You want to see me?

Although Ye Chen doesn't know what Li Jiaying is looking for, he still clicks on this voice. He only hears Li Jiaying's crisp voice from ye Chen's receiver. "Ye Chen, I'm Li Jiaying. Now do you have time? Someone wants to see you."

Ye Chen thinks of what Wang Yi said to him before, and immediately understands that it should be the uncle of Tongji clinic who wants to see him, but what ye Chen doesn't understand is why the uncle has to see him?

Turning on the voice input, ye Chen asked, "is uncle Jia going to see me? What's the matter? "

"It's not a big deal, but it's definitely a good thing for you." Li Jiaying's reply will arrive soon.

Ye Chen's brow wrinkled more tightly, he can't help getting more confused, and asked curiously, "officer, I'm at least a legal citizen of our country. You don't have the right to restrict my personal freedom. You know, I can't be seen by anyone who wants to see me. What's more, you old people should at least give me a precise sentence. What do you want to see me for?"

At this moment, Li Jiaying is sitting at the table of Tongji clinic. She is here again today. But when she heard that ye Chen didn't come today, she was dissatisfied. In addition, ye Chen's letter V sent out an invitation in person. Unexpectedly, ye Chen didn't give face, so she refused to come with a shelf, and her mouth was still chattering.

"Hello, ye Chen, are you coming? If you don't come, I'll come to you. " Li Jiaying said angrily.

"Er..." Ye Chen rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "old Buddha, at least you should give me a reason first?"

Li Jiaying said without hesitation, "why? I'll give you a reason when you come. "

Although Li Jiaying said that, ye Chen still didn't get a satisfactory answer. He frowned and decided to go after thinking about it. After all, Li Jiaying is an acquaintance here, which is not good for others' face. Moreover, Jia Jiansheng of Tongji clinic repeatedly invited him. It is very likely that something really happened.

But no matter what, now I have nothing to do, so I'll go.

Ye Chen glanced at the top right corner of the mobile phone screen. He typed and replied: wait for me. I'll be there in a minute.

Now that he has made a decision, ye Chen doesn't want to delay any more. He opens didi and calls a car. After drinking, he goes out.

At this time, not far away from Ye's fast food, Wei Qinghu, who had won the lottery, lost his leisure. His pupils narrowed slightly and walked step by step towards the Jackal. His eyes were full of murderous gas and his face was cold. His cold voice opened slowly and said, "where do you know that? Tell me

The Jackal seemed to have expected this result. He grinned not surprisingly, but there was a kind of desolation in his smile. He sighed, "I thought that even if I couldn't win you, I wouldn't lose so miserably, but I never thought that the legendary dragon soldier's secret skill was so strong, let alone that the S-level dragon soldier ranked 75 would be so strong, It's too strong for me to resist. "

"You are really good at death. I asked you to answer my question. I didn't let you fart here!" Wei Qinghu cold face, raised his foot on the face of the jackal, watching a face of the Jackal twisted and deformed at his feet, but Wei Qinghu didn't get angry at all. Instead, because he couldn't pry the Jackal's mouth open, he felt a group of evil fire in his heart.

"Ha ha." The Jackal didn't make meaningless resistance. He let Wei Qinghu ravage his face and his dignity. In the Jackal's opinion, when he was knocked down by Wei Qinghu, his dignity had been lost.

With a miserable smile, the Jackal said slowly, "Wei Qinghu, your code name is ghost knife, right? Maybe others will think that you have nothing to do with the demons many years ago, but I know that many years ago, there were two people named the seventy-five demons, but no one knows. After all, those two people are twin brothers."“ One is called demon tooth, and the other is called ghost knife, isn't it, Mr. Wei Qinghu? " The Jackal said with a smile. Every word he said seemed to be saying something irrelevant. But when he stopped in Wei Qinghu's ear, his words were like a knife. He inserted them into his heart and opened up his secret.

He is a ghost knife. He was an S-class dragon soldier many years ago. He once ranked 75 in the organization. He and his twin brother, demon tooth, were called demon ghosts. Later, they defected to the organization together, and it took years to escape.

He did not expect that one day his identity would be revealed. Because of the secrecy of the dragon soldier organization, no one knew that the demons and ghosts were two people except his own online. In order to avoid revealing his identity, Wei Qinghu and his brother even took the lead in killing the online. But what he did not expect was that the man under his feet not only knew his past, but also knew his own life, I even know the secret of demons.

"Where on earth do you know that?" Seeing this, Wei Qinghu quickly calmed down. He took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

The Jackal shook his head and said, "there are too many questions in this world that have no answers, aren't they?"

This sentence was just said by Wei Qinghu to the Jackal. At that time, Wei Qinghu was very high spirited when he said it. But now when he heard it from the jackal, he only felt that it was so harsh and disgusting. He frowned and hummed coldly, "if you want to die, it's easy, but that woman, do you want her life?"

The Jackal's pupil shrank slightly, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He was not afraid of death, but he could not watch Jiang Xuan die. He sighed, "Wei Qinghu, I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Wei Qinghu raised his eyebrows and said with disdain, "why do you think you still have the capital to trade with me? You are the meat on the chopping board, and I am the butcher who controls your life and death. Do you think a butcher will do business with a fat pig? "

The Jackal shook his head slightly and said slowly, "there is no business that can't be done in this world. As long as I have what you need, then we have a chance to trade."

Wei Qinghu grinned and said, "you are really a talking guy, but it's a pity that although I want the news in your mouth, I won't let anyone who knows my secret continue to live, so I won't give you your life."

Hearing this, jackal's eyes can not help but emerge a touch of deep sorrow, because of their own incompetence and weakness, now even their own lives are in the hands of others, used to arbitrary control, but even their own lives have to look at other people's faces, this is how kind of a powerless ah.

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