Top ten

"Courage is a kind of energy body, just like the internal force in martial arts. It can not only greatly strengthen your combat effectiveness, but also prolong your life. As long as you break the first gene lock, your life will increase by more than 50 years. In addition, there are all kinds of wonders, which need to be experienced by yourself."

As soon as Jia Jiansheng's voice fell, ye Chen's eyes began to shine. There was an irrepressible desire in his heart. He couldn't wait to experience the power, longevity and this magical ability.

"I'm... I'm going to join this organization and enter the new world." Ye Chen took a deep breath and said to Jia Jiansheng seriously.

Jia Jiansheng nodded. He was not surprised by Ye Chen's performance. When he got the news, he was in the same mood as ye Chen now.

"To join the new world, you have to accomplish two things." Jia Jiansheng said lightly.

Ye Chen eyebrows a wrinkly way, "what matter?"

Jia Jiansheng rubbed his nose and said softly, "the first thing is to get the recognition of the tutor. Through the fight with you just now, you can finish this thing."

"Well, what about the second thing?" Ye Chen first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

Jia Jiansheng became serious. He said in a deep voice, "second thing, you need to get the approval of the organization."

"Recognition of the organization?" Ye Chen is confused. He looks at Jia Jiansheng and asks suspiciously, "how can this be recognized?"

Jia Jiansheng said, "if you want to be recognized by the organization, you must complete the task assigned by the organization. This kind of task is also known as the" registration form. "

"Petition?" Ye Chen scratched his head and said jokingly, "it's not a bandit, it's not a rebellion, what do you want to vote for?"

"Ha ha, it's just a name." Jia Jiansheng said with indifference, "in fact, it's a novice task. You just need to finish it. Generally speaking, it's not difficult."

Ye Chen nodded. For him, it's mainly about what he wants to accomplish. There are few things that he can't do. Moreover, with the God of food system in hand, whether he wants to join the new world or not has little influence on him.

Jia Jiansheng rubbed his chin and said softly, "novice tasks will be distributed within a week. I will report your information to the organization. There will be a special person to review you and distribute tasks to you. I will inform you within a week."

"Oh, I thought I was going to tell you now, but I had to wait a long time." Ye Chen is a little disappointed. Now he wants to enter the new world, open the gene lock and master the courage. That mysterious power is too attractive to human beings.

Jia Jiansheng yawned, waved his hand and said, "well, you go back first. I'm a little tired. If you have any questions, you can call me. Jiaying will give you my number."

Ye Chen nodded. Although he still has many questions to ask Jia Jiansheng, it's not good to disturb others now. He had to stand up and lean slightly to say, "that's OK. Uncle, you can rest first, and I'll withdraw first. If there's anything I can do for you, you can contact me directly."

This is a polite saying, but Jia Jiansheng's eyes brightened. He said with a bad smile, "is this true?"

"Er... You can also when I didn't say..." Ye Chen in the heart a burst of chills, he Na Na of say.

Jia Jiansheng patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said with a grin, "I ate your dish the day before yesterday. What's the name of it? Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night. Ah, I can make do with it. I don't have any requirements. I just want you to send him seven or eight servings every day. Isn't that too much?" Ye Chen a burst of wry smile, he secretly scolded a mouthful, accordant said, "uncle, if you always eat delicious food will also be tired of, we Ye's fast food other chef fried dishes are also very delicious, or... You order, when I invite you."

"No, no, No Jia Jiansheng's hand is like puye's. He says with a straight face, "I can't get used to other people's fried dishes. I'm ok with your dish. If you bring it with me, I won't eat it for nothing. From tomorrow on, I'll teach you martial arts."

Ye Chen's eyes brightened. He didn't know how strong Jia Jiansheng was, but he just used his courage with a random punch,

Breaking through 1500 in a short time. What's the concept? It's 15 times that of ordinary people. Compared with him, I'm just like a rabbit and a lion. If I can get his advice, I'll make great progress. However, with the God of food system in hand, do I need to learn from him?

"Er..." Ye Chen thought about it and said seriously, "I will seriously consider this matter, because I have something to do recently. Maybe you have heard that I have a kitchen fight with the chef of Hu's Hotel, so I hope you can give me some time."

Jia Jiansheng raised his eyebrows. He seemed very dissatisfied, but after thinking about it, he just waved his hand and said, "well, I'll give you three days to think about it."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "OK, I will seriously consider it."

After saying goodbye to Jia Jiansheng and others, ye Chen refuses Li Jiaying's offer to send him home. He leaves Tongji clinic and walks down the street. He needs some time and space to digest the information he gets today.

"The new world? It's really exciting... "Walking on the street, ye Chen murmured and walked away step by step.

Waiting for ye Chen to leave, Li Jiaying can't wait to look at Jia Jiansheng and ask, "old man, what do you say about ye Chen's strength?"

"Well..." Jia Jiansheng thought about it, and he said softly, "it should be very strong. Among the young people I met, he should be able to rank in the top ten. He is already a good young man."

"Ah? Is that the top ten Li Jiaying is obviously not satisfied with the ranking. She pouts her lips and says sullenly, "isn't it that I can't even rank in the top ten?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "people, it's good to have self-knowledge."

"Oh, master!" Li Jiaying stamped her foot and turned her head to ignore him.

One side of Jia Yingying is a little lost, she murmured in a low voice, "top ten? Is there a stronger peer than him? It's amazing... "

Jia Jiansheng stopped laughing and said seriously, "you must not underestimate the people of the world. In front of the new world, there are billions of people. Unless you have the power beyond ordinary people, you will not be qualified to enter the new century. However, there are too many young people with potential in these billions of people."

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