Hurricane rescue

"Yanxiren was arrested by Li Muchen. I took people there. Li Muchen's relationship with Shen Botao is very unusual. I don't know exactly how, but I was called to help by Shen Botao." Huang Mao said in two simple sentences.

Ye Chen was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect that Yan Xiren would have an accident, and he would be captured by Li Muchen. He blinked his eyes, calmed himself down, and took a deep breath. "Are you sure you were caught by Li Muchen? Are you sure it's yanxiren? Lin Wan'er's sister? "

Huang Mao's voice came from the receiver without hesitation, "yes, it's Yan Xiren. I heard her shout when I was arresting people. She said at that time," Li Muchen, I think Yan Xiren really misunderstood you. "

"How can you be sure that she is Lin Wan'er's sister?" Ye Chen although confused, but he still forced to keep calm, quietly asked.

Huang Mao replied, "because Li Muchen scolded her and said," you can't blame me. If you blame me, blame Lin Wan'er. Since I can't get my sister, I'll try my sister first. "

"What?" Ye Chen is a fool. He didn't expect that Li Mu Chen would be so shameless and make such a beast!

"Where is Yan Xiren now?" Ye Chen can't sit any longer. Although Yan Xiren, who is headstrong and unruly and full of big lady's temper, is really hateful, if ye Chen just let go, it's better to kill himself

It's hard.

What's more, ye Chen, the so-called Li Muchen, has been looking at him for a long time. This time, if you find a chance, you can't let him off easily.

"Four Seasons Hotel on Fuyan Road, she's at 621." Huang Mao thought about it and then said, "Li Muchen and she are in the same room. If you come late, you will be late."

"What?" Ye Chen is shocked. Of course, he knows Yan Xiren's attractive beauty's attraction to men and Li Muchen's self-control. Ye Chen doesn't have any confidence in Li Muchen's self-control. He's not sure Li Muchen will do anything when he's alone.

"The last three questions, how long have they been in the same room? How many of you? What does staffing look like? " Ye Chen asks in a hurry.

Huang Mao hesitated for a moment and said, "before long, it was only about ten minutes. There were seven of us with weapons. There were two guards at the door. The rest of us were playing in the quild bar near the hotel."

"Well, if this is done, let's write it off. If you set up a trap in front of me, I will never forgive you." Ye Chen cold voice says.

Huang Mao can't help fighting a cold war. He knows about the fierce battle on the river two days ago. Wu Yanming, one of the four King Kong, is still wrapped with gauze. He can't underestimate Ye Chen's ability.

So he repeatedly said, "don't worry, no problem, I just want to solve my problem, only to destroy your video, I can live my life well."

Ye Chen gave a sound and hung up the phone. He took a look at the time, and his heart became more and more heavy. Now it has been more than ten minutes since Yan Xi Ren was kidnapped. Even if he arrived at the four seasons hotel with the fastest speed, I'm afraid what should have happened has happened.

However, with a fluke mind, ye Chen still tries to cheer up. He takes a deep breath, brushes half of his teeth and doesn't brush any more. He wipes his face with cold water in a hurry and even rushes out of the door.

At this time, Lin Wan'er is sitting downstairs. She sees Ye Chen running out. Just as she wants to say hello, the man rushes out like a wild horse. He shouts without looking back, "Mr. Ye, I have something urgent to deal with. You go to the activity site first, and I'll come right away." Lin Wan'er is at a loss. He doesn't understand what ye Chen is doing. He says angrily, "this guy is doing something mysterious."

Running out of the gate of Mingyue villa, ye Chen looks around, trying to find a taxi on the street.

However, as a high-end community, the residents in Mingyue villa are usually people with a lot of luxury cars, so taxi drivers don't park their cars around here to find a job. In a hurry, ye Chen can't find a car at all.

Just when ye Chen was crying, a red Mazda suddenly stopped in front of Ye Chen. The car window slowly fell down, revealing Li Jiaying's youthful smile. She looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile, "Yo, isn't this our Master Wang? What's the matter? It's white faced and anxious. "

"Li Jiaying?" Ye Chen just like to see the Savior, a lunge from Mazda's hood over the past, he opened the co pilot's door, a butt sat up, here he has not sat down, howled up, "don't talk nonsense, first go to the four seasons hotel on Fuyan Road, it's important to save people!"

"Save people?" Although I don't know what the hell Ye Chen is up to, Li Jiaying, as a policeman, is very sensitive to these two words. Without saying a word, she starts off in gear and asks, "who are you going to save?"

Ye Chen buckled his seat belt and asked Li Jiaying, "why did you come here

Li Jiaying shrugged and said, "I went to your store to find you. I heard Wang Yi say that you live in Mingyue villa area now, so I came to have a look. Unexpectedly, I met you before I entered the community."

"To me? What can I do for you Ye Chen doubts of ask a way.

"Of course, I want to compete with you. I didn't agree with you when I was defeated by you last time. After a day's hard work, I decided to try again. I believe I can defeat you this time." Li Jiaying said confidently.

Ye Chen is choked by the little girl. He shakes his head and says, "well, I wish you good luck."

While driving, Li Jiaying asked, "you haven't said who to go to the four seasons hotel to save? To be honest, are you going to fight again? "

"It would be great if it was just a fight." Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, and then said in a cold voice, "this kind of thing is hard to say. In a word, now in the 621 room of that hotel, I suspect that someone has been kidnapped or even raped."

"What?" Li Jiaying was shocked, but she soon got excited again. She took out a warning light from the side storage box, opened the window and put it on the top of the car.

All of a sudden, the red and blue lights flashed, and the vehicles on the road dodged one after another. Red Mazda was like an arrow from the string, moving forward quickly. Along the way, he ran several red lights and turned a blind eye to all kinds of speed limit signs. The speed was getting faster and faster, and ye Chen's lips were white.

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