cutting-edge news

"So..." Li Jiaying suddenly came to the spirit, she said happily, "master, when can I enter the new world with stupid Yingying?"

"With your Kung Fu, you want to enter the new world... Wait for the next life." Jia Jiansheng said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Oh, you disgusting old man!" The two little girls rushed up in an instant. Without saying a word, they grabbed Jia Jiansheng's ear and lost their temper.

Jia Jiansheng repeatedly begged for mercy, but he was very happy. In the eyes of the strong man with a fighting capacity of more than 1500, I'm afraid these two little girls are the biggest natural enemies in his life.

Just half an hour after ye Chen left Tongji clinic, a tall man in black came out of the building not far from Ye's fast food.

He was a big man with a high nose. It was Wei Qinghu who was fighting with the jackals on the rooftop. His steps were heavy, and his eyes were shining with shadows.

"Hoo..." slowly spit out a breath. Wei Qinghu looks at Ye's fast food. The corner of his eye jumps slightly, but he turns and walks in the opposite direction of Ye's fast food. Soon, he gets into the crowd and can't find any trace.

Time is always in the past unconsciously, when the brilliance of the morning pierces Ye Chen's dream, ye Chen slowly opens his eyes, clear eyes flashing fighting spirit and fire.

"Haha..." at the corner of his mouth, ye Chen sat up from his bed. He looked at the sunshine outside the window. His eyes narrowed slightly and whispered, "finally, I can't wait for this day..."

Today is a very important day for ye Chen. Similarly, the significance of this day is very important for many people, such as Liang Bo.

Because tomorrow is the official match, less than 24 hours away from the duel, today they will attend a press conference at the same time, ye Chen has a hunch that this press conference will not be just a simple walk, at least he will not let him walk a walk.

"Liang bo... Your honor only lasts 24 hours... Are you ready? Are you ready to be trampled on by me? "

Ye Chen murmurs a low language, he stretched a waist, adjust own condition to slowly, just prepare to dress, the door suddenly rang out to knock.

"Who?" Ye Chen head also doesn't return of ask a way.

Outside the room, Lin Wan'er's voice came, "isn't it OK? Lazy, do you want me to come in and help you? "

Ye Chen suddenly big embarrassed, he repeatedly said, "no, no, this is not used."

"Hee hee, really not? Sir, don't you really need Menghan to serve you? " Lin Wan'er smiles and says frivolously.

Ye Chen immediately feels a stream of evil fire rushing up the door of his head. The man in the morning usually can't stand the temptation. What's more, it's a charming beauty with such a delicate voice. As long as it's a male creature, he can't resist it. At this moment, ye Chen has an impulse to open the door and commit a crime. He takes several deep breaths to suppress the flame in his belly.

"Mr. Ye, will you wait for me in the hall first?" Ye Chen embarrassed smile way.

"Well, well, hurry up. Miss Bai Dieer is waiting for you." Lin Wan'er also knows that this is not the time to joke. Today's press conference is very important. We can't delay it any more.

Ye Chen agrees repeatedly, he puts on clothes at the same time, go to the independent toilet in the room at the same time. In a hurry, just as ye Chen was brushing his teeth with a toothbrush, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Well?" Ye Chen frowned. He didn't want to pick it up, but he was afraid of missing something important. He picked up a water cup and gargled. He spat out a mouthful of toothpaste foam, wiped his hands with a towel and walked to his bed.

On the bed, that home-made 1000 yuan machine jingles, ye Chen glances at the caller's name on the mobile phone screen, and suddenly the corner of his eye jumps.

"Hello?" Get on the phone, ye Chen took a towel to wipe the foam on the mouth, whispered to the microphone.

The voice of Huang Mao came from that end of the phone, "Ye Chen, I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Ye Chen eye Mou one shrinks, asked a sentence in reply, "what trade."

Since Huang Mao agreed to cooperate with Ye Chen last time, he has done nothing but make a simple report, so ye Chen has always thought that Huang Mao is just a small role, and he can't play a role in dealing with Feng Tao.

But he didn't expect that this time Huang Mao even took the initiative to call him, and also took the initiative to trade with him. Although he didn't know what the content of Huang Mao's trade was, ye Chen grasped this guy's handle by holding a small video of Huang Mao abusing Feng Tao, so ye Chen had no fear and thought that he could completely grasp any situation.

"I want to change the video back with an intelligence." Huang Mao's voice is very low. There is heavy metal music in the background. His environment should be in a bar or KTV.

Hearing Huang Mao's reply, ye Chen was stunned. He touched his nose and said leisurely, "brother Huang Mao, don't forget our previous cooperation. If you don't listen, I'll release this video. I don't care, but your body may become cold."

"Don't you come." Huang Mao seems to be very confident, he said with indifference, "we all understand people, you don't have to

Use that to scare me. Do you think you can hold me for life with a video? "

Ye Chen's canthus jump, he suddenly feel a little wrong, according to Huang Mao's intelligence quotient, there is no reason to think of this, ah, does this guy have a move?

The more Ye Chen thinks about it, the more likely it is. But in a short time, he can't find a better way to deal with Huang Mao. So he ponders for a moment, nods and says, "I didn't expect that you are not stupid. So, what kind of intelligence does Huang Mao intend to use to replace my video?"

Huang Mao was silent for a few seconds. He asked in a deep voice, "do you know Li Muchen?"

This sentence is very abrupt, ye Chen just feel a little confused, but he quickly reaction, said with a smile, "I don't know Li Muchen, and my social yellow brother has a fart relationship? Does brother Huang Mao want to ask me questions instead of giving me information? "

"No, you will definitely use my information, and it will be of great use." Huang Mao opened his mouth in a hurry. He seemed to be afraid of being found, so his speaking speed became faster and faster.

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