With a word

"Damn it! This asshole! " Ye Chen is full of anger. Looking at Yan Xi's painful look, he can't help but get very angry. He immediately wants to pull Li Mu Chen up and fight again.

"Ah At this time, scream came from outside the door, four or five young guys rushed into the room in a panic.

"Who are you?" Huang Mao was the leader. He didn't want to come, but he was playing in the bar. A dying companion didn't know which one was wrong. He had to call the hotel to confirm the situation here.

But standing outside the room, brother Yang, who is in charge of Li Muchen's safety, is turned over by Ye Chengan. Of course, he has no ability to answer the phone.

In the bar crazy play a few people crazy call, call one do not answer two do not answer, they are silly, immediately understand, this is an accident.

They rushed here in a hurry, but they were surprised to find such a tragic scene.

Ye Chen slightly deflects his eyes and glances at the five people who rush in. The yellow hair of the leader is hairy in his heart. The sad end of the two children at the door is shocking. As for Li Muchen, who is lying not far from the bed, he is still bleeding. At this point, he doesn't want to touch Ye Chen's moldy head.

"Do you know how important you are now? Do you know who we are? " Huang Mao is the leader of these people

At this critical moment, we can't admit counsels. Even if we admit counsels in our hearts, we can't show our face.

He yells loudly, but his mouth sounds loud, but his feet don't move. Since Huang Mao has seen Ye Chen's methods, he has a complete psychological shadow. At this time, he can't face Ye Chen in any case.

"Who are you? Ha ha, are you human? " Ye Chen shrugged his head contemptuously. He hummed coldly and turned slowly to look at the crowd. His eyes were frosty and cold.

"You..." yellow hair by leaf Chen see of whole body tingle, he shudder of beat a shiver, whole body subconscious of back half step.

Huang Mao's performance fell in people's eyes, and immediately made a group of younger brothers of the black dragon club feel uncomfortable in their eyes. How did they shout out, "brother Huang Mao, what do you want to say to him? Go straight up and abolish Ya Ting!"

Listening to the shouts of the younger brothers, Huang Mao felt a moment of frustration. He didn't want to abandon Ye Chen. But now that he has only a few men, how can he fight with others? In the last ambush on the river beach, Wu Yanming, one of the four King Kong of the black dragon club, didn't take advantage of three or four experts. Now let a few little gangsters fight each other. Don't make a joke.

Moreover, ye Chen was recruited by himself. In order to destroy that video, he betrayed the black dragon club and sold Li Muchen. Now he wants to kill Ye Chen again. It doesn't exist. If ye Chen is caught by Feng Tao, who can guarantee that this boy won't say anything about the video.

However, in front of these little brothers, Huang Mao didn't want to show his shyness and lose face. He roared with high spirits and took the lead in taking out his swing stick. Shaking it away, he gave an order, "OK! Brothers, get rid of him and avenge Lao Yang for them

"Waste him!"

These little gangsters have been waiting impatiently for a long time. In their opinion, ye Chen is just one person, and Li Jiaying is only half a person. After all, compared with men, women's fighting power can be ignored. Five of them fight one and a half. No matter what, it's easy to deal with it.

However, they did not dare to forget the tragic situation of the two people at the door. They looked at each other and saw the dignity in each other's eyes. Huang Mao timely reminded them, "brothers, be careful. This guy is not easy to deal with. Don't forget how Lao Yang was let down."“ Yes

"Go Don't know who is the first to shout, five people cry, they wave the swing stick in their hands, crazy approach Ye Chen.

Ye Chen doesn't care. In his eyes, the charge of a group of sheep can't cause any threat to him. He clenches his fist and crackles his knuckles. There is a trace of anger and hatred in his eyes. He pushes on the ground and even charges in the opposite direction of the five people!


There was not much space in the guest room. As soon as seven or eight people crowded in, it immediately became a little narrow.

Just for a moment, the little gangster who rushed to the front saw Ye Chen's expressionless face. Before he had time to have any reaction, his pupil shrank. A blow to the extreme hit the little gangster's chin with a terrible speed.

"Ah!" With a scream, the little gangster fell on the ground with his head up. The others behind him were immediately disturbed. They avoided the little gangster who fell on the ground and scattered, trying to surround Ye Chen and attack him back and forth.

However, ye Chen is obviously not in the mood to play games with them. With a gliding step at his feet, he strangely approaches another gangster. This guy stares at him. He only feels a flower in front of his eyes, and then a pain in his abdomen. Ye Chen slowly takes back his fist, just in the speed that human eyes can't catch, Ye Chen has this full of explosive punch in this guy's stomach.

"Wow The little gangster covered his stomach and bent down like a soft legged shrimp. He bent down and fell to the ground powerlessly. His whole body was convulsing unconsciously, as if he was suffering from irresistible pain.

"A group of scum, dare to say that they will abolish me?" Ye Chen's words are full of indifference. He looks at the survivors, and the killing intention in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

"What do you... What do you want to do?" Yellow hair stutters. As an old opponent who once fought with Ye Chen, he has a more intuitive feeling. The man in front of him seems to be reborn, and his strength has improved too much

Too many.

The rest of the people are also trembling. If ye Chen didn't fight those two unfortunate ghosts just now, but attacked himself, I'm afraid that he will be replaced if he is lying on the ground and spitting blood. As a member of the black dragon club, they have only seen this terrible fighting ability in the four Jin Gang.

Facing Ye Chen is just like facing Wu Yanming or Shen Botao's four great vajras. It makes people deeply inferior and also makes people deeply afraid.

Ye Chen shook his head and said carelessly, "in my eyes, you are just like sheep without horns. You are so weak. I can let you go and ask you to bring a word to Feng Tao and tell him that I... Ye Chen... Will settle with him."

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