It's a long story

"Let me go! leave me along!! Get out of here! " Yan Xiren struggles desperately, but she is bound firmly, but she is doomed to be unable to break free. Li Muchen tears open the transparent plastic bag with his teeth, and gently shakes the white powder between Yan Xiren's mouth and nose with his excited fingers.

Although a lot of powder fell to one side because of Yan Xiren's back and forth struggle, Li Muchen didn't care. He looked at Yan Xiren affectionately, looked at his face, and his whole heart rippled with a smile.

"Baby, give up, give up resistance, this magical drug, as long as inhale a little, it's enough to make you fall in love with me, not to mention so many..."

"Beauty, today is really a unforgettable day..."

"The most beautiful sister flowers of the Lin family will all belong to me from this moment on..."

At the intersection of the traffic lights not far from the four seasons hotel on Fuyan Road, two cars had a rear end collision accident. The car owners blamed each other on the road, and finally even scuffled.

Their practice immediately led to the road congestion, vehicles simply can not pass, the people in a hurry behind honking, but also to no avail.

Someone called the police, but even if the police arrived, it would take about ten minutes to evacuate the traffic.

The traffic is very congested. Although Li Jiaying's red Mazda is equipped with warning lights, it is still stuck in the middle of the road. There are cars in front and behind, which makes her unable to move in and out.

This traffic jam made two people in the red Mazda anxious. As soon as Li Jiaying's hot temper came up, she smashed the steering wheel and said angrily, "what's going on in front of her?"

Although Ye Chen's face is expressionless, the cold sweat in his palm has exposed his emotion. His eyes are fixed and he takes a deep breath. He silently unfastens his seat belt, pushes the door and gets off.

"What are you doing?" Li Jiaying asked in a hurry.

Ye chentou did not return to go forward, light said, "I want to see what happened in front of us, we can't wait here?"

Li Jiaying does not hesitate to open the door, she is also anxious to have no place, hurriedly followed Ye Chen, shouting, "I'll go with you."

Not far from the intersection of traffic lights, four or five young men were fighting with each other. Two cars stopped in the middle of the road, completely blocking the route of the vehicles behind.

There are several drivers standing all around to observe the situation. Ye Chen first looks at the people fighting, and then goes straight to a onlooker driver and casually asks, "brother, what's the matter?"

This driver is also warm-hearted. He has been holding his arm for a long time and has no place to talk about his opinions. At this time, he heard someone ask himself and quickly replied, "BMW chased Hyundai. The little driver who drove BMW didn't know how to test his driver's license, so he put his foot on Hyundai's butt. Originally, it was BMW who was responsible for it, but the owner of BMW came down to cheat people, Hyundai doesn't want to suffer a loss, but BMW can't give up, so the two drivers start to work. "

"Who's BMW?" Ye Chen blinked his eyes and asked.

The driver pointed at him and said, "well, BMW is the bald man with short red sleeves."

Ye Chen nodded, he walked in the past without saying a word, the driver is silly, confused Ye Chen what this is to do.

Li Jiaying, who follows Ye Chen all the way, immediately knows that the bald man is going to have bad luck, but in the face of this bullying villain, Li Jiaying is also happy to see him suffer“ Hello Ye Chen walks to the middle of several people who are wrestling and shouts, "do you want to stop it for me!"

This one voice goes down, the person's ears and eyes of the shock are buzzing, two groups of people are immediately stopped, all stop hand, lift an eye to see ye Chen.

Ye Chen pointed to his bald head and yelled, "you hairless thing, I'll give you three seconds to drive away. Otherwise, you can't drive all your life."

Bald head is a Leng at first, he is fighting energetically son, the sweat of full brain flows along the thick neck disorderly, the eyeball son stares eldest brother, he looks at Ye Chen, invincible say, "boy, you are very crazy, do you know who Lao Tzu is?"


Hearing Ye Chen's counting, his bald eyes jump and he looks at Ye Chen carefully. He has been wallowing in the society for many years. Generally, he is as arrogant as ye Chen, either silly B or pretending B.

However, no matter how bald he looks, ye Chen looks like an ordinary ordinary man with a flat head. He wears cheap stalls and doesn't have much money in his hand.

"Boy, are you bluffing me? You don't ask, society you puma brother is what, I... "Bald head raised his head, his tone is not good began to shake hard.

Ye Chen without saying a word, a slip close to the bald, in the bald incredible eyes, ye Chen crisp is a punch, this punch like a hammer on the bald's chest, bald immediately scream, face fell to the ground, a time mouth and nose blood, mouth humming.

"It's a long story." The leaf Chen face has no facial expression, cold voice drinks to scold a way.


Ye Chen's sudden hand, let the onlookers all silly, especially the bald companion, you look at me, I look at you, all

They see fear in each other's eyes.

It's not difficult to put people over with one punch, but it's a little terrible to hit people like a car accident.

Ye Chen can't measure the strength of this fist, but his fighting power is four times that of ordinary people. Just now, he just made a random fist and didn't use much strength. But even so, ordinary people can't bear it.

"Pull over, I'm a policeman!" Li Jiaying stood up at this time. She held the police officer certificate in one hand and said with dignity.

Ye Chen sees that the situation here has been controlled. He looks up at the four seasons hotel which can see the signboard not far away, and says to Li Jiaying, "Li Jiaying, I'll leave it to you. I'll go to the hotel first and let's call."

Without waiting for Li Jiaying's reaction, he hurried to the four seasons hotel like a wild bull.

Because his physical fitness is far higher than that of ordinary people, ye Chen's running speed is amazing. At the beginning, he didn't adapt to his own speed, but soon, he slowly entered the state, but in a flash, he disappeared in the distant corner.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Li Jiaying can't help but feel anxious. Since she graduated from the police academy, she has dreamed of solving a big case every day. Now it's robbery and strong annihilation, but she is blocked by a group of fighting guys. This makes her anxious. At the same time, she also wants to beat these guys.

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