A gift to you

"Hello, little girl, we are going to save people, not commit suicide!" Ye Chen swallowed saliva, he looked at the scene of rapid retrogression outside the window, can't help saying.

Li Jiaying shook her head indifferently and said, "look at your promising point. In the police academy, my driving skills are full marks."

"Really? Don't women drivers kill people? " Ye Chen says obviously not believing.

"Cut." Li Jiaying didn't bother to explain. She banged the accelerator. Mazda's engine roared like a beast. The whole red car was like a flying fireball, running close to the ground on the road.

At the same time, in room 621 of Four Seasons Hotel, Li Muchen is sitting on the sofa, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the bed with the eyes of looking at the goods.

On the white sheet, Yan Xiren is tied up firmly. She has tears in her eyes and stares at Li Muchen with anger and hatred. If her lips were not sealed with black tape, I'm afraid she would have yelled.

Li Muchen smacked his mouth. He took out a bag of white powder from his pocket and laughed greedily and evil.

"Yan Xiren, I really don't know whether to call you stupid or naive." Li Mu Chen shook his head with a smile. His eyes were full of irony and evil.

"I was surprised that you would fall out with Lin Wan'er because of me and come to me on your own initiative." When he said these words, Li Mu Chen's voice was as cold as a knife, without any emotion fluctuation.

It turns out that after the quarrel between Yan Xiren and Lin Wan'er, Yan Xiren runs out of Mingyue villa. The first person she thinks of is Li Muchen, so she goes to Ruifeng mansion to find Li Muchen to complain.

But, let Yan Xiren never thought of things happened, Li Muchen actually kidnapped Yan Xiren, but also has the behavior of greedy for her body.

"Tut tut." Li Muchen smacked his mouth. He looked at Yan Xiren and said softly, "I see your eyes, it seems very complicated? Yes? Don't you like me all the time? "

Yan Xiren's mouth is sealed with adhesive tape. She struggles desperately, but she can't say anything. She can only stare at Li Muchen with a pair of eyes mixed with disgust, resentment and disappointment. If her eyes can kill people, I'm afraid Li Muchen has been broken to pieces now.

However, it is obvious that Li Muchen is not satisfied with speaking to a person who can't speak. He shakes his head and reaches out his hand to pull the tape off Yan Xiren's mouth.

"Wow, I can see that you seem to want to talk to me very much. You can talk about it. If you ask for mercy, you can start now." Li Muchen said with humor.

Yan Xiren gnashed her teeth with hatred. Her lips were numb by the tape, but she didn't care. She scolded fiercely, "you

This hypocritical guy, I really feel sick for myself. My sister is right. You are like a villain full of pus. I am blind, and I quarrel with my sister because of you. I... I... "

At last, Yan Xi was so angry that she couldn't speak. Her eyebrows stood upright, and her big smart eyes were full of tears. She wanted to cry, but she was strong enough to hold back. She didn't want to show cowardice and weakness in front of such people.

Li Mu Chen spread out his hand. He gave a nervous smile and said, "I never said I was not a villain, just like I never gave up conquering your sister. Since Lin Wan'er doesn't want to be a slave in my bed, I'll change it for you. After all, you're not much different, little beauty..."

Looking at Li Muchen's eyes and greedy expression, Yan Xiren only felt that her whole body was full of fear. She shook her head with incomparable resistance, opened her mouth with incomparable hatred, and cried out, "get away from me! You disgusting bastard!! I won't let you go, I won't!! What you will bear is the anger of the Lin family! "“ The Lin family... "Li Mu Chen's eyes gradually became gloomy. He murmured in a low voice, and his expression was full of fear. But soon, he shrugged his shoulders, pretended to smile easily and said," although the Lin family is a terrible enemy, if I don't stand on the opposite side of him, no matter how strong he is, what does it have to do with me? "

Yan Xi Ren is stunned. He doesn't understand what Li Mu Chen means by saying this. He dares to deal with himself in this way. How can he not stand on the opposite side of the Ye Lin family?

"Surprised, isn't it?" Li Mu Chen grinned, his eyes filled with a trace of ruthlessness and malice. He insidiously said, "it's not me who kidnaps you, it's the black dragon club in Wujiang City. I'm here to save you. It's a pity that I didn't have time to continue

I'm so sorry to be annihilated first and then killed. "

"You... You're not going to die!" Yan Xiren only felt that the Yin cold that penetrated into the bone marrow directly eroded into her heart. She didn't expect that Li Muchen would dare to kill herself. What's more, she didn't expect that this guy was so lawless that even the Lin family dared to move!

Li Mu Chen shook his head and said, "life? How can I not want such important things? But compared with you, life seems too frivolous. Peony flowers die, and being a ghost is romantic. What's more, Miss ye, where is peony? You are the most beautiful rose in the world. "

Yan Xi's heart was in a state of turmoil. In the face of such a crisis that she had never experienced before, the little girl was completely confused. She said in a trembling voice, "you... You release me now, I can promise to spare your life."

"Give me a break? No, you don't need to forgive me. You will die here. No one knows the truth, but I will continue to pursue Lin Wan'er. I really want to, I really want to taste what Lin's most beautiful sister flower is like! " Li Mu Chen's eyes were wide open. He grinned wildly. He waved his hands like a madman. He was as excited as a madman.

Yan Xi's face was as pale as ashes. She knew that unless there was a miracle, she would be finished today. She bit her lip, took a deep breath, and secretly made up her mind. Even if she died, she would never want to be desecrated.

Looking at Yan Xi Ren's firm eyes, Li Mu Chen touched his nose and shook his little plastic bag. He said with a smile, "do you know what this is? It's a fun way to make you obedient. Believe me, I'll give you the highest pleasure on earth. "

"You... You beast! Let go of me! " Yan Xiren's face suddenly changed. Because of fear, she was trembling all over. Her skin was cold on her hands and feet.

Li Muchen is not willing to let the cooked duck fly away. His fingers are gently on Yan Xiren's chin, just like a whisper to his lover. He says gently, "dear, please close your eyes and enjoy the gift from your brother..."

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