
As soon as Jia Jiansheng's voice fell, ye Chen asked with a puzzled face, "the powerful one? Isn't it the strong man who should have money in his pocket? "

"Money? For people like us, it's just paper. If you want it, you can get enough money every minute. However, when dealing with other people in the organization, you can't use it at all. " Jia Jiansheng touched his nose and said with disdain.

Ye Chen has a deep understanding of this. It's like after he got the God of food system, the temptation of RMB to him is very small. First of all, he has no place to use money for the time being. Second, he can't buy what he wants with money.

This made him wonder, is that the so-called organization also wants to use merit to buy things? That's ridiculous.

If it wasn't for the God of food system, I couldn't have come to this stage. It's hard to imagine that there is such a huge organization hidden under the society I originally thought, and I have found out the way to let myself evolve. It's just unthinkable.

But Jia Jiansheng, a strong man with a fighting capacity of more than 1000, has no need to deceive himself at all, and he probably disdains to do such things.

Jia Jiansheng took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, popped one out of his mouth, took out the fire to light it, and a light blue jet came out between his mouth and nose

The smoke of color, he said leisurely, "this is the focus of the existence of the organization. The currency we use is called points. Only when you complete the task of the organization, can you get points."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. If he was a senior member of the organization, he might come up with such a way. After all, there are not many ways to restrain these Superman.

After pondering for a moment, ye Chen asked, "if I guess correctly, these points can be traded freely, right?"

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "that's right. Members can freely trade these points. If you can take out something that makes them excited, they can trade these points to you. Of course, there are many ways to get points from them, such as gambling."

"Gambling?" Ye Chen's eyebrows pick. From these two words, we can understand what this means. It's nothing more than a pattern in which two people fight, and whoever wins can take away the points. This also reminds Ye Chen that this so-called organization is not a place where people can live in peace. Compared with the normal society, it's much more dangerous. After all, They are all people who are far more powerful than ordinary people.

Jia Jiansheng didn't worry about managing Ye Chen. He said slowly, "the new world is the name of this organization. Besides joining the new world, there is no good way for people like us to become stronger."

"Oh?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a little light in his eyes. He was different from Jia Jiansheng, and other people. He had no need to join the new world, but somehow, there was a faint desire in his heart. It seemed that joining the new world would do him a lot of good, which made him hesitate for a moment.

Jia Jiansheng patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, "although I don't know where your power comes from, if you don't join the new world, I'm afraid your power will end here."

"Why Ye Chen is a little unconvinced, he looked at Jia Jiansheng, eyebrow tip a pick of ask a way.

Jia Jiansheng slowly clenches his fist. He lightly punches the air in front of him. This fist seems ordinary, but ye Chen is surprised to open his eyes!

In Ye Chen's eyes, on Jia Jiansheng's fist, there is a faint red light flashing. The air in front of him is easily torn open, and a deafening thunder is booming. This is just a random punch, but it seems that it can break everything and explode steel“ What kind of boxing is this Ye Chen is stunned. At the moment when Jia Jiansheng punches, Dabao's instant combat power has exceeded 1500, which is incredible to Ye Chen. What's more, the light on Jia Jiansheng's fist is as red as blood. It's like Mars burning in Ye Chen's eyes, which makes Ye Chen hard to believe.

"Magic?" Ye Chen murmured.

Jia Jiansheng shook his head slightly. He said with a smile, "it's nothing special. Our Jia family has been practicing martial arts for generations. The ancestral" six Wings Butterfly legs "is also a kind of exquisite martial arts. I've been practicing since I was a child. When I get to your age, I'll be a great master of martial arts. I thought I've reached the limit of human beings. I can say I'm invincible all over the world, But I never thought that when I was in the most high spirits, I met a person who changed my life

Ye Chen raises his eyebrows. He has a vague guess about Jia Jiansheng's next words. Even Jia YingYing and Li Jiaying have their eyes on Jia Jiansheng. Jia Jiansheng has never said these words to them, so the two girls are full of curiosity.

Jia Jiansheng's fingers tapped gently on the table. He pondered for a moment and said, "Alas, I had already surpassed ordinary people in my strength, so I was qualified to enter the organization. At that time, I looked down on the tutor of the organization and had a conflict with him, because I thought he was a neurosis."

"As a result, I don't think you can think of it. I was beaten so hard that I lost several teeth." When he said this, Jia Jiansheng gave a wry smile. He looked at Ye Chen with strange eyes and said with a smile, "it seems that not all teachers are as soft as me, ha ha."

Ye Chen was seen by Jia Jiansheng. His teeth were cool. He laughed two times and said awkwardly, "don't be kidding, old man. If my teeth fly, then I won't eat well."

When Jia Jiansheng reached out as like as two peas, he saw that his palm was flashing red and red, just like he had just done when he was fighting. He slowly explained, "this is the source of strength I gained from joining the organization. From ancient times, mankind has never given up the dream of becoming stronger, from the Australopithecus 2 million years ago to the present. Human beings have been exploring ways to become stronger, and this is the crystallization of human wisdom. "

Ye Chen stares big eyes, he sees to the palm of Jia Jiansheng's hand, murmur of ask a way, "what is this?"

"It's called courage." Jia Jiansheng took a look at Ye Chen and said softly, "just like what I just told you

There are only two ways for human beings to become stronger. One is to cultivate the body, the other is to develop the brain. The one who cultivates the body is called a fighter. The one who develops the brain is called a master. After opening his first genetic lock, the fighter can master his courage. "

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