HK Special Edition

At the moment, in room 621 of Four Seasons Hotel, Yan Xiren's eyes are blurred. Her eyes are full of struggle, her throat is full of uncontrollable chants, and her beautiful face is full of wild light. But she tries to restrain herself, but she can't suppress it anyway.

"The... Damned... Li Muchen, you damned..." under the effect of the medicine, Yan Xiren gradually lost herself. She uttered a cry of hatred with her hoarse throat, but after she came out of her throat, those voices became trembling and tempting, making people unable to help themselves.

Li Mu Chen licked his cracked lips. His eyes were full of greed and silver lust. He opened his mouth and murmured, "hey hey, yeah, yeah, I should die. But let me let you die first. It's the most wonderful way to die on you."

Li Mu Chen's frivolous smile and yindang's expression become more and more exaggerated. He can't wait to take off his clothes one by one, and then, like a male dog in love, grins wildly and pours on Yan Xi Ren on the bed.

"Don't... don't... don't..." Yan Xiren desperately wants to struggle and resist, but her hands and feet are weak, and she can't lift her strength. What's more, Yan Xiren can't accept that with the spread of the medicine, her thighs itch incessantly, and her other sensitive parts are also very sour, which makes her mind full of hot jade hope, I'm so sick that I want to explode.

Li Muchen gently unties the rope on Yan Xiren's body. He enjoys this moment very much

Miss, now she's lying in his bed. He's trampling on her. Under the influence of the medicine, this ordinary, cold and unruly beauty will only be dominated by the most primitive jade hope. She can't stop demanding.

"Xiaomeiren, today, you follow your brother..." Li Muchen's smile is very lewd. He greedily caresses Yan Xiren's absent face, and his eyes slowly climb up a trace of obscenity and pleasure.

Ye Chen runs like a crazy horse all the way, and finally arrives at the gate of the four seasons hotel. He takes a breathless look at the sign above the hotel. The sweat on his forehead doesn't have time to wipe it. He rushes in in in a panic.

"Welcome, sir." Standing at the entrance of the hotel, she was startled by Ye Chen's state, but out of her professional habit, she still bent down with a smile and said hello politely.

Ye Chen doesn't care about her time. Without saying a word, he runs to the elevator. Before he stops, his finger has touched the elevator button. He doesn't hesitate to press it hard, and then anxiously looks at the number above the elevator door.


At this critical juncture, the elevator is going up. Ye Chen looks at the other elevators and finds that all the elevators nearest to the first floor are now on the eighth floor.

"His grandmother's!"

Ye Chen fiercely scolds a, he doesn't hesitate of turn head to the stairs that emergency exit uses to run.

He was as tired as a cow, but Li Mu Chen was extremely excited.

As if he had reached the peak of his life, Li Muchen slowly untied the rope on Yan Xiren and threw it aside. He put his hands on Yan Xiren's buttons and untied them one by one.

"You really look like one of my big toys." Li Mu Chen laughs, his eyes seem to be crazy, and a touch of neurotic mania emerges.

With the release of Yan Xiren's buttons, the same snow-white skin appeared under her white shirt, and the same color bra as her snow-white skin.

"No! No! " Yan Xingren is in a mess. She rubs her legs and grabs the bed sheet with her toes. The primitive jade hope ignites her instinct. Although she tries hard to stop it, she can't resist anyway. Her lips are slightly open. Her words of resistance are so weak.

Li Mu Chen said with a smile, "what? Do you really want it now? If you want, just say it. Call me dad. Call me dad. "

Gently holding Yan Xi's chin, Li Mu Chen's smile is so rampant, he is arrogant to the limit, thinking that now he has reached the peak of life.

Outside the door, two fashionable young men stood there. Although they couldn't hear the movement inside, they were still itching. From time to time, they secretly turned their heads to the door and stirred their ears, hoping to hear something.

"Hey, brother Yang, you say our brothers are also hard pressed. Yellow hair, they went to the bar to play, and the goods in the bar went off again. We are left here to show people the gate. What a pity." The man on the left side of the door hummed.

The young man, known as brother Yang, stood on the right side of the door with a cigarette in his mouth. He shook his head indifferently and said, "you don't understand. Looking at the door, I think it's the most valuable time we've come here."

The man on the left showed interest on the spot. He asked curiously, "what do you mean?"

Yang elder brother smoked a cigarette and asked mysteriously, "elder brother asked you, does that girl look good?"

The man on the left said without hesitation, "it's certainly good-looking. I feel that it's better than Angela's despicable. Compared with Guan Xiaotong and Yang Mi, it's much better."

Brother Yang, with a smile, said triumphantly, "ah, such a good-looking girl, can you not be moved?"

"Why don't you move? I want to turn over the dog day's Li Muchen and grab the girl." The man on the left said angrily.

Brother Yang touched his nose. He said leisurely, "rob? Brother bertao, you dare to offend me. You're not going to die

What happened? "

"Well, brother Yang, you know it's true. Why do you ask me if I'm interested?" The man on the left complained.

After a puff of smoke, brother Yang chuckled and puffed out a light blue smoke. He lowered his voice. He said gently, "it's unthinkable to rob. However, if Li Muchen has used it, can we try to use it? You know, Li Muchen himself said that he would annihilate it first and then kill it. It's a pity to kill such a good girl. When Li Muchen comes out, He will definitely let our brothers kill each other. Let's give him a civet cat for the prince. Let's hide the girl and use it whenever we want. "

"Really?" The man on the left suddenly widened his eyes. He was grinning with a big mouth, and his saliva was almost flowing out. Thinking about Yan Xiren's charming face, this guy felt as hard as a cat. He wanted to rush into the room and enjoy himself.

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