Road dog

But they didn't notice that Qian Fanyu, with an old God on his face, stood beside them. When Lin Wan'er spoke in a low voice, Qian Fanyu's ears stirred. He was slightly surprised at first, but soon he looked as usual. He just moved his fingers behind him. He took out a Nokia straight mobile phone from his fart pocket, Buckle the blind hit a short message, quietly sent out.

Bai Menghan said with a smile to the media staff on the scene, "we are all elites from major media and network platforms. When we participate in this news conference, there must be a lot of questions that we want to answer. Originally, our program team arranged to invite a chef to answer the questions together with the boss, but in my opinion, It seems that there are a lot of topics about Miss Lin, right

Just when Bai Menghan and Lin Wan'er try their best to buy time for ye Chen, at the entrance of the gymnasium, more than a dozen gangsters come over.

"Shit, it's hard to get a good sleep." It was the leader of the gang who was scolding. He was wearing a suspender T-shirt on his upper body, showing the tattoos of dragons and tigers on his shoulders. He turned his eyes and yawned.

He took out his mobile phone, opened a picture and said, "guys, take a good look. This guy is our goal today. Someone has offered a lot of money to scrap him."

His name is sun hang. He is a gangster leader who lives in the city all the year round. Unlike a big gang like the black dragon club, he has only about 20 young people in total. He usually lives on small fights.

"Brother hang, how big is our job? Is it enough to eat out? " A boy with half sleeves grinned.

Sun hang gave the boy a white look and said with pride, "go to the restaurant? It's too much to belittle my brother. If I can get rid of him this time, my brothers will not only have enough wine and meat, but also have enough money, one thousand yuan per person. "

"A thousand?" Those young gangsters are stunned. You know, it's not the first time for them to fight with money. They are different from those professionals who depend on it. Generally speaking, they help some rich and powerful people to get ahead. Even if something goes wrong, their owners can hold on. For them, it's a business of making sure they don't lose.

Hearing the reward of one thousand yuan, these gangsters all widened their eyes, one by one came to the spirit, and sun hang was even more excited. In fact, he was given more money, and a lot of money went into his pocket.

"Wipe your eyes on me. If you let the fat sheep go, I won't kill him." Sun hang ordered.

"Don't worry, hangge." They agreed one by one, and seriously began to examine the passers-by, as long as the target person will come, it will not escape such screening.

Sun hang nodded with satisfaction. He took out his mobile phone, edited a text message and sent it out to Qian Fanyu's nephew Hu Feng.

At the same time when the text message was sent out, Hu Feng's mobile phone vibrated on the table in the rest room of the gymnasium. He touched his nose and picked up his mobile phone. The content of sun Hang's text message was displayed on the screen, "brother Feng, the work is absolutely beautiful for you. Don't worry."

"Ridiculous fool." Hu Feng shakes his head. He doesn't believe that a gangster can cause much trouble to Ye Chen. He just laughs playfully and deletes the message. Then he leans on the sofa and plays with his mobile phone carelessly. He murmurs, "from my uncle's message, ye Chen is late. As long as you can delay for a while, After all, it can kill his prestige. "

Soon, the orange taxi stops at the gate of the gymnasium. Ye Chen jumps out of the car in a hurry and rushes to the direction of the gymnasium.

"Brother hang, brother hang, look, is that the boy?" A young man next to sun hang saw Ye Chen running at a fast pace, and he said. When sun hang heard this, he quickly looked up. Sure enough, he saw that ye Chen, who was wearing a black sportswear, was rushing over. His speed was amazing. He was a little bit like a sprinter.

"That's him. Stop him!" Sun hang roared and rushed up first. The other ten or so gangsters immediately followed and rushed to Ye Chen.

It's Ye Chen's turn to wonder. He's about to get to the gate of the gymnasium, but a group of people who have been guarding at the gate from just now on suddenly rush towards him, which makes him a little unsure of the meaning of these people and scan the crowd back and forth

Eyes, found that did not know people, and they look ferocious, it seems that the evil ah.

"Black dragon? Or Qian Fanyu? " Ye Chen clenched his fist and met him without hesitation. In his eyes, no matter Feng Tao's people or Qian Fanyu's people, as long as they dare to get in the way, there will be no difference. Just beat them all.

"Grass Mud Horse!" Sun hang roars, raises his foot and kicks it. Ye Chen is ready for it. His eyes sink. He slides to sun Hang's body and hits him with his fist. His quick speed and tricky angle are like a lion biting his throat. It's just a blow, but it's enough to kill him.

"Ah With a scream, sun hang fell to the ground on his back. His head had never suffered such a violent impact since he was born. Ye Chen's merciless blow hit his head like a hammer. He just felt black in front of his eyes, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and fainted on the spot.

"What?" The rest of the people who rushed over were scared. They looked at each other. They couldn't believe it. Sun hang was born in a sports school and had practiced Sanda for two years. Although he was an amateur, he couldn't fight with two or three people. But today, in front of this seemingly ordinary man, he was killed by a punch. This man is... Too strong

"So... So powerful..." a little gangster couldn't help whispering. His legs were swinging. Seeing sun Hang's miserable appearance, he felt cold and shivering.

The rest of the people are also flustered, but there must be brave men under the heavy reward. In the face of the temptation of money, these people are not willing to spit out the fat. They don't know who started it. Someone yelled, "revenge for brother hang!"

"That is, we have more than ten people. He is the only one. Do him!"

"Rush, surround him and fight to death!"

Humming and shouting, this group of little gangsters rush to come. Ye Chen frowns. He takes a look at the LED display screen in front of the stadium, which shows the current time: 10:24.

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