most valuable, then a hundred people have a hundred views, but I think in your eyes, there are only four words that are most valuable."

"What?" Wei Qinghu became curious.

Jackal light says, "demon tooth, ghost knife."

Ye Chen sits in his office, holding a mobile phone in his hand, thinking silently.

Suddenly, a V message came. He frowned and opened it.

"It's Li Jiaying, the little girl?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick, in V letter authentication interface, there is a request to add

Friends of the verification message, remarks turned out to be Li Jiaying's name.

Li Jiaying doesn't know where to get Ye Chen's mobile phone number. She finds his V-letter, but he doesn't take it seriously. She just clicks OK, and then doesn't care about her. She continues to wander around Taobao.

"Ding Dong."

Before long, ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly vibrated. His eyes narrowed and he found that it was Li Jiaying's voice message.

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