Unyielding and super strong

“800?” Ye Chen's eyes are almost staring out, he slowly clenched his fist, where dare to have the slightest carelessness, 800 combat power is equivalent to twice of his own, if you play a not image example, it is equivalent to himself to face two fierce leopards.

Thinking of the conflict between himself and such a powerful man, ye Chen can't help but swallow his saliva and murmur, "how strong..."

"Ha ha, it's not easy for you to feel my anger." In the sound of slow words, a middle-aged man came out from the corner of the wall. He walked very slowly step by step, but every step he took, his momentum would rise by one point. When he walked 3 meters in front of Ye Chen, ye Chen only felt that he was looking up at the mountain, just like a mountain in front of him, He was almost out of breath because of the pressure.

"Uncle?" Ye Chen is slightly stunned. He finds that this gentle and elegant man with a pair of gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose is the doctor in charge of the clinic and Jia Jiansheng, Jia Yingying's father.

"What? You seem surprised? " Jia Jiansheng sniffed and chuckled.

Ye Chen grinned and said, "it's more than surprise. I'm almost scared to pee."

"Oh? Is that right? " Jia Jiansheng rubbed his chin and said, "what are you afraid of?"

Ye Chen scratched his head and said with a smile, "I thought it was the enemy, but I didn't expect..."

"No, I'm your enemy now!" Jia Jiansheng said without hesitation.

"Well?" Ye Chen's smile gradually disappears, the expression on the face solidifies, he twitches the corner of the mouth, hehe's dry smile twice, "why, fake?"

"Nono, young man, you have to believe that everything in this world is possible." Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "if you don't do it, maybe you don't have the chance to do it."

Ye Chen can feel Jia Jiansheng's arrogance, mountain like momentum and Dabao's speculation about his fighting power, which makes him absolutely have no doubt about Jia Jiansheng's words.

The combat power of more than 800 is eight times that of ordinary people. This kind of powerful combat power is almost equivalent to the captain of the United States in Marvel movies. If he beats him, I'm afraid he'll break his bones and tendons at least. He hasn't run for half a year in hospital.

He clenched his fist to protect his head. Ye Chen leaned forward and made a standard boxing stand. He moved his mind and said in his heart, "Dabao, how much is this man's fighting power?"

Dabao's voice soon spread to Ye Chen's mind, "Sir, through my analysis, at present, his combat effectiveness should be around 900, but he just shows his momentum, and there is no other attack action. It's not easy for me to judge, but according to my analysis, he should have old wounds, because his momentum is not smooth, which may affect his combat effectiveness."

Any injuries? Ye Chen hears here is also a Leng, he can't imagine, a combat effectiveness surpasses 900 strong, who can hurt him?

But now is not the time to focus on this.

"900..." Ye Chen feels that his brain is not easy to use. What is the concept of 900's combat power? I'm afraid I'll kill myself with one shot. How can I fight?

Jia Jiansheng frowned. He glanced at Ye Chen and said with a sarcastic smile, "what? Are you afraid? "

Ye Chen bit his lips, his eyes gradually become calm, heart a horizontal, yelled, "joke, man, afraid of a hair!"“ oh Since you're not afraid, come on. " Jia Jiansheng's eyes flashed a trace of appreciation. He nodded and hooked his fingers to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took a deep breath. He knew that this gentle looking man in front of him was probably the strongest opponent he had ever met in his life!

"Uncle, since that's the case, I'm not polite. I have no eyes. Be careful!" With a roar, ye Chen takes two steps to get close to Jia Jiansheng. With a sliding step, he rushes to Jia Jiansheng's head with a fist!

The speed of this fist is as fast as an arrow. Ye Chen's fist style tears the air and makes a piercing sound. Jia Jiansheng's eyebrows are picked, and a trace of surprise flashes in his leisurely eyes.

However, although Jia Jiansheng was slightly surprised at Ye Chen's strength, he didn't take it too seriously. He just gently stretched out his hand. With three fingers stretching forward, he grasped Ye Chen's wrist and lightly grasped this powerful blow.

"Well?" Jia Jiansheng grinned and said, "boy, your strength is not small."

Compared with Jia Jiansheng's carelessness, ye Chen's eyes are almost staring out. He knows better than anyone how powerful his fist is. Even if he hits a poplar tree, he will smash the bark. But Jia Jiansheng, a cultural uncle, even captures himself with only three fingers, This makes Ye Chen can't believe his eyes.

"How could it be?" Ye Chen stares at Jia Jiansheng, a thin, tall man. At a glance, he looks like a hemp pole. It's hard to imagine how to hide such surging power in his body!

Looking at Ye Chen's stunned expression, Jia Jiansheng was not surprised. He gently shook his head and said, "boy, the battle between us has just begun. If you start to be stunned now, you will lose."

With that, Jia Jiansheng looses Ye Chen's wrist, puts up a finger, and easily freehand touches Ye Chen. Ye Chen is shocked. He looks at this finger in horror. He only feels that this light finger seems to have great power. In a faint sense, there is a terrible smell on this finger that makes him heartbroken.


In a hurry, ye Chen doesn't have time to make any response. He slides backward to avoid this finger, but Jia Jiansheng presses him step by step. Ye Chen retreats three steps in a row, and Jia Jiansheng approaches three steps. This finger is only a line away from ye Chen's head. Ye Chen's face is pale, and his eyes are so scared.

"Warning warning, it is detected that you are in death crisis, and the enemy's attack power has exceeded 1000 combat power level. Please authorize to start the emergency plan system immediately."

Dabao's voice came to Ye Chen's ears and eyes, but he bit his teeth and ignored the warning like a life-threatening talisman. With a roar, his whole body was burning with an unyielding will.

Step forward, ye Chen no longer slide backward, his right hand clenched, wrapped in the strength of the whole body and unyielding belief, to this dangerous finger, regardless of the hit up.

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