You can try

"Who is it?" Just as the man on the left was daydreaming, brother Yang suddenly stopped drinking and interrupted his thoughts.

He hurriedly looked to the other side of the corridor and saw a guy in black sportswear coming all the way. He walked faster and faster, and finally ran.

"No, I'm here for trouble!" Brother Yang is still calm. He takes out a swing stick from his waist and shakes the weapon away without saying a word. The imported ASP swing stick gives out a cold alloy luster.

The left man standing with brother Yang also took out the swing stick in a hurry. After shaking it away in a hurry, he turned to brother Yang and asked nervously, "brother, what's this guy doing?"

Yang elder brother brow a wring, he mercilessly cold voice say, "tube he is what of?! As long as you dare to get close to here, you will fall down and talk again! "

"Good!" The man on the left was infected by brother Yang's confidence and took a deep breath. He slowly calmed down. He stared at the black sportswear at the end of the corridor and held the swing stick tightly. As a novice of the black dragon club, it's time to prove himself.

It was Ye Chen who came. He took a look at the two people who were waiting for him at the door and ran quickly. But in a moment, he was very close to them.

"So fast!" Yang elder brother was surprised, he shook hands is a stick, subconsciously to Ye Chen head hit, at the same time, the man on the left is also without hesitation a swing.

The air in front of him was easily torn open, and the sound of the short stick breaking the air was like a shell on the ground, whistling.

Ye Chen shook his head contemptuously, his nerve reaction speed is very fast, in his visual sense, the two people's action is like being slowed down a beat, he can easily see through.

"Get out of here!" With a low roar, ye Chen's fists came out together, one left and one right accurately and quickly hit the two heads. The surging fists seemed to contain explosive power. Just one blow, they knocked the two men down to the ground lightly. Their mouths and noses were bleeding, and they were seriously injured. They rolled their eyes, and their bodies kept twitching.

"Rubbish." Ye Chen moves his wrist. He doesn't keep his hand in this attack. His strong destructive power is completely released. But these two guys are just ordinary people, so they are not surprised to be punched.

"Li Muchen, your grandfather has come to see you!" Ye Chen roared and raised his leg. He used all his strength to kick on the door. Four times the strength of ordinary people burst out, just like explosives. The whole door was kicked off!

Li Muchen in the guest room is shaking his hands and grabbing Yan Xiren's proud bulges. But suddenly there is a burst like roar in his ear. He is shocked. The small gun in his crotch is soft. He shivers all over and looks behind him.

The broken door was tilted to one side, and a young man in a black sportswear slowly came in and took it out of his pocket

He took out a pack of cigarettes, popped one out and put it in his mouth. Then he took out the lighter and lit it for himself.


Slowly spitting out a mouthful of smoke, the young man in black glanced at the scene in the room, and then looked at Li Muchen on the bed with the eyes of the dead.

Li Muchen's throat stirred. He couldn't feel any temperature in this person's eyes, which made him tremble. He slowly stood down from the bed and raised his hands. He licked his lips and said, "I... I didn't touch her..."

"Unfortunately, that's not a reason to live." Ye Chen shook his head, he slowly approached Li Muchen, the pace is not urgent. Li Muchen is now only wearing a pair of seven wolf boxer underwear. He retreats step by step under the coercion of Ye Chen. His heart is like falling into the abyss.

He knew that if this matter was known by the Lin family, his end would be more miserable than anyone else. What he couldn't figure out was why Ye Chen suddenly appeared here.

"You... Your name is Ye Chen, right?" Li Muchen calms himself down. He looks behind Ye Chen and finds that ye Chen himself is coming, which gives him the courage to negotiate.

"I... I want to talk to you. As long as you are willing to let me go and keep a secret for me, I can pay you a lot of money. Aren't you a cook? I can give you money that you can't make in your whole life. I'll

Ye Chen waved his hand and interrupted Li Muchen's words. He raised his finger, pinched the cigarette in his mouth and threw it aside. He glanced at Li Muchen and said, "your name is Li Muchen, right? I also want to talk with you, as long as you are willing to kneel down and cooperate well, I promise you won't hurt too long, aren't you a scum? I can end your disgusting life today. "

Listening to Ye Chen's cold words and a slightly ironic tone, Li Mu Chen's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. He gritted his teeth and wanted to make the last effort. He turned to face Yan Xi Ren on the bed. He quickly jumped up, grabbed Yan Xi Ren's neck, and cried coldly, "if you don't let me go, I'll kill her first, Anyway, if this matter spreads to the Lin family, I can't live any longer. Then we'll all die together. "

Ye Chen Mou son once shrinks, his pupil deep place has violent kill intention to explode, a word a meal, ye Chen's voice is like the ice of ages, he is looking directly at Li Mu Chen, light say, "you can try."

Li Muchen was staring at by Ye Chen's eyes, but in this kind of life and death crisis, where would he let a chance to live.

"I just don't want to die. As long as you let me go, I'll let her go." Because Li Muchen was nervous, he directly told his bottom line, but his fingers also squeezed Yan Xiren's throat harder, which made Yan Xiren's face red and his breathing difficult.

"Hateful..." Ye Chen is secretly worried in the heart, but he doesn't seem to make a sound on the surface.

"Do you really want to live?" Ye Chen pretends to ask a way, he pinched a hard long object in his hand, about the size of two fingers.

As soon as Li Muchen heard this, he immediately came to the spirit. He thought Ye Chen was willing to let go of himself. He quickly nodded and said in a hurry, "of course, who doesn't want to..."

Before he finished, a piece of hard, crisp things hit his eyes. Subconsciously, Li couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his injured eyes.

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