Sudden Strike

"Ghost knife, you know, from the first day I was a defector, I thought I would die at any time. However, I thought of thousands of ways to die, but I didn't expect to die in the hands of another defector." The Jackal said with a wry smile, "well, if you die, you'll die. It doesn't matter how you die. I just want to make a final deal with you. I'll give you everything you want to know, and you'll let that woman go."

Wei Qinghu looked at the Jackal with a smile. There was a wave in his cold eyes. He said faintly, "I don't understand. Is it worth fighting for a woman? Are you trapped in love? A competent killer should never make such a mistake. "

Jackal said with a noncommittal smile, "ghost knife, I don't know why you defected from the organization at the beginning, just like you don't know why I defected. Everyone has his own reason and road, everyone has his own persistence and persistence. We are all the same, we are all fools, we are all different, and our obsessions are different."

Wei Qinghu was pierced by the words of the Jackal. He only felt that there was a special philosophy in what the Jackal said, but when he was asked to say it, he didn't feel able to say it. After a while of thinking, he shook his head and whispered, "I have to say, you are really a person who likes to say some great things."

"When you are old, you always like to say something inexplicable, don't you?" The Jackal laughed at himself and said softly.

Wei Qinghu touched his nose and said, "is it strange? Maybe, but I've agreed to your request. It's not impossible for me to let this woman go, but it must be after I'm sure she doesn't know anything. "

Jackal breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had already guessed that this would be the result, now he got a guarantee from Wei Qinghu, and he was really relieved.

"I think you should be a trustworthy guy." Said the wolf in a low voice.

Wei Qinghu shook his head and said with a smile, "do you have any choice but to believe me in your present virtue?"

Jackal's eyes dimmed for a while, he opened his mouth, but found himself speechless, had to dignified mouth, he said in a deep voice, "ghost knife, anyway, I ask you not to violate your promise."

A long yawn, Wei Qinghu understated the nod, said, "I promised things, never back."

Although jackal is still a little uneasy, as Wei Qinghu said, he can't do anything except believe the man in front of him. Thinking of this, he sighed, "I know your identity from Feng Tao."


In front of the door of Tongji clinic, ye Chen came down from the back seat of the taxi. He looked up at the sign of the clinic and murmured

She said, "what's the matter with calling me here, little girl?"

Three and two steps to the door of Tongji clinic, ye Chen pushed open the door and stepped in. As soon as he entered the door, his heart jumped. A very dangerous feeling immediately enveloped him. Subconsciously, he bent his knees and squatted slightly. His whole body was like ice skating, and a beautiful side sliding step came to his side.

At the same time, he clenched his hands to protect his head. His eyes narrowed slightly and looked straight in front of him. However, he saw a dark figure rushing over like an ape and kicking at the position he was standing just now. If ye Chen didn't hide fast, I'm afraid he would not end well now.

"Who?" Ye Chen can't help but open mouth, sternly ask a way.

As soon as the shadow fell to the ground, he quickly pushed forward in the direction of Ye Chen. At the same time, he propped up his left foot and raised his right foot high. Like a machete, he slashed at Ye Chen fiercely! Ye Chen's heart is full of fire. He didn't expect that he would be suddenly attacked by such inexplicable things. In a hurry, the fierce light in his eyes flashed and roared, and he stepped forward. As soon as he lifted his left arm, he grabbed the scam. Almost at the same time, he clenched his right hand and hit the mysterious man's head without hesitation.


With a scream, the mysterious man in black fell to the ground. She covered her face and scolded angrily, "Ye Chen, you son of a bitch, how dare you beat me? I'm going to detain you! "

"Li Jiaying?" Ye Chen hears the voice of this mysterious person, he stares big eyes, eyebrow tip a pick of say, "how can be you?"

Wearing a loose black sportswear, Li Jiaying's body features are covered up. Her face is covered with a towel. If you don't identify her carefully, you can't really see it's her.

At this time, Li Jiaying, who had been beaten to the head, covered her face and gently pulled down the towel, revealing her blue and purple forehead. If it wasn't for the very hard tianlinggai of human beings, I'm afraid Ye Chen's devastating blow would have killed the little girl.

However, even though Li Jiaying had studied martial arts and had a good physical fitness, she was still hit by Ye Chen's fist. Her ears and eyes were buzzing, and her eyes were full of Venus, so she couldn't see clearly.

"Stupid Jia Ying, are you ok?" Jia Yingying, who is hiding in the dark and peeping, can't sit any longer. She comes here in a panic. It's both massage and massage. It's half a day before she wakes Li Jiaying up.

Li Jiaying efforts to open her eyes, she only felt hazy in front of her eyes, everything is not really see, open mouth, she labored breathing, murmured, "I'm ok, OK."

"Hu..." Jia Yingying was relieved at first, and then looked at Ye Chen with reproachful eyes. Xiumei stood up and said, "you guy, how can you start so hard? Jiaying has been concussed by you."

Ye Chen shrugged, he speechless said, "elder sister, is this my fault? I don't know if it's her. If I know it's officer Li who wants to beat me, I'll stand up and let her have a good fight. "

Ye Chen's voice just dropped, and Li Jiaying, who was still lying on the ground, suddenly came to the spirit and yelled, "this is what you said, ye Chen. You don't mean what you said. When Miss Ben gets up, she will be the first one to beat you to the head of a dog!"

"Er..." Ye Chen opened his mouth. Now he understood for the first time what misfortune comes from his mouth. His eyes turned. He just wanted to say something to excuse himself, but his eyes shrank. He cast his sharp eyes on the corner of the wall. From that position, ye Chen felt a stronger and stronger sense of oppression.

"Warning, warning." Dabao's voice sounded in Ye Chen's mind, "the danger level rises, and the combat power of detecting hostile atmosphere is higher than 800, which is still growing."

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