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Life and death, unwilling to give in, ye Chen's blow has broken through his limit, and the destructive power of his fist is even close to 500 in an instant.

Feeling the surging power of Ye Chen's fist, Jia Jiansheng, who was full of banter from the beginning to the end, finally shrunk his eyes. A trace of seriousness and appreciation climbed up his face. He stared at Ye Chen's fiery eyes. For a moment, he even had the illusion that he was in a trance. The young man in front of him seemed to have a pair of burning eyes, There's a burning heart, too!

"Good!" Jia Jiansheng nods his head. He laughs and puts his fingers away. He raises his hand and grabs Ye Chen's fist.


With a dull loud sound, ye Chen's fist, which seems to stir the river, is taken down by Jia Jiansheng.

Jia Jiansheng's arm was shocked, and his palm was numb. The corner of his eye jumped and he looked at Ye Chen in surprise. He couldn't help muttering, "what a surprise..."

"Huhuhuhu..." after this blow, ye Chen fell into collapse. He gasped and looked at Jia Jiansheng with a monster's eyes. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "uncle, it seems that I can't beat you for the time being."

Jia Jiansheng noticed Ye Chen's words. He picked his eyebrows and looked at the young man in front of him with strange eyes. He asked curiously, "I hear what you mean. You just can't fight for the time being. Have you ever played in the future?"

Ye Chen nodded without hesitation and said, "Hey, since ancient times, where are the invincible characters? Even the uncle can't say that he will never be defeated, can he? Anyway, one person will win. Why can't it be me? "

Jia Jiansheng looks at Ye Chen and the guy who never seems to admit defeat. He sees that ye Chen's eyes are as clear as water without any additional emotions. It seems that he really just has feelings.

"Do you really think so?" Jia Jiansheng asked faintly.

Ye Chen curled his mouth and said, "how? Shouldn't I think so? "

Jia Jiansheng suddenly laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, you are very interesting and have great potential."

"Potential? Let me borrow your words, uncle Ye Chen laughs.

Jia Jiansheng patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said, "sit down first. I want to talk to you."

Ye Chen pours also not polite, under Jia Jiansheng's signal, he one buttock sat on the chair beside, the grandiose is also very unrestrained.

Li Jiaying is now fully awake. She stares at her big eyes and looks at Ye Chen. She is so angry that she almost spurts out fire. She hums and says, "master, you just don't hurt me. This bastard beat me like this just now. Master doesn't help me fight back. Hum, I'm gone and never come back!"

Said, Li Jiaying turned to leave, one side of Jia Yingying quickly grabbed her, busy said, "Oh, fool Jiaying, you have to believe in Dad, dad will never let him go, but this can't all blame him, after all, you dress like that ghost, I don't recognize you."

"Hum." Li Jiaying held her shoulder and gave Jia Yingying a white look. "Come on, I'm a natural beauty. Even if I dress like that, I can't hide my noble, elegant and charming temperament. Moreover, if it's not for the clothes that affect my performance, I'll never lose to this guy. Just like Ye Chen, I'll kill him every minute."

Even Li Jiaying blushed a little, but she still held on, stuck her neck, raised her little face and cried out. The other three looked at each other. They all felt very funny. They all burst out laughing.

"Ah, you... You... Hum, ignore you!" Li Jiaying stamped her feet and turned her head in shame and anger, ignoring them.

Jia Yingying held back her smile, hugged Li Jiaying's arm, shook it hard, and said with a smile, "idiot Jiaying, I know you're the best. No one can beat you. How are you? How are you? How are you

"Look at me now. I feel my head aches. I won't be disfigured, will I? You're a doctor. You can't wait to save yourself. " Seeing that her best friend came to coax her, Li Jiaying slowly calmed down. They chattered and chatted. After a long time, they forgot what happened just now.

Looking at the two sisters playing, Jia Jiansheng's eyes twinkled with a trace of comfort. He nodded involuntarily. This small house is full of warmth at the moment.

Ye Chen is also addicted to eyes. Li Jiaying and Jia Yingying are rare beauties. Compared with Li Jiaying, they are more lively and fiery, while Jia Yingying is more gentle and quiet. However, no matter what their personalities are, the two beauties have excellent temperament and extraordinary beauty. It's hard to see them at ordinary times, but now they are two. Ye Chen's heart is itching to see them, I couldn't help swallowing.

Jia Jiansheng glanced at Ye Chen and said with a bad smile, "what? You have a crush on my two girls? "

"Forehead..." Ye Chen's old face is red. He naturally does not want to admit it. The front line turns, "is Ivleyn also his uncle's daughter?"

Jia Jiansheng shook his head, nodded again and said calmly, "although Jiaying and I are not biological father and daughter, I always treat her as my daughter."

"Oh." Ye Chen nodded. He turned to ask, "yesterday, the young man who delivered the takeout to my uncle went back and told me that you wanted to see me. Today, Li Jiaying also contacted me, saying that you wanted to see me

I'm just an ordinary person. Why is it worth uncle's asking me again and again? "

"I want to see you naturally have my reason, in fact, there is a great good thing to give you." Jia Jiansheng said mysteriously.

"Good thing?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "Uncle less come, if you say of good thing in the mouth, is call me to come over to beat a words, that this kind of good thing still don't want."

Jia Jiansheng touched his nose and said with embarrassment, "it's a must to fight with you. If it's not like this, Jiaying and Yingying are not enough to measure your limit."

"The limit?" Listening to this sentence, ye Chen's doubts in his heart not only did not decrease, but increased. He asked, "in other words, just to try my ability? I don't understand why we have to do this. Can't we practice martial arts? "

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