It's ok

Ye Chen has already prepared, he quickly took the opportunity to run close to Li Muchen, and then a lunge up, pocket a fist, hard to hit Li Muchen's face!

This punch, ye Chen is holding the strength to beat the bastard to death, under one punch, Li Mu Chen's whole face is instantly deformed, the huge force is like a hammer, hard hit Li Mu Chen's head, Li Mu Chen's scream only issued half, fainted, looked up and fell on the ground!


Li Muchen's nose bone was broken, his face was bloody, and the scarlet liquid flowed all over the floor along his head. His hands and feet were convulsing unconsciously, as if the nerve tissue had been greatly damaged.

"Shit, I can't help it." Ye Chen is discontented to hum a, this just stoops to pick up the concealed weapon that oneself attack Li Mu Chen, but is a disposable plastic lighter.

Raise a foot to kick to lie on the ground of Li Mu Chen, after confirming this guy can't get up again, leaf Chen again eyes to Yan Xi person on the bed.

On the white sheet, Yan Xi's eyes are like silk. There is an uncontrollable wheezing in her throat. She bites her lips gently. Her two straight and mellow legs are intertwined. She rubs and tears the sheet unconsciously.

"No... don't... Don't touch... Don't touch me..." Yan Xiren's limited reason kept repeating the cry of resistance, but his voice was pitifully low, and he was directly drowned in the voice of Jiao Chuan.

"This..." Ye Chen's throat stirred for a while, he tried hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva, shook his head, he forced himself to calm down, took a deep breath, in the face of such temptation, he is no matter how hard to hold.

"Well." Yan Xiren seems to feel something. She grabs Ye Chen's finger and puts it in her mouth when ye Chen is unprepared.

Ye Chen only feels that her fingers have entered a moist and warm space. Yan Xi's face is confused. She holds Ye Chen's fingers and gently sucks. Her pink tongue moves clumsily in her mouth. Ye Chen can't help shivering all over. His scalp is numb and he looks at Yan Xi's blushing face. What she can't help but take a cold breath.

"I... I can't stand it!" Ye Chen's heart is as hard as a cat's claw. Although Yan Xiren only has Ye Chen's fingers, ye Chen feels that her soul has been sucked into her warm mouth by Lin Wan'er.

 &# 160;“ Ye Chen, what are you doing! " A voice suddenly came from behind him.

This voice is like a thunder on a sunny day, which makes Ye Chen tremble all over. He quickly looks back, but finds that Li Jiaying with a surprised face rushes in.

Ye Chen doesn't know whether he should be lucky or chagrined. He tries to bear his heart and shakes Yan Xi away

His fingers came out of the warm mouth.

After taking a deep breath, ye Chen quickly calms down. He grabs Yan Xiren's snow-white slender neck with a cold face. Ye Chen drags Yan Xiren from Simmons' soft bed to the ground like a dead dog.

"What are you doing?" Li Jiaying is all silly, Leng Leng asks a way.

"Save people." Ye Chen stuffy back a, he pinches Yan Xiren, out of instinct, Yan Xiren subconsciously hugged Ye Chen's arm, her slender straight legs like a koala wrapped around Ye Chen.

Iron green face, ye Chen so let Yan Xi people around himself, he moved step by step to the bathroom, open the nozzle, in Li Jiaying's surprised eyes, cold water splashing down, spray Li Jiaying a wet, and ye Chen also inevitable was drenched“ Li Jiaying. " Ye chentou also does not return to say, "this matter I hope you can keep secret, in addition, help me to send her to the hospital."

"Ah? Oh Li Jiaying doesn't know why. In Ye Chen's tone, she even hears the murder of Sisi. This smiling man seems to be really angry.

Yan Xiren was cold watered, rushed to a spirited, confused, she forced to restore a trace of reason, raised her head, she stared at the man she was holding.

In Ye Chen's expressionless face, Yan Xiren saw the cold and angry, that pair of clean and clear eyes will easily let people fall in, she whispered, "Wang... Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen didn't pay too much attention to her, but he said slowly, "it's OK."

When Yan Xiren heard these words, her heart was full of mixed flavors. The medicine paralyzed her nerves, and also disturbed her thinking. She didn't know what to think for a moment, so she could only maintain a trace of reason. With the help of cold water, she tried her best to suppress the numbness and scalding of her heart.

"Bah!" Li Jiaying, after all, was born in a police academy. She had been witnessing this all the time. How could she not understand what had happened? Her pretty face was red at first, but soon she lost her shyness. She became angry and spat. She cursed fiercely, "social scum, scum!"

With that, she picked up her mobile phone, called the police without saying a word, and informed the police to send an ambulance.

Cold water plays an important role in Yan Xiren's calmness. However, this unknown spring medicine is very powerful. Yan Xiren is struggling, but she is suffering more and more. She bites her lips, and her pink red lips are bitten by the scallop teeth. She pushes Ye Chen away. She squats in the corner of the bathroom, letting the cold water sprinkle on her head.

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