
I don't know why, Lin Wan'er was still angry and full of grievances, but when she heard Ye Chen's voice, she couldn't attack. If she changed two people, as long as she dared to call Lin Wan'er like this, she would not be far away from dumb. However, hearing Ye Chen call herself like this made Lin Wan'er feel a little sweet, I can't help laughing.

No, no, how can I be coaxed so easily? I want to be angry, I want to be very angry, I

Lin Wan'er secretly cheered herself up, but when she opened her red lips, she spat out something else. She said angrily, "well, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wan'er is relaxed. After getting the exact answer from ye Chen, she gradually recovers her composure and gets rid of her anxiety.

"Makeup artist, make up." Lin Wan'er lightly orders that she must ensure that she is in the best state at the press conference. This is not only because she represents the image of Ye's fast food today, but also because this is Ye Chen's pre competition press conference. She can't give the man a drop.

Sitting in a taxi, ye Chen also hung up his mobile phone. He said to the driver, "master, please hurry up. I'm in a hurry."

"OK, sit down."

Although the press conference was jointly reported by Ye's fast food and Qian's restaurant, it was still the domestic food giant, Tiantian food, who presided over the press conference.

As time went by, the press conference officially began. Bai Menghan, who appeared on camera, was still a consistent youth style. She was wearing the latest spring dress of Paris Fashion Week this year, which was a very punk jeans jacket, jeans Capris, and fluorescent green striped shoes. Standing in the spotlight, she stood in the focus of people's eyes, She did not adapt to the slightest, generous smile, youthful face full of collagen.

"Wow." The scene is boiling. Today is the press conference and tomorrow is the official competition. Therefore, all the reporters and media staff are here today. The ordinary audience can't enter. Otherwise, the situation on the scene will be out of control.

Bai Menghan smiles. She holds a microphone and says gently, "as we all know, because of a kitchen fight some time ago, ye Chen, the head chef of Ye's fast food, and Zhang Baichuan, the head chef of Qian's restaurant, had their first confrontation in their lives. They proved the art and charm of dishes with ingredients and heat."

"The cooks who cook attentively are worthy of our respect, but the courage of cooks to climb and catch up is also worthy of our admiration, which proves that they are not satisfied with the status quo, that they are striving to forge ahead, and that they want to use their own efforts to present us with the most delicious dishes and the most perfect art."

"Today, we have joined two catering groups, Ye's fast food and Qian's restaurant, to hold a press conference in this place. During this time, you can raise any questions, and the spokesmen of both sides will try their best

For you

Bai Menghan's voice is as clear as a stream. This simple opening speech highlights Bai Menghan's strong literary skills and stage experience. When reporters see the main topic, they come to the spirit one after another. They take out their own small books one by one, stretch their necks to the stage, and rush to put forward their own problems.

"Next, let's welcome Qian Fanyu, the owner of Qian's restaurant, and Lin Wan'er, Miss Lin of Ye's fast food, to our stage with the warmest applause." Bai Menghan said with a smile.

There was a burst of applause from the audience, and people looked at the door of the stage with curious eyes. After all, in their eyes, the media exposure of the two bosses was not too high, and they belonged to the kind of relatively low-key entrepreneurs. One left and one right, Qian Fanyu and Lin Wan'er come out of the upper gate at the same time. They come to the stage side by side and slowly come to Bai Menghan's side.


With a uniform exclamation, all the people present turned their amazing eyes on Lin Wan'er. They are all journalists who have known more or less about their interviewees. Some people have seen Lin Wan'er's photos, while others don't know much about them. However, no matter whether you have seen the photos and images before you, men and women, young and old, when you see Lin Wan'er in the spotlight, All eyes widened in surprise.

"Ha ha." Bai Menghan joked at the right time, "Miss Lin is so beautiful. She looks so beautiful. As soon as you come on stage,

I've been robbed of the limelight. "

For today's press conference, Lin Wan'er put on a little powder and makeup. She is graceful and graceful. There seems to be a world hidden in her eyes full of autumn water. There are all kinds of amorous feelings between every twinkle and smile.

"Miss Meng Han is joking. Her elder sister is old. She is young. She has a tender face. She wants to pinch it." Lin Wan'er said with a smile.

White dream cold witty smile, half joking half seriously said, "that sister to sister pinch good."

"Ha ha."

"Hee hee."

The two charming beauties looked at each other and laughed. The words of teasing each other were like the breeze by the river, which stirred the nerves of all the men present. The whole people were itching and uncomfortable.

Lin Wan'er seems to be talking and laughing. In fact, she is also worried. Ye Chen doesn't show up, which makes him unable to let go.

Suddenly, in full view of the public, Lin Wan'er pasted her face on Bai Menghan's face, just like the action of intimacy between sisters. She gently rubbed, which immediately ignited the passion of all the people present. Everyone screamed and coaxed. The press conference had just begun, but it had been pushed to the climax by the two beauties' small actions.

Bai Menghan was also surprised, but she soon calmed down and gently hugged Lin Wan'er's back to show their intimacy.

At this time, Lin Wan'er whispered in Bai Menghan's ear, "Miss Menghan, ye Chen hasn't arrived yet, please help him delay."

In just a dozen words, just a second or two, Lin Wan'er's little action lasted only a second or two, then they teased each other and separated. Their faces were as usual, but no one knew that the two beauties had the same idea in their hearts.

According to the plan of the program group, after inviting Qian Fanyu and Lin Waner, it's time for the main chef of both sides to come on the stage.

But after learning the news from Lin Wan'er, Bai Menghan naturally refuses to carry on the next link according to the plan.

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