
"Of course." Jia Jiansheng thought about it, and he said in a deep voice, "the reason why I do such a test is to see if you have the qualification to enter the new world."

"The new world?" Ye Chen hears these three words, can't help but frown, he is now confused, completely don't understand what this means.

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "yes, new world."

"With your current ability, you can barely touch the door of the new world, and I can be your mentor." Jia Jiansheng continued with a dignified expression.

I don't know why, Jia Jiansheng, who has been careless all the time, suddenly puts on this serious look, but ye Chen doesn't get used to it, but the atmosphere in the whole room is solemn and solemn.

"I don't quite understand. I can't understand anything now. Can I ask you to speak Mandarin?" Ye Chen says stupidly.

Jia Jiansheng is not surprised at Ye Chen's performance, because when he first heard such news, he was the same reaction as ye Chen. He was not even as good as ye Chen and directly scolded each other for being insane.

In fact, if it wasn't because ye Chen couldn't beat Jia Jiansheng, I'm afraid Ye Chen would call him a psycho.

Jia Jiansheng pondered for a moment and said, "the next conversation may overturn your world outlook. In other words, what I will tell you next will change your life."

Ye Chen was shocked by Jia Jiansheng's words, but he quickly responded, waved his hand and said, "old man, if you spend two more days on the Internet, you will be destroyed sooner or later. If you know what is quick to be silly, I'm afraid your outlook on life will be overturned sooner or later."

"Er..." Jia Jiansheng didn't think that ye Chen's nerve was so big, but it was not bad. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you can accept it, it's best. You can't let out what I'm going to say, otherwise..."

"Or what?" Ye Chen asks curiously.

"I will die." Jia Jiansheng said coldly without hesitation.

Ye Chen canthus a jump, immediately dry smile to say, "hey hey, that what, that I can not listen to?"

"No way!" Jia Jiansheng said without hesitation.

Ye Chen has a bitter face. He looks at Li Jiaying and says weakly, "officer Li, can I report the case?"

"No way!" Li Jiaying see ye Chen out of embarrassment, happy too late, where willing to help him, put a small hand, eyebrow fly color

Dance refused Ye Chen, and then continue to chat with their good sisters star gossip, skin care products and so on.

Jia Jiansheng took a deep breath and said slowly, "boy, you can touch the door of the new world. It's the luckiest part of the 7.5 billion human beings. Don't you want to know the essence of the world? Don't you want to know the limits of human beings? Don't you want to know how to live forever? "

These three questions are just like an atomic bomb in Ye Chen's mind. Ye Chen stares at Jia Jiansheng in disbelief. She can't help murmuring, "eternal life? Are you talking about the immortal

As long as it is a creature, ants are still greedy for life, not to mention human beings as intelligent creatures. However, no matter what creatures are, they will die out. Fighting against death is something that human beings have been doing since the moment they were born. Human beings are always afraid of death, illness and being unable to move. The fear of life, aging, illness and death is the greatest instinct of human beings. As long as it is a normal person, who can resist the temptation of immortality? no one.

Jia Jiansheng's mouth turned slightly. He just felt like a devil who used apples to tempt human beings. However, he was also attracted by these two words. As long as he could live, as long as he had concerns and fetters, who would like to die like that.

"The new world is a society under a society. To be exact, it is actually a loose organization, but in this organization, no one will ask you to do anything." Jia Jiansheng said slowly.

Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick, can't help but ask a way, "organization?"

"Yes, no one knows how big this organization is, but the people who join this organization are not ordinary people. They often have stronger power or higher wisdom than ordinary people." Jia Jiansheng said in a deep voice, "no one knows when and by whom this organization was founded, but it does not affect the operation of this organization."

Ye Chen can't help but take a breath of cool air. If there is such an organization, all of which are ten times stronger than ordinary people like Jia Jiansheng, then how powerful this organization should be.

"What is this organization going to do? In other words, why do you organize this organization? " Ye Chen thought about it, and he asked.

"Is there a reason for that?" Jia Jiansheng raised his eyebrows. He pondered for a moment, "everyone who joins the organization has his own reason. If you want to ask them what they have in common, it is to pursue longevity and stronger power."

"Strength and longevity?" Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. These two things are irresistible temptations for any creature.

"We joined the organization in order to find a way to be strong. Everyone believes that as long as we become strong enough, we can live forever." Jia Jiansheng looked up at the ceiling, his eyes were deep, but there was a light of desire in the ups and downs.

"The organization includes all the strong people in the world. We can exchange our experience with each other and trade some ways to become strong, such as gene medicine."

Hearing this, ye Chen couldn't help but see a light in front of his eyes. He quickly asked, "gene medicine? What is that thing? "

Although he didn't know what the so-called gene medicine was for, he felt that it must be a powerful thing.

"There are only two ways for human beings to become stronger. One is to constantly strengthen their bodies, the other is to develop their brain regions and cultivate their mental abilities. However, no matter which one is, they will encounter the genetic shackles. The genetic shackles are the shackles stuck in their throats, making them unable to evolve." Jia Jiansheng didn't hide it. He explained patiently.

"Gene medicament is a kind of product that can break the gene lock and strengthen the gene chain. However, because of the high cost, the people who can use this kind of product are all powerful ones."

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