In a hurry

Yellow hair a few people of course don't want to be hit into gastric bleeding or concussion, they obediently nod, the atmosphere dare not out for a while, for fear of accidentally annoyed Ye Chen, all to them to the hospital.

"Go away." Ye Chen waved his hand, just like driving away flies, and scolded impatiently.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Huang Mao seemed to have heard the sounds of nature. They were all relieved. They nodded their heads and ran out in a hurry. Even their seriously injured companions didn't have time to take care of them.

"Ye Chen, what are you going to do?" Li Jiaying looks at Ye Chen and suddenly asks seriously.

Ye Chen looks at Yan Xiren, who is shrinking in the corner of the wall. The girl who bites her lips is so helpless and pitiful. He trembles in his heart and can't help but have two points of heartache. But on the surface, he has no expression, just says coldly, "what can I do? What to do, what to do. "

Ye Chen's words make Li Jiaying frown. She takes a deep breath and persuades patiently, "Ye Chen, I know you feel bad in your heart, but you have to believe in the country and the police. We will give you justice and explanation. Don't be impulsive. I don't want to see you in the interrogation room."

"Li Jiaying, in what capacity do you speak to me? friend? police? Or what? " Ye Chen turns his head to look at Li Jiaying and asks in a quiet way.

Li Jiaying's eyebrows slightly frowned. She sighed. Her tone gradually became severe. She said in a low voice, "I'm trying to persuade you as a friend now. If you don't listen, I'll order you as a policeman."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and shook his head indifferently. "Do you think I'll listen?"

Looking at Ye Chen's expressionless face, Li Jiaying was inexplicably frustrated. She was a little irritable and said, "OK, do you like to listen or not? In a word... In a word... Ah..."

Li Jiaying in short for a long time, but how can not say the second half of the speech, ye Chen suddenly smile, he asked inexplicably, "if one day, I stand on your opposite side, you will shoot at me?"

"The opposite?" Li Jiaying couldn't help touching the police officer card in her pocket. The silver badge on it represents her position and identity. After thinking about it, she whispered, "I have only one dream since I was young, that is to fight for justice, so... As long as you stand on the opposite side of Justice, I will..."

Li Jiaying didn't finish this sentence, and ye Chen didn't need to finish this sentence. He already understood Li Jiaying's meaning, nodded, and ye Chen said with a smile, "ha, don't mention these meaningless questions, I seem to hear the sound of the police siren. Police flowers like you are very lovely, but those who do notes are the most annoying, so... I'll leave it to you next, My officer Lee. "

Say, the leaf Chen turns head to walk, step open two legs, in a twinkling of an eye disappeared in the stair mouth.

Watching Ye Chen's back disappear quickly, Li Jiaying sighs. She takes a look at the mess in the room,

There are also the severely wounded lying in disorder, and the shivering Yan Xi who was washed by cold water. She suddenly had a big head.

Li Jiaying quickly takes out her mobile phone to communicate with her boss. She has to send medical staff and two policewomen to take Yan Xiren to the hospital. Now Yan Xiren is ill dressed and poisoned. She is in a very unstable state. She has to avoid men and send him to the hospital.

Ye Chen tosses the mess to Li Jiaying. He runs downstairs and just sees several police cars stopping at the door of the hotel. A white car with emergency lights also stops.

Looking at the uniformed police and white nurses hurried upstairs, ye Chen was completely relieved. He stopped a taxi and went straight to Dongcheng gymnasium. It's only ten minutes before the press conference held by Ye's fast food and Qian's restaurant.

In the vast and bright gymnasium, nearly 1000 staff members from hundreds of media and Internet platforms have entered the stadium, waiting for a long time.

But in the rest room of Ye's fast food, Lin Wan'er, dressed in full dress, is fidgeting back and forth. From time to time, she looks up at the wall clock, and her inner mood is getting more and more anxious.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing?" Lin Wan'er is so anxious that ye Chen wants to call her.

Sitting on the taxi co pilot, ye Chen takes out his mobile phone. He presses the power on button, and suddenly he is dumbfounded. The screen is still black, and he doesn't want to light it up.

"No electricity?" Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. He looked at the taxi driver and politely asked, "master, my mobile phone is out of power. Could you please charge it on the USB interface for me?"

The driver who was driving was a strong man in his thirties. He said enthusiastically without hesitation, "charge it, whatever. Is it Apple's or Android's?"

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "I support domestic, Android."

"Come on, my android, Huawei mobile phone, use my data line to charge." The driver said warmly.

Ye Chen thanks and thanks again. He charges the battery and turns on his mobile phone.

As soon as the mobile phone is turned on, there will be a sound of prompt. Click on it to see that there are a lot of missed calls and short messages, almost all of which are from Lin Wan'er.

He looked at the time displayed on the screen of his mobile phone. It was already 9:57, and it seemed that it was not long before the 10:00 a.m. news conference.

Ye Chen thinks of Lin Wan'er's present mood, he can't help changing his face, if he is caught by the irritable Lin Wan'er

You can't have a good scolding.

However, although Ye Chen's heart is a little afraid, it's obviously not the time to care about these. He gritted his teeth and directly called Lin Wan'er back.

In the rest room of Dongcheng gymnasium, Lin Wan'er is in a hurry. Her cell phone rings suddenly. She is impatient and wants to smash her cell phone. But when she sees the caller on the screen, she can't wait to answer the phone. For fear of this delay, she falls into the embarrassing situation that she can't get in touch.

"Hello! Ye Chen, what are you doing? The press conference will start soon. Where are you now? " As soon as the phone is connected, Lin Wan'er makes a barrage of shots and questions Ye Chen harshly.

Ye Chen scratched his head. He was so guilty that he didn't dare to speak. He gently took the phone away, and then he said with a smile, "Wan'er, no, Wan'er fairy, listen to me, I just went to save people. We'll talk about the specific things later. I'll be there in ten minutes, and it's just a late opening. It's nothing. You can help me hold on for a while, I'll be there

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