Reporter's question

"It's really in the way. I'm sorry, you're in the way!" Ye Chen roars, he rushes into the crowd without hesitation. Although he is only unarmed, his fists are like murder weapons. As long as he hits people, even if he is not knocked down, he will be seriously injured.

After five or six people were released one after another, the rest of them realized that this man could not be dealt with by the sea of people tactics. Even if he could be dealt with, it would not be dealt with by a dozen unarmed people. To beat him, at least all of them had to take guys. But the gymnasium belongs to the urban area, and the police are very strict. Unarmed fighting is a fight, If you really take a controlled knife, you will be injured intentionally. One is detention and the other is detention. This is very different.

"It's ridiculous for a flock of sheep to stand in the way of lions." Ye Chen's disdain shakes the blood on the back of his hand. He ignores the little gangsters who dare not go on again, and goes straight to the gym, and the time is 10:28.

Just when ye Chen was stopped outside the gymnasium, at the news conference, two women were sweating because of the same man's urgent forehead.

Because they want to delay time, Bai Menghan and Lin Waner are trying their best to create topics. They keep talking about some hot topics like favorite stars and food, teasing the nerves of entertainment reporters on the scene


As a result, it was not cold for a while. Many entertainment reporters listened with interest and asked questions frequently. The atmosphere at the scene was once warm.

"Well, excuse me for interrupting you, Miss Bai." Qian Fanyu coughed two times. He said to Bai Menghan with a smile.

Bai Menghan was stunned at first, and then quickly asked, "well, does boss Qian have anything interesting to share?"

Qian Fanyu said with a silent smile, "I'm old. What's more interesting, but should we get to the point? After all, it's been half an hour since the launch. "

"This..." Bai Menghan had long expected that Qian Fanyu would not cooperate with him to delay time, but she didn't expect that Qian Fanyu's forced palace came so quickly. However, Bai Menghan had rich on-the-spot experience all the time. She said with a smile, "since boss Qian has proposed it, let's officially start."

Entertainment questions are almost raised. Even if we procrastinate further, we can't stop here. Bai Menghan pushes the boat with the current and ends the Q & A on entertainment topics.

Qian Fanyu nodded. He pretended to be very satisfied. In fact, he was also secretly confused. After all, Bai Menghan agreed that he was too straightforward. Did ye Chen come in?

Without paying too much attention to Qian Fanyu, Bai Menghan said to the reporter with a smile, "I believe everyone is here for this Chef Competition. So, since this period of time, you must have heard about the new famous dish of Ye's fast food?"

"Listen to the spring rain all night!"

The reporter on the scene replied with one voice that in the past half a month, the name of this dish has exploded the circle of friends, microblog, QQ space, office, forum and white post bar.

As long as there is Internet, you can hear the legend of this dish, especially the tears of the taster, which adds a lot of mystery to this dish.

Even a lot of reporters came here in order to ask the chef of Ye's fast food face to face, how did the magic of this dish come into being?

The atmosphere of the scene set off a wave of upsurge because of the name of the dish. They all looked at Bai Menghan on the stage with eager eyes, hoping to see the cook who created the magic dish in the next moment. Bai Menghan showed her two tiger teeth with a smile. She said with a smile, "yes, it's well known that during this period of time, the name of Chunyu has been heard all night in Xiaolou. However, you may not know that the chef who made this dish was once under master Zhang Baichuan, and Master Zhang once fought with this chef on the pedestrian street."

"Eh --"

Most of the reporters at the scene didn't know that there was such a story in it. They suddenly had a common problem of journalists, that is, they were very curious and asked the bottom of the story.

Several reporters raised their hands at the same time. Under the sign of Bai Menghan, a reporter stood up and asked politely.

"Hello, Miss Bai Menghan, I'm a reporter of Youku video. As far as I know, the current chef of Ye's fast food is Ye Chen. He once defeated the former chef Zhang Baichuan in the street duel. Is that true?"

Bai Menghan nodded with a smile and said, "at that time, I still had the right to speak. After all, I was hosting the game that day, and I was the closest."

"What impressed me most about Master Zhang and master ye at that time was their excellent cooking skills. Master Zhang made a famous Huaiyang dish, general crossing the bridge, while master ye made the magical little building and listened to the spring rain all night."

"In the end, considering the magic of" listening to spring rain all night in a small building "that can affect the mood of diners, master Ye was judged to win, but master Zhang was obviously not satisfied with the result, which is also the reason for the current situation."

"So this is the second battle?" Youku Video reporter continued to ask.

Bai Menghan's answer is in order, and there is no strong material to grasp, and this kind of thing is almost more or less mastered by the reporters on the scene, after all, there are many people who know about the game.

Hearing the reporter's question, Bai Menghan just wanted to answer it, but Qian Fanyu was a little worried. He hurriedly replied, "Mr. reporter, I think I can give a better answer to this question. If it's like two battles, it's better

Don't have it. After all, that game hasn't been judged by professionals, so it can't be counted as a regular game. "

The white dream cold facial expression of one side instantly Ugliness came down, but she soon stretches to open eyebrow, half jokingly ask a way, "how? In the eyes of boss Qian, Meng Han is not a professional? "

Qian Fanyu shook his head again and again, waved his hand in a hurry and said, "where, where, I mean, no matter how professional Miss Meng Han is, she just represents a kind of taste. As we all know, catering is very particular about taste. Some people like spicy food, while others like sweet food. Although Miss Meng Han is an expert in catering, she only represents your taste, Those who are close to your taste will naturally become Ye Chen's fans, but if it is a regular competition, it will naturally be handed over to the jury, an expert who can represent different tastes

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